Midterm Flashcards
What is the recommended amount of daily physical activity for children? adults?
children 5-11: 60 mins/day
adults 18-64: 150 mins/week
What are barriers to adults being active?
lack of time, lack of motivation, lack of skillset
What are barriers to children being active?
lack of time, lack of accessibility, social environment, personal reasons (ex. anxiety, skillset)
What is physical literacy?
the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activity for life
Describe the ABCs of movement.
Agility - ability to change direction and stop/start quickly and accurately while maintaining balance
Balance - state in which the body remains reasonably steady and stable, centre of gravity over base of support
Coordination - skillful and balanced sequencing of the body and its segments to produce movement and generate force
What are the 3 categories of movement skills? Give 2 examples of each.
- travelling/locomotion - skipping, skating
- object control/manipulative - kicking, catching
- balance/non-manipulative - dodging, floating
What are the 4 stages of learning?
initial, emerging, competent, proficient
What are the 3 phases of movement?
preparation (producing force), execution (contact), recovery (follow-through)
Why is it important to understand typical AND atypical development?
to maximize learning for all students
What are the 6 principles of motor development?
- movement patterns change in a sequential manner that builds on prior movement patterns and experiences
- individual pathways through the acquisition of specific motor skills
- children of similar ages tend to have similar patterns of movement (age-related not age-dependant)
- patterns of movement go from less efficient and unstable to more efficient and under control
- movement patterns are goal directed
- many factors influence the performance of a motor skill
Describe the motor development pyramid.
reflexive period: birth - 2 weeks, ex. sucking reflex
preadaptive period: 2 weeks - 1 year, ex. sitting up
fundamental motor patterns: 1-7 years, ex. running
context specific motor skills: 7-11 years, ex. applying throwing movement to baseball
skillfulness: 11+ years
What is a reflex?
an involuntary, stereotyped response to a particular stimulus
don’t typically last past 1st birthday
What is a stereotypie?
movements that are rhythmical, patterned, seemingly central controlled movements, and performed by choice. integration is never totally complete, most common in the legs and feets among first forms
What are lifespan reflexes?
reflexes that persist past infancy (ex. knee-jerk)
What are the purposes of primitive reflexes?
protection, nutrition, survival (ex. sucking)