Midterm Flashcards
A Greek origin of a self governing city surrounded by agricultural land. Means politics, politician, policy, and police
Roman origin but later became Latin meaning citizen
The process which people make collective decisions
- disagreements and reconciliation
- the art of Compromise due to conflict resolution between many people with different opinions
The joining of two or more parties during a conflict of interest with other parties
Three main kinds of coalitions
- personal relationships (pm and caucus members)
- formal alliances (NATO)
- less formal/mass politics (political parties and the public)
The ability to control and manipulate ones environments and everything in it
Three forms of political power
- influence
- authority
- coercion
The ability to persuade others to do your will, to convince them to want what you want them to do
The form of power in which people obey commands bc they respect the source of the command
Is the deliberate subjection of ones will to another through fear of harm or consequences
Natural authority
Exists whenever one person spontaneously defers to the judgement of another person
Public authority
Exists whenever an office or position is deliberately created to the judgement of agreement to wield power
Is the feeling of respect for authority that exists in those who obey. (Government power without legitimacy is only coercion or force)
Authority, legitimacy, obligation
Right of command, belief in rightness of command,and sense of duty
Three types of authority
Traditional, legal, charismatic
Traditional authority
Based on the inherited position, not chosen by others but rather passed down through family (monarch)
Legal authority
Stems from general rules which are binding on all participants in the system. Legally created offices with different people (pm/political party)
Charismatic authority
An influence and force towards someone with no reason
Levels of feudalism
English revolution. England overthrew king James 2 and established a dominated Protestant constitutional monarchy