Midterm Flashcards
Cultural Nuance
little things w/in the culture - body language, tone of voice, authorities
Office of Minority Health
Government office. Biggest. Rules on: how hospital acts, interpreter needs, linguistic concerns, how to handle complaints.
American Nurses Association
how to practice as a nurse, standards and rules, culturally competent nursing
American Academy of Nursing
Guidelines, background/direction
US Department of Health and Human Resources
regulate other bodies, follow up on complaints
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)
1986; have to give care to all - requires hospitals/healthcare to treat everyone who needs care - must provide stabilizing treatment before transfer and provide legit reason why you need to transfer them
National Minority Health Month
april - provide educational info for minorities - info on medicare
National Association of State Offices of Minority Health
has local chapters and national - minorities ensure cultural competence in healthcare
CLAS Standards
Created by Office of Minority Health in 2000. Guildelines, Recommendations, Mandates with a goal of creating a more consistent way of looking at culture across the country. make standards for organizations to make sure all are treated fairly
National Health Law Program
protects health rights of low income families, people who can’t afford lawyers
HHS of Minority Health
development of health policies - universal rules that are fiar
Center for Linguistic and Cultural Competency in Healthcare
targets people who don’t speak much English
Health and Human Services Disparities Action Plan
biological variation including phenotypical differences in stature, skin color, hair color, facial shape, other inherited characteristics
Race categories (Anthropolgists)
Caucasion (aryans, hamites, semites) Mongolian (northern mongolian, chinese, japenese, korean, indian, polynesian, malayan, etc) Negroid (African, Melanesians, Australian Aborigin, etc)
Race categories (Government)
Native American/Alaskan Native/Asian/Pacific Islander, African American/Black, White
group of individuals conception of cultural identity which includes a wide variety of learned behaviors that ahuman being uses in his or her natural and social environment to survive
Hispanic nationality
spain or south of france
south of US and Caribbean
Health disparities
differences in health outcomes and their determinants between segments of population as defined by social, demographic, environmental, or geographic attributes. gaps - if higher than one population than another - ex. of pregnancy or HIV - may be due to less opportunities to healthcare/education.
belief in the superiority of one’s own culture and lifestyle. “I think my ethnicity is best”
fear or dislike of people different from one’s self
An attitude - preconceived notion or judgement that is not based on sufficient knowledge. Making a judgement about someone. “Asains good at math”
Assumptions on racial groups - believing races are exclusive groups that are unequal and ranked. Form of oppression strictly based on one’s membership to a particular race.
Behavior/act - Doing an act based on stereotype or negative attitude towards a perceived group.
Assumption or belief that an individual reflects all characteristics with being a member of a group. “All Latinos are from large families” Can not be Negative or Positive otherwise it is prejudice.
cultural imposition
tendency of an individual to impose their beliefs, values, and patterns of behavior on another culture
Health Inequalities
used in scientific and economic literature - summary measure of population health associated w/ individual or group specific attributes (income, education, race/ethnicity) social consequences - hospital access/education
CARE - for elderly and disabled
AID - for the poor
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010)
Parents insurance til 26, can’t be turned away for preexisting conditions, can’t charge women more, increase in type and who has coverage, – REGULATES private insurance to ensure you got more rights and protections
Employee Mandate for PPACA (Obamacare)
more than 50 employees - have to offer insurance.
actuarial value
average amount the plan will pay for everyone who use the plan versus what everyone will pay out of pocket
learned behaviors, beliefs, norms, and values that are held by a group of people passed on fro older members to newer members, at least in part to preserve the group
Individual Discrimination
behaviors of one group intedned to have harmful or unequal effect on the members of another group (intended)
Institutional Discrimination
policies of dominant group intended to have a harmful or unequal effect on minority groups (intended)
Structural Discrimination
policies of group that don’t intend to be harmful or unequal, but in practice do have that effect o minority groups (accident)
Individual Racism
overt, conscious, and deliberate individual acts intended to harm, place at a disadvantage, or discriminate against racial minorities
Institutional Racism
any policy, practice, or procedure or structure in a business/industry/government/courts/church/schools that decisions and actions are made that unfairly subordinate persons of color while allowing other groups to profit from the outcomes
Cultural Racisms
individual and institutional expression of superiority of ones groups’ cultural heritage (crafst/history/traditions/language/values) over another group’s and the power to impose those standards upon other groups (targeted at an entire culture)
Aversive Racism
subtle form of bias, endorce racial equality - possess unconscious negative feelings about particular mionrity groups
Racial Microaggressions
brief and commonplace daily verbal/behavioral/environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicates hostile derogatory or negative racial slights and insults to the target person or group - subconscious level - three types
racial Microassault
explicit - most in your face type - individual level. Verbal or non verbal attack meant to hurt the victim thorugh name calling, avoidant behavior, or purposeful discriminatory actions
racial Microinsult
more subtle. communications that convey rudeness and insensitivity and demean a person’s racial heritage or identity.
racial Microinvalidations
characterizations that exclude, negate, or nullify the psychological thoughts, feelings, or experiential reality of a person of color. (moments when you are told you don’t belong but not straight forward)