Midterm Flashcards
Bartenieff Fundamentals
- Total Body Connectivity
- Breath Support
- Grounding
- Developmental Progression
- Intent
- Complexity
- Inner- Outer
- Stability/ Mobility
- Exertion/ Recuperation
- Personal uniqueness
- Function/ Expression
- Phrasing
3.5 Billion years ago
Cellular respiration with single called organisms
1.5 Billion years ago
Asymmetry with and amoeba due to sexual reproduction rather than cell division
Lead to diversity
600 million years ago
Radial symmetry with multicellular life (jellyfish, sponges) - naval radiation
525 million years ago
Bilateral symmetry with vertebrates (sharks and fishes) - head tail connectivity
252-66 million years ago
Yield/ push and reach/ pull with amphibians, reptiles and mammals
Homologous push- front to back (upper lower connectivity
Home lateral push- side to side (body half connectivity)
Contra lateral (diagonal connectivity)
60 million years ago
Hunkering- developed opposable thumbs and hand eye coordination (upper/ lower connectivity)
Brachiation- swung shoulder blades around to the back, extended the hips and shoulders (Conta- lateral rotation) diagonal connectivity
Stood up
Fell to walk
2 million years ago
Homo Sapians
Breath and mobility
Inhaling- diaphragm goes down allowing room and mobility in chest cavity
Exhaling- diaphragm goes up into the chest cavity
Flow is the key to mobility
Breath and stability
Patterns of breath create security and presence to make stability.
How does breath relate to upper lower connectivity on an anatomical level?
Breath doesn’t only deal with our upper body and lungs, air rushed in because of lower muscular action. The diaphragm connects to the pelvis creating a whole core center connectivity
Three body weights and plum line
Plum line goes through all and through outer trocanters
Lordosis and kyphosis
L- the cervical spine and lumbar spine going in
K- thorasric spine going out
Movement is
Key to balance
Breath connection between
Somatic news system (voluntary) and automatic nervous system (involuntary)
It connects us to the environment and communities around us. Supports upper and lower connectivity
Irene Dowds 9 lines of movement
- Lengthening down the spine
- Widening across the back of the pelvis
- Narrowing inside the front of the pelvis
- Connecting the last thorastic vertebrate to the pelvic bone
- Connecting the center of the knee up to the femur
- Connect the big toe to center of the arch of foot
- Narrowing rib cage
- Middle of collar bone to back of cervical spine
- Middle of head up
Haha yoga
Sun and moon- connecting opposites
Vinyasa yoga
Movement of breath
Raja yoga
Wisdom yoga
Bahkti yoga
Spiritual- to serve
Karma yoga
Actions and consequences
Astanga yoga
8 limbs path
First limb path
Yama- external disiplines
- Non harming
- Non stealing
- Non hoarding
- Truthfulness
- Abstaining from sexual misconduct
Second limb
Niyamas- internal disiplines