Midterm Flashcards
2) List the characteristics of a technical document.
The six characteristics of a technical document are:
1) It addresses particular readers. Knowing your audience is important. This is so you know how you want to present your information.
2) It helps readers solve problems. Going into dept/detail about your presentation will help the reader better understand.
3) It reflects the organization’s goals and culture. Helping your audience understand the organization’s culture will encourage the audience to speak more positively about your document/organization.
4) It is produced collaboratively. “Two heads are better than one.” Information comes from many sources. Having all these ideas and resources will create a better document than working all by yourself.
5) It uses design to increase readability. Typography, spacing and color, these are some important factors in making your document more eye appealing and gives your audience a positive impression when navigating.
6) It consists of words or images or both. “Pictures are worth a million words.” It helps the audience appeal more to your presentation by making it more interesting. It also helps reinforce your ideas and concepts.
3) Chapter 1 identifies: common reasons for creating technical documents… what are they?
The purpose of Technical Communication is to help you learn the skills you need to communicate more effectively and more efficiently in your professional life. People in the working world communicate information for a number of purposes, many of which fall into one of two categories:
1) To help others learn about a subject, carry out a task, or make a decision.
2) To reinforce or change attitudes and motivate readers to take action.
4) What types of documents are created in technical communication? (Ch. 10)
correct and effective
5) What are 6 principles for structuring effective sentences?
Emphasize new and important information Choose an appropriate sentence length Focus on the "real" subject" Focus on the "real" verb Use parallel structure Use modifiers effectively
6) Why is being specific important in technical and business writing?
Being specific involve using precise words, providing adequate detail, and avoiding ambiguity.
- Using precise words. The more abstract a word is, the chances words to become misunderstood increases.
- Provide adequate detail. Readers probably know less about your subject than you do. What might be clear to you might be to vague for them.
- Avoid Ambiguity. Dont let readers wonder which of two meaning you are trying to convey.
7) What are 5 principles that can help you write concise technical documents? (x5)
1) Avoid obvious statements
2) Avoid filler
3) Avoid unnecessary prepositional phrases
4) Avoid word phrases
5) Avoid fancy words.
8) What does a good technical communicator need to know before starting a writing project?
one eye on clock, deadlines
documents you produced are never “finished”
9) List social media guidelines for technical communicators.
1) Keep your private social-media accounts separate from your company sponsored accounts
2) Read the terms of service of every service to which you post
3) Avoid revealing unauthorized news about your own company
4) Avoid self-plagiarism
5) Avoid defaming anyone
6) Dont live stream or quote from a speech or meeting without permission
7) Avoid false endorsements
8) Avoid impersonating someone else online
9) Avoid infringing on trademarks by using protected logos or names
10) What are some characteristics of companies with good ethical culture?
Is the study of the principles of conduct that apply to an individual or a group.
Rights: concerns individuals’ basic needs and welfare.
Justice: This standard concerns how the costs and benefits of an action or a policy are distributed among a group.
Utility: This standard concerns the positive and negative effects that an action or policy has on others.
Care: concerns the relationships we have with other individuals.
11) Who do professionals have ethical responsibilities to?
your employer
12) What is plagiarism and why is important to avoid?
As a student, you are frequently reminded to avoid plagiarism. A student caught plagiarizing would likely fail the assignment and possibly the course and might even be expelled from school.
Plagiarism is an ethical, not legal, issue. Although a plagiarist might be expelled from school or fined, he or she will not be fined or sent to prison.
13) As a technical communicator, what types of things on the internet do you have to get permission to use? CH. 2
abide by relevant laws
- do not violate copyright
- honor laws regarding trademarks
- live up to the express and implied warranties on your companies products
- abide by all laws governing product liability
14) List the principles for ethical communication
1) Abide by relevant laws
2) Abide by the appropriate professional code of conduct
3) Abide by your organization’s policy on social media
4) Take advantage of your employer’s ethics resources
5) Tell the truth
6) Dont mislead your readers
7) Use design to highlight important ethical and legal information
8) Be clear
9) Avoid discriminatory language
10) Acknowledge assistance from others
15) What are five obligations an employee has to their employer from Chapter 2?
1) Competence and Diligence: Skills
2) Generosity: Help
3) Honesty and candor: Do not steal from your employer
4) Confidentiality
5) Loyalty
16) List the writing stages when writing a document.
writing process:
planning, drafting, revising, editing and proofreading.
17) What are the steps involved in planning a technical document?
1) analyze your audience
2) analyze your purpose
3) choosing your writing tools
4) generating ideas about your subject
5) researching additional information
6) organizing and outlining yoru document
7) selecting an application, a design and a delivery method
8) devising a schedule and a budget
9) using templates
18) Why is it important to be a good editor of your own documents?
checking the draft to improve its grammar, punctuation, style, usage, diction, and mechanics.
19) What are some ways that you can learn about your potential audience?
who are your readers?
education, personal experience, job responsibility, characteristics, personal preferences, cultural characteristics.
why is your audience reading your document? primary audience (directed), secondary audience (distant), tertiary audience (might interest)
what are your readers attitudes and expectations?
attitude to you and subject. expectations about the document.
how will your reader use your document?
how your reader will read your document, your readers skill, physical environment, digital environment.
20) What are techniques for avoiding sexist language?
Replace male-gender words with non-gender specific words
Switch to a different form of the verb
Switch to the plural
Switch to her or she, she/she, or his or her
Address the reader directly
Alternate he and she
21) What are the five goals in document design?
1) to make a good impression on readers
2) to help readers understand the structure and hierarchy of the information
3) to help readers find the information they need
4) to help readers understand the information
5) to help readers remember the information
22) What is the purpose of an informational report?
not a lot on test about this, be familiar
addressed to people from other cultures
23) What are four factors to consider when planning a graphic?
characteristics of an effective graphic
1) serve a purpose
2) simple and uncluttered
3) present a manageable amount of information
4) meets readers’ format expectations
5) clearly labeled
24) What are the best reasons to use a pie chart? A line graph? A bar graph?
pie: parts of a whole.
line: quantity change over time
bar: comparing values of 2+ items
25) How would you illustrate numerical information
tables bar infographics line pie
26) What are six guidelines for using color in graphics?
dont overdo it
use color to emphasize particular items
use color to create patterns
use contract effectively
27) What size font is standard in technical documents?
10-11 or 12
28) What is the purpose of using titles and headers in technical documents?
1) good impression
2) understand structures and hierarchy of information
3) fhelp find the info they need
4) help understand the info
5) help remember the info
29) What are meeting minutes?
official record of a meeting, are distributed to all those who belong to the committee
30) What is a memorandum and what is always included on a memorandum?
Consider these 5 organizational elements:
- A specific subject line
- A clear statement of purpose
- A brief summary
- Informative headings
- A prominent recomendation.
31) What is a salutation in a letter?
Dear sir, madam, name
32) What is good writing in correspondence
1) use the appropriate level of formality
2) communicate correctly
3) “you attitude”
4) avoid correspondence cliches
5) honest
33) Why is honesty important in technical communication?
lying is unethical. resist this pressure.
34) What is your strategy with a bad news communication?
35) What is your strategy with a good news communication?
State immediately
36) Which are internal and external: Memorandums, Letters, Emails?
Internal, both, both
37) How can you create your professional brand?
One way to look at the process of looking for work is to keep in mind that, expect for those times when you don’t want to be in the work force, you are always looking for work.
That doesn’t mean you’re always applying for jobs; it means you’re always open to the possibility that a job that interests you will come along.
You are a passive applicant, when employers have an opening, they seek out the best
38) What are four major ways to look for a job?
Planning the Job Search (p.391-392)
- Do self inventory
- Learn about potential employers
- Prepare a resume and (perhaps) a job-application letter (a cover letter)
- Put your portfolio items online
39) What is a chronological resume?
Info in date order
Most chronological resumes have 5 basic elements: identifying information, summary of qualifications, education, employment history, and interests and activities.
Sometimes writers include a 6th section: references. In filling in these basic sections, remember that you want to include the keywords that will attract employers.
40) What is a skills resume?
Skills and abilities, not in date order
41) How can you prepare for a job interview?
If your resume is successful, you will be invited to a job interview, where both you and the job organization can start to see weather you would be a good fi there. Job boards on the Internet can help you prepare for a job interview. They discuss questions such as: “When should you arrivve or the interview” or “What should you wear.”