Midterm Flashcards
What is the purpose of differentiation?
To create a learning environment that optimizes learning and increase success for ALL students.
What is the difference between a difference in qualitative assessment and quantitative assessment?
Qualitative assessment difference: Difference in HOW the students are assessed (ie mode)
Qualitative: difference in how much work they get (ie 2 reports vs 4).
In what ways can a teacher differentiate?
A teacher can differentiate through Content, Process, Product, or Affect/environment.
According to what student features should differentiation occur?
Teachers can differentiate according to students’ Readiness, Interests, and Learning Profile.
What aspects can a teacher differentiate?
Teachers can differentiate:
Content: what you teach and expect
Process: how you teach and expect the students to learn
Product: how you expect students to demonstrate what they have learned.
What are the key elements that teachers should use to differentiate with?
Identified readiness, interest, and learning profiles are key
elements for teachers to differentiate with.
What is meant by assimilation in learning?
Assimilation: matching between the cognitive structures
and physical environment. What you observe fits with what you know.
What is meant by accommodation in learning?
adding new knowledge to the structure,
but if the new knowledge does not fit into the structure,
then the whole structure is reframed/accommodated to
explain the new information
What are the most important things for struggling learners to learn?
—The big ideas
—Key concepts
—Governing principles of the subject at hand
How can you help struggling learners?
Try to focus on their positives, design tasks that draw on those strengths, help make tasks relevant in order to increase motivation.
How can teachers help advanced learners?
Keep them mentally engaged, don’t spend less time on them just because they have good behaviour.
What is the difference between mastery oriented goals and performance oriented goals?
Mastery-oriented goals: mastering the task according to self set standards or self-improvement. It also encompasses
developing new skills, improving or developing competence,
trying to accomplish something challenging and trying to gain
an understanding or insight.
Performance-oriented goals: demonstrating competence or
ability and how ability will be judged relative to others. Strives
to be the best in a class or even avoiding judgments of low
ability/looking dumb.
What is the difference between approach oriented and avoidance oriented goals?
Approach oriented: students are positively oriented and look forward to favourable judgement and looking good
Avoidance oriented: negatively motivated to try to avoid failure and avoid looking incompetent.
Why do children with ADHD have worse reading outcomes?
Children with ADHD have thinner cortex in medial and
superior frontal regions which is connected to worse
outcomes for reading.
What aspects contribute to stronger language skills?
Children who have been spoken to (not just hearing words), children that are told what to do as opposed to what not to do.
How do language skills affect reading skills?
Weak language skills increase the risk for reading difficulty.
What are phonemes?
A phoneme is the smallest sound unit of a language: /b/, /th/, /a/