midterm Flashcards
These are the 3 core functions of public health
- assessment
- policy development
- assurance
these are the two main differences between public health and medicine
public health is population based and prevention based
medicine is individual based and cure based
This is one of the biggest reasons public health efforts can be controversial
these are five steps of prevention and intervention
Step 1: define health problem
step 2: identify risk factors
Step3 : develop community-led intervention
step 4: implement intervention
step 5: monitor intervention to assess effects
besides eating well and exercising, these are 4 other components of health.. some may even consider to be social justice
- affordable housing -educational opportunities
- access to health care
- employment opportunities
This is the difference between the theory of Public good and the theory of market justice
public good= favors fairness and equity
Market justice=favors individual success
An example of a clash between morals and public health goals
- sex education in schools/planned parenthood
- dare program
these are everyday responsibilities for public health
- collect health statistics
- control disease
- administer health inspections
- screenings
- sanitation
The equation used to determine “frequency of a disease”
of cases ( of disease)/ population of town/county
definition of “social capital”
Social capital affects health risk behavior in the sense that individuals who are embedded in a network or community rich in support, social trust, information, and norms, have resources that help achieve health goals
three questions epidemiologists ask
- who is getting the disease
- when is the disease occurring
- where is the disease occurring
He was considered the first epidemiologist
john snow
screening tests can have one of these two characteristics
specific: more limited data received
sensitive: more data passes through
the difference between incidence and prevalence rates
- incidence rates chart the number of NEW cases of diseases
- prevalence looks at existing cases of disease
three conditions that can be caused by obesity
- heart disease
- diabetes
- high blood pressure
top 3 ACTUAL causes of death
poor diet/physical activity
alcohol consumption
** remember all are preventable!