Midterm Flashcards
Which term is used to describe organized groups of detectives who deceive criminals into openly committing illegal acts or conspiring to engage in criminal activities?
Sting operations
Which of the following police operations best exemplifies community oriented policing?
A. A sting operations in which officers pose as fences or stolen property
B. Computerized data terminals installed on the dashes of all patrols cars.
C. The hiring of bilingual officers to patrol ethnic neighborhoods
D. Creation of a well-armed SWAT team trained in hostage negotiation
E. All of the above are correct
C. The hiring of bilingual officers to patrol ethnic neighborhoods
The concept of hot spots of crime I’d most closely associated with which model of policing?
Problem-oriented policing (POP)
Which of the following is false regarding beliefs underlying community policing?
A. Patrol by car is an essential tool of community policing.
B. Officers should return to a style of policing that involves contact with the people they serve
C. Community relations and crime control effectiveness cannot be the charge of a few specialized police units
D. Community policing has been a response to officers frustration with the lack of community support
E. All of the above are correct.
A. Patrol by car is an essential tool of community policing.
Community-oriented policing links police effectiveness to:
Productive interaction with the community being served
Tactical and strategic intelligence are most closely associated with which model of policing?
Intelligence-led Policing
Most agencies are organized in a(n) ____________ manner.
While police patrol has many objectives, most police experts agree that the majority of police and patrol efforts are devoted to
Order Maintenance
What was the principal finding of Kansas City Patrol Study?
There is little evidence to suggest that increased police patrol deters crime
Which of the following is false regarding beliefs underlying community policing?
A. Inability of patrol to reduce certain types of crime
B. Officers should return to a style of policing that involves contact with the people they serve.
C. Community relations and crime control effectiveness cannot be the charge of a few specialized police units.
D. Community policing has been a response to officers frustration with the lack of community support.
E. None of the above.
None of the above
Which of the following is an example of an impact mutation? A. Tasers B. Rubber bullets. C. Pepper spray D. Handcuffs E. All of the above are correct
B. Rubber Bullets
The overload hypothesis suggest that community crime rated may shape officer discretion. Which type of factor is this. A. Environmental B. Victim C. Crime D. Peer E. None of the above
A. Environmental
Which of the following is true regarding police use of force?
A. Minority groups members are more likely to disapprove of the police use of force than majority group members.
B. African Americans and Hispanics were more likely than white to experience police threat or use of force as a consequence of police contact.
C. The suspects behavior is a much more powerful determinant of police response, then age or race.
D. All of the statements are true regarding police use of force.
E. None of the above.
D. All of the statements are true regarding police use of force.
Which of the following is not a factor identified in the text as related to police shootings?
A. Local and National levels
B. Police work overload.
C. The threat hypothesis
D. All of these are factors related to police shootings.
E. None of the above.
D. All of these are factors related to police shootings.
What do recruits often discover about police work?
The social reality of police work does not mesh with their original career goals
Which style of policing suggests that the police should act as community problem solvers?
Social Agent
Which style of policing suggests that the police should focus their efforts on order maintenance?
Which type of case is often a source of frustration and futility for police officers, making them reluctant to respond.
Domestic Violence cases
Which of the following is false regarding suspect behavior and characteristics?
A. Suspects who physically resist the police are more likely to receive some form of physical coercion in return.
B. Suspects who offer verbal disrespect are as likely as suspects who physically resist to be met with physical force by police
C. Women are less likely to be arrested by men.
D. A negative suspect demeanor is more likely to result in formal police action.
E. None of the above
B. Suspects who offer verbal disrespect are as likely as suspects who physically resist to be met with physical force by police
Which U.S. Supreme Court case deemed the use of deadly force against an unarmed and non dangerous fleeing felon to be an illegal seizure under the Fourth Amendment?
Tennessee V. Garner