Midterm Flashcards
Hypnosis is a state of ______
Hypnosis is a form of ______
Hypnosis _____ rather than _____
Liberates; compels
What does hypnosis do?
Helps you discover unused abilities and choices
New way of experiencing reality
How is hypnosis a creative exploration in consciousness?
From conditioned self (ego) to unconditioned self (essence)
What form of consciousness is hypnosis?
Altered State of Consciousness
Hypnosis can _______ in problem solving
Increase creativity
Hypnosis can provide more _____ to ____ in pursuit of a goal.
resources; develop excellence
Hypnosis can____of the body for fast recovery
stimulate the immune system
Hypnosis can improve one’s _____
Hypnosis can help ___ items and persons
Hypnosis can help explore ____
Extra sensory abilities
Hypnosis promotes _____
well being
Hypnosis can be used to facilitate openness to ____ or the ___ of the __ itself
healing; actualization; cure
Hypnosis can be used to achieve ___ and ___ when needed
Rest and relaxation
Common misconceptions
- weak-minded make better subjects
- Hypnotherapist should have an authoritarian approach
- Some people may not be able to awaken
- Hypnosis causes people to lose control and reveal secrets
- Hypnosis has harmful effects
- Hypnosis is a state of sleep
- Hypnosis is a form of brain washing
why is it easier to have intelligent people as participants
more strong willed the better and higher creativity
Hypnosis works better with a ____ or ___ approach
The ego is ____ under hypnosis
Not totally detached
What do you call the subtle awareness during hypnosis
Silent observer
Resistance which is normally present in waking states is ___ during hypnosis
Openness is between ___ and ___
Increases degree of ___ and ____
Hypnosis gives you a handle to a _____
bigger picture
Deep secrets will not be divulged unless ___
the person wants to express them
Primary effects of hypnosis
- relaxation
- stress reduction
- attitude adjustment
- increased awareness
- intuition
Relaxation can last ____
beyond the session
Hypnosis is a state of ___
consciousness between awake and asleep
Hypnosis is a state where the ___ is present while there is a production of ___ and ____ imagery
Hypnosis deals with ____ not commands
When and where did hypnosis first originate?
Ancient babylonian times in Southern Mesopotamia (Egypt)
What structure was first based on hypnosis?
Sleep Temples
An ancient asian religion based on hypnosis
Shamans of Korea
Ancient magicians used to colonize and dominate natives
Abyssinian (Hindu) Fakirs
African witch doctors
celtic druids
Hypnosis was first perceived as
Ancient greeks and romans attributed it to ____
Gods like Asclepius (god of medicine)
Example of hypnosis from bible
Saul and David
What was hypnosis like during the middle ages?
Christianity saw it as devils work
Burning at the stake
What was hypnosis like during the AOE?
Theological became naturalistic explanations
Dawn of scientific medicine
swiss doctor discovered mercury as cure for syphillis
passed magnets
Valentine greatrakes
Great irish stroker
stroked magnets to cure
Maximillian Hehl
Jesuit preist using magnets to heal
Mesmer was his student
Franz Anton Mesmer
Father of Hypnotism Used magnets, intense look, touch Animal magnetism 'De Platorium Influxu' Cured paralysis and temporary blindness Developed the Banquet Louie 16 board of inquiry
‘De Platorium Influxu’
Magnetic field pervade nature
The Banquet
First group therapy
Louie 16 board of inquiry 1784
Ben franklin, Lavosier, Guillotine
Turned out to be power of suggestion
1727-1779 (No name in notes)
Suggestion of faith healing
contemporary of mesmer
Marquis de puysegur
magnetised elm trees
Describe somnabulism
mesmerised talk in sleep with amnesia upon waking
Abbe Jose Castodi de Faria
Fixed gaze method
John Elloitson
Prof at Univ College of London
Performed surgery under hypnosis
Kicked out because “Pain is needed”
James Braid
Ophthalmologist Patient 'sleep' wherein client is highly responsive Coined the term Hypnosis Developed suggestion method Wanted to change the term to 'Monodeism'
Where did the term Hypnosis come from?
Hypnos- son of night
Morpheus- god of dreams
Tharatos- god of death
What does Monodeism mean
intense receptivity to one idea
Nancy school of Hypnosis in France
Libeanit ‘de la suggestion’
Freud studied here
Freud was initially ___ about hypnosis but ended up ____
Charcot’s school
School of Sappetierre
What did Charcot’s school teach?
Pathologic theory
Stages of hypnosis
What are the stages of hypnosis?
Who brought hypnosis to the US?
Phineas Quimby, Mary baker Eddy, and Morton Prince
What started the rise of hypnosis and hypnotherapy?
How was hypnosis used in WWI
Germans used it for questioning
British Battlefield neurosis
Who explored Hypno in WW2 and korean war
explored by russia and US
Clark Hull
Professor that published ‘Hypnosis and Suggestibility’
Dave Elman
Stage hypnotist
Taught doctor exclusively
What was Dave Elman known for
Quick inductions and deepening techniques
Milton Erikson
best modern hypnotherapist revolutionized field with: - indirect approach - use of metaphor - utilisation of naturalistic approach to trance
Recognition for hypnosis
1956 British Medical Association recognised hypnosis as tool for healing
1959 American Medical Association recognised it
Milton Erikson founded Association for..
3 Kinds of hypnosis
- Natural/spontaneous
- Self-induced hypnosis
- Formal Induction
Description of Natural Hypnosis
lose track of time Being in a bubble Manifesting unexpected things in times of crisis Mind wanders on its own LSS
Description of Self-induced hypnosis
put yourself in a trance in order to reach a goal
Formal Induction
Hypnotist/person induces you into a trance
Language of the unconscious
not always words
communicates in images, feelings, and sounds
Trance is a ____
Trance can cause ____ and ____ which are brought about by ideas
ideosensory- change in sensation
ideomotor- movement
Great Irish Storker
Valentie Greatrakes
discovered Hg as cure for syphillis
jesuit priest used magnets to heal
miximilllian hehl
Father of hypnotism
Franz anton mesmer
Somnambulism discover
Marquis de Puysegur
Fixed gaze Method
Abbe Jose Custodi de Faria
Animal Magnetism
Franz Anton Mesmer
Magnetized elm trees
Marquis de Puysegur
Performed surgery under hypnosis
John Elliotson
Coined the term hypnosis
James Braid
Father of group therapy
School where freud and charcot studied
Nancy school of Hypnosis in France
Pathologic theory and stages of hypnosis
Charcot- School of Appetierre
Faced Louie 16 board of inquiry
Developed the Banquet
Developed suggestion method
James Braid
Change to monodeism
James braid
Published hypnosis and suggestibility
Clark Hull
Taught doctors exclusively; stage hypnotist
Dave Elman
Best modern hypnotherapist
Milton Erickson
known for quick inductions an deepning techniques
Dave elman
Why is milton erikdon the nest modern hypnotherapist
revolutionized field:
- indirect approach
- use of metaphor
- use of naturalistic approach to trance