Midterm Flashcards
Intercultural communication
Communication that occurs when members of two or more cultures exchange messages in a manner that is influenced by their different perceptions and symbol system
Individualistic culture
A culture in which people view their primary responsibility as helping themselves
High-context culture
A culture that relies heavily on verbal and nonverbal cues to maintain social harmony
An attitude that one’s own culture is superior to that of others
Collectivist Culture
A culture whose members feel loyalties and obligations to an in-group, such as family, a community, work organization
A group within an encompassing culture with a perceived identity
Achievement culture
A culture that places a high value on the achievement of material success and a focus on the task at hand
Transactional model of communication
The dynamic process in which communications create meaning together through interaction
Relational Dimension
The dimension of a message that express the social relationship between two or more individuals
External, physiological and psychological distractions that interfere with the accurate transmission and reception of a message
Interpersonal communication - quantitative
Any interaction between two people
Interpersonal communication - qualitative
Communication in which people treat each other as unique individuals as opposed to object
A discernible response of a receiver to a sender’s message
Both the physical setting in which communication occurs and the personal perspectives of the people involved
Content dimension (измерение) of message
The dimension of a message that communicates information about the subject being discussed
The medium through which messages are exchanged
Halo effect
The tendency to form an overall positive impression of a person on the basis of one’s positive characteristic.
First-order reality
The physically observable qualities of a thing or situation
The ability to project oneself into another person’s point of view in an attempt to experience the other’s thoughts and feelings