Midterm Flashcards
What are the 6 core attributes of an entreprenuer
- Commitment and determination
- leadership
- opportunity obsession
- tolerance of risk, ambiguity and uncertainty
- creativity, self-reliance, and adaptability
- motivation to excel
describe commitment and determination
tenacious and decisive, able to recommit/commit quickly;
ability to not get discouraged;
intensely competitive in achieving goals
persistant in solving problems, disciplined
willing to undertake personal sacrifice
describe leadership
guider and motivator;
ability to give direction by guiding;
making people want to follow and get excited by motivating;
self starter; high standards but not a perfectionist
team builder and hero maker; inspires others
treats others as he/she wants to be treated
shares the wealth with all the people who helped create it
honest and reliable; builds trust; practices fairness
not a lone wolf
superior learner and teacher; courage
patient and urgent
describe opportunity obsession
always looking carefully and diligently at new opportunities;
has intimate knowledge of customers needs and wants
market driven
obsessed with value creation and enhancement
describe tolerance of risk, ambiguity and uncertainty
calculated risk taker
risk minimizer
risk sharer
manages paradoxes and contradictions; works through the unclear and complexity issues
tolerates uncertainty and lack of structure
tolerates stress and conflict
tolerates risk and ambiguity
able to resolve problems and integrate solutions
understands things may go wrong and how to deal with that
knows there is an unknown to how things may work out but still tries.
describe creativity, self-reliance, and adaptability
non convenient, open minded, lateral thinker
restless with status quo
able to adapt and change as things progress; creative problem solver
quick learner
no fear of failure
able to conceptualize and “sweat details” (helicopter mind)
describe motivation to excel
Goa and results oriented; high but realistic goals
drive to achieve and grow
low need for status and power
interpersonally supporting (versus competitive)
aware of own weaknesses and strengths
has perspective and sense of humour
What is entrepreneurship
simply put entrepreneurship is a mindset. a way of thinking, reasoning, acting that is:
opportunity obsessed;
holistic in approach - everything is interconnected;
leadership balanced;
individuals categorized as entrepreneurs could be called change agents because they believe in doing things effectively and efficiently, changing for the better more practical way of doing things. These individuals possess an internal locus of control based on 6 core attributes: commitment and determination;
opportunity obsession;
tolerance of risk, ambiguity, and uncertainty;
creativity, self-reliance, and adaptability;
motivation to excel.
what are the desirable attributes of an entrepreneuer
capacity to inspire values energy, health and emotional stability creativity and innovativeness intelligence
what is leadership
leadership is to provide direction. instead of immediate instructions and plans. leadership will provide strategies to help achieve these plans. aligning people to work with others and co operate as a team. they are there to motivate and inspire people against barriers to change by satisfying basic human needs. they have the potential and power to produce dramatic change.
what is the entrepreneurial leadership paradigm
where successful ventures occur at the convergence of:
the lead entrepreneur;
the venture team;
external environmental influences.
What is the lead entrepreneur?
has a realists attitude rather than one of invincibility = self concept
trustworthy, his/her work is his/ her contrac. Admits what and when he/she does not know = intellectually honest.
displays a high energy level and a sense of urgency = pace maker
capable of making hard decisions: setting and beating high goals = courage
maintains an effective dialogue with the venture team, in the marketplace, and with other venture constituents = communication skills
competent in people management and team-building skills = team player
what is the venture team
organizational style = the lead entrepreneur and the venture team blend their skills to operate in a participative environment
ethical behavior= practices strong adherence to ethical business practices
faithfulness= stretched commitments are consistently met or bettered
focus = long term ventures strategies are kept in focus but tactics are varied to achieve them
performance/reward= high standards of performance are created and superior performance is rewarded daily and equitably
adaptablity= responsive to rapid changes in product/technological cycles
what are external environmental influences
constituent needs= organizations needs are satisfied, in parallel with those of the public the enterprise serves.
prior experience - extensive prior experiences are effectively applied
mentoring- the competencies of others are sought and used
problem resolution- new problems are immediately solved or prioritized
value creation - high commitment is placed on long - term value creation for backers, customers, employees and other stakeholders.
skill emphasis - marketing skills are stressed over technical ones
what are the core components in opportunity recognition?
- there must be a clearly defined market
- proposed business must be able to achieve durable or sustainable competitive advantage
- economies of the venture must be rewarding
- good fit between entrepreneur and opportunity
- there must be no fatal flaw in the venture