Midterm Flashcards
A bishops assurance that the religious content in a book agrees with the church teaching
The place where the training of candidates for priesthood takes place
Outer vestment worn by the priest during liturgies
The renunciation of marriage made by those who receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders and others
Successors to the apostles who lead dioceses in union with the pope
The perceiving of differences in options that is often used with prayer in decision making about vocation
A long, narrow band of fabric worn diagonally from one shoulder by a deacon and over both shoulders and around the neck by a priest
The Charism or gift offered by Christ that protects the church from errors in faith and morals
a group of bishops chosen from around the world who advise the pop and help shape Church teaching
Deposit of Faith
The body of saving truth entrusted by Christ to the Apostles and handed down to the Church
Many men are attracted to the Priesthood because of the priests unique sacramental role
The church reserves ordination for baptized males primarily because jesu chose only men as his original 12 apostles
In the catholic church in the west, celibacy is now a mandatory discipline for all ordained priests
Ordained priesthood dates back to very early israel
From the time of the apostles, the priesthood has been primarily a ceremonial institution with no real sacramental importance
Originally called an “episcopes” or overseer, a bishop was responsible for caring for a certain area of the church
Even after Christianity became the official state religion of the roman empire in the fourth century, members of the clergy were typically ignored and treated with contempt
In AD 451, the council of chaceldon taught that priests were to be chosen by a particular parish
The ordination rite of the church remained essentially the same from the council of trent in the 16 century until the second vatical council in the 20 centruy
The essential rite of all three degrees of Holy Ordersd is the tracing of oil on the forehead of the man being ordained
Holy Orders is celebrated and exercised in 3 degrees- for the ordination of bishops, priests, and
After a new bishop is anointed with Chrism, he is presented with
a ring and mitre
The word bishop had roots in the Greek Word BLANK which meant an overseer for a large area
During the second vatican council, council fathers reminded the church that ordination is really for the “service of BLANK”, the service of the entire church
A hat worn by a bishop that consists of two triangle shaped pieces of stiffened cloth sewn together
BLANK is a selfless attitude that guides those who are ordained to be open to go where they are needed most
The ordination of bishops, priests, and deacons includes both the laying on of hands and the BLANK
Prayer of Consecration
At ordination, a deacon is also presented with the BLANK to remind him of his mission to proclaim the word of god
Book of the gospels
A term given to christians who have been confirmed that reminds them to defend and specify about their fait h
Soldiers of Christ
A nine day prayer for a certain intention
The name for a confirmation candidate
The gift of the holy spirit that helps us to make decisions based on how to best do Gods will
The feast that celebrates the dramatic coming of the holy spirit to the first disciples of Jesus
A name for the holy spirit, a helper who lives in us and guides us
A gesture that is a main rite in the sacrament of Confirmation
Laying on of Hands
The name given in the eastern rite to the sacrament of confirmation
The chair of the bishop in his cathedral from which he presides at liturgies
The gift of the holy spirit that means faithful obedience and love
Confirmation has been called the sacrament of reconciliation and forgiveness
Jesus promised to send the holy spirit after he returned to his father
Early in the church, the laying on of hands was added to an anointing with performed oil when followers of jesus were confiremd
Confirmation has always been a separate sacrament that stood on its own
The council of trent defended confirmation against protestant complaints that bapstim has been weekend
in 1910, st pope pius X demanded that children recieving first communion should be atleast 12 years of age
The age for the reception of confirmation can be established in each diocese
The church prefers that a person from the candidates own family be selected as a Confirmation sponser
Chrism is blessed by the bishop at the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday
It is the role of the parish pastor to wuerstion those being confirmed about their faith during confirmation liturgy
The entire mass or eucharistic celebration
Words of Insitution
The words spoken by Jesus at the Last supper that are repeated by the priest during the Eucharist
The formal procession of faith recited by the people during mass
Nicene Creed
The time when the kingdom of god will be established and the victory over evil will be complete
Second Coming of Christ
The breaking of the blessed bread by the priest during the eucharistic liturgy
Fraction Rite
The “breaking of the Bread” is another way to refer to the eucharist liturgy
any sort of bread and any wine authorized for use in the eurcahre liturgy
There were no precedents in jewish hirsotry for the offering of bread and wine to god as jesus did at the last supper
When jusus told his followers that they should eat his flesh and drink his blood, all quickly agreed
The jewish practice of covenant offerings symbolized solemn aggreemtns between yahweh and the isrealites
During the early days of christianity, the eucharist was celebrated right after a regular meal in a members home
The pattern and format for the celebration of the eucharist has not really changed since the beginning of the church
On special occasion, an ordained deacon is permitted to consecrezata the bread and wine so that they become the Body and Blood of Christ
The church teaches that the Eucharist “represents” the sacrifice of Christs suffering and death on the cross
The mass is divided into two main parts: the liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of Service
Offerings made by the jewish people to as Gods forgiveness for sins people may have unwittingly committed were called BLANK offerings
The early christian prayer service that was celebrated in the evenegins after the temples destruction in AD 70 was called the BLANK
mass of catechumens
After the 6th century, BLANK liturgies, centered in jerusalem, constantinople, antioch, and alexandria did not change much
Council of Trent
called for liturgical uniformity in the western catholic church
Trying to ensure uniformity, the church did not allow translations of the latin BLANK until 1987
Pius U Missal
Above all, the eucharist is a prayer of BLANK to god the father for his blessing ons creations
The council of tenet said that BLANK means “the whole Christ is truly, really, and substianlly contained in the blessed sacrament of the eucharist
The standard latin mass said all over the world until after the vatican council II was called the BLANK mass
The BLANK, an important component of the mass, has its roots in an early church practice of collecting food and needed good for the poor
Real Pressence
Communion under both species is more complete since it was shared this way at BLANK
last supper
The repairing, restoring, or praying for damage our sins have done
Penalty imposed by the catholic church for serious sin that states that a person is no longer “in communion” with the church
Hebrew term for Gods infinite mercy
Catholics now participate in the sacrament of Reconciliation at the same rate as they have in the past
Jesus taught that sin was a “hardness of heart” because the sinners heart was hardened against friendship with God
Jesus told his followers to forget about obeying the law of the prophets since he was introducing a new law
Jesus gave the apostles the power to forgive sins in his name
Private confession, as we know it today, didn’t really develop until the 19th century
at one time in church history the penitent had to return to the confessor priest to receive absolution after the penance was completed
Confessors once consulted books called penitentiaries to determine what penance should be given for each sin
The revised Rite of Penance permits only private and individual confession with individual absolution
In preparing for the celebration of the sacrament of penance, the only thin needed is to review whether or not one of the ten commandments has been broken
Personal sins include both mental sins against our covenant with God and otehrs
Gods pardon for our sins that welcomes us back to communion with him is called BLANK
The state of being saved from sin and restored to a loving relationship with God is called BLANK
BLANK is the prayer by the priest that pardons a repentant sinner in the sacrament of Penacne
Reflection on the BLANK is a good starting point for the examination of conscience and preparation for the sacrament of reconciliation
Ten commandments
the secrecy that priests are bound to keep regarding any sins revealed to them in the sacrament of reconciliation is called BLANK
Sacramental SeaL
A false teaching that denies a central truth of the catholic faith is called a BLANK
According to Church teaching, BLANK is a purification after death for those who died in Gods friendship but still needed purification because of past sins
BLANK, and not simply exterior acts of penance, is what god wants from us
Communal Penance
The parish practice of providing scripture readings and a homily along with opportunities for private, individual confession is called BLANK
Conversion of heart
Sins that weaken and wound our relationship with God but do not destroy divine life within us are called
venial sins