Midterm Flashcards
What are the two models of HRM?
- Traditional Labour is abundant Labour is nothing but cost and expenses Labour consist of a homogeneous group Bureaucratic and unfocused
- New Employees are an asset Employees are a critical resource Employees are a difficult resource to manage Strategic and contingent
Name the HRM activities and processes.
- Staffing
- Compensation
- Employee performance
- Work competencies
- Mobilization
- Health and safety
- Discipline
- Conflict management
What are the objectives of an effective HRM?
- Attract
- Retain
- Motivate
- Help employees grow, develop, and realize their potential
- To improve productivity
- Quality of work life
- Legal compliance
- Profits
HRM needs to take into account (internal env.)…
- Organization (mission, vision, values, structure, technology, leadership style)
- Employees (portrait of the workforce, union, aspirations, work climate)
What are the three steps of the HR strategy?
- HR policy/strategie = objectives
- HR program = activities, program to achieve these objectives
- HR practices = implementation on a daily basis
What is mobilization?
When the critical mass of employees:
- Exceeds expected job performance
- Cooperates fully, help others
- Participation in internal civic life
- Welcomes and champions change
- Loyal to the organization and its success
From respect of work contract TO individual motivation TO individual mobilization TO critical mass TO collective mobilization TO collective performance.
People -> performance of HR -> organizational performance.
Employer : trust, support, justice, recognition, empowerment
Employee : commitment and motivation
HR : stability and well-being
Org. : client satisfaction, quality of products and services, efficiency, productivity, cost effectiveness
What are the 3 types of fairness?
- Distributive fairness (contribution vs receive)
- Procedural fairness (respect of organizational rules)
- Interactions fairness (quality of interpersonal treatment, credibility of explanations about management decisions)
What is under federal jurisdiction? (10%)
- Dealing with other countries
- Interprovincial links
- National interest
- Air and maritime transport
- Banks
- Radio and television
- National defense
- Interprovincial transport
- Cable TV
- Nuclear energy
What is under provincial jurisdiction? (90%)
- Manufacturing sector
- Healthcare
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Education sector
- Retail
- Hotel industry
What are the different grounds for discrimination? (Quebec Charter of Rights and Freedom)
- Race, colour, ethnic origin
- Sex
- Pregnancy
- Sexual orientation
- Civil status
- Age
- Religion
- Political convictions
- Language
- Social condition
- Handicap
The CNESST consist of?
- Labour standards
- Pay equity
- Health and safety
It’s the police of the employers
What is a contract of employment?
A contract by which an employee, undertakes for a limited period of time to do work for remuneration, according to the instructions of an employer.
Writen or verbal, indeterminate or fixed duration, droit de rupture
Employer : protect health and safety, allow performance, preserve dignity
Employee : perform work, prudence and diligence, discretion and faithful
What are the differences between an employment contract and a service contract?
- Relationship of subordination vs not
- Work done personally vs not necessarily
- Employer assumes mistakes vs contractor
- Work tools by employer vs own tools
- Remuneration determined vs profit and loss
What are the different terminations?
- Resignation
- Dismissal (congédiement)
- Permanent layoff (licenciement)
- Temporary layoff
- Mutual agreement
What are the two types of discrimination?
- Intentional (direct)
- Unitentional (indirect and systematic)
By policies and practices
Both prohibited
What is an employee handbook?
Why? To define specific policies and key info
Types of info: mission, vision, working conditions, specific company policy..
Recommendation: must be specific, acknowledgment signed by employee, applied uniformly and consistently
What is a Union?
- Legally constituted organization that represents employees interests
- Employees participation in administering through election and financial support
- Protected by the law
What are the 3 major factors at the source of unions?
- Insecurity (changes)
- Perceive injustice (lack of equity)
- Feeling of powerlessness (standards, health and security)
What are the 3 main stages of creation a Union?
- Creation of a bargaining unit
- Negotiation of a collective agreement
- Application of the collective agreement
What does the Labour Code says?
- Freedom of association
- Union certification
- Union’s duty of representation
- Collective bargaining process
- Arbitration of disputes and grievances
- Right to strike and lockout
Creation of a bargaining unit.
- Association for employees with similar characteristics (job, qualifications)
1. Signature of a membership card (2$) - —– Filing the application for certification
2. Working conditions are freezed
3. Union becomes representative of all employees
4. Need for a spokesperson - —– Certification is granted
5. Employer deduct the dues from the employees s.alary
6. Negotiation in good faith
7. Employees can vote for collective agreement - —– End of certification if
8. Union is non representative
What is the role of the employer during the creation of the bargaining unit?
- He can give objective reality without forcing employees to listen, undermine credibility of union, seeking emotions, making promises
- Can’t interfere (domination or money)
- Can’t seek the names of those involved
- Can’t impose constraints
What are the four most common Labour body in QC?
What is the role of the federations during the creation of the bargaining unit?
- Support request for certification
- Help local unions (negotiation of collective agreement, settle grievance, prepare or support strikes)
- Take position publicly on various topics
What are called the three parties involved in a Union?
- Employees (pay dues)
- Members (pay dues and vote)
- Executive committee and union steward (or union representative if affiliated with a federation)