Midterm Flashcards
Between what weeks gestation do we want babies born?
36-42 weeks
By what week does terminating a pregnancy need to done by?
week 24
What is a miscarriage?
Pregnancy that ends before the fetus has reached 20 weeks gestation.
After 20 weeks it is called an intrauterine fetal death, or stillbirth.
How might a miscarriage present clinically?
Vaginal bleeding
Pelvic pain
How would you Dx a miscarriage?
with Ultrasound - see an “empty sac” (no yolk sac, no embryo) or blood around the sac
How might an inevitable miscarriage present clinically?
Increasing uterine bleeding
Dilated cervix
most occur early in gestation and are due to chromosomal abnormalities - “blighted ovum”
How would you manage an inevitable miscarriage?
Labs: ABOrh, hCG, CBC
Surgically / medically / expectantly
How long should you monitor hCG following miscarriage?
until it returns to zero - risk of tumor growth if retained tissue
What’s a D&C?
Dilation and curettage - early abortion
What’s a D&E?
Dilation and evacuation - late abortion, after 12-13 weeks
What inexpensive tablets are used p.o. or p.v. to induce contractions (start labor, induce abortion)?
What are the 5 subcategories of miscarriage?
- threatened miscarriage - viable pg with bleeding
- inevitable miscarriage - non-viable pg
- complete miscarriage - all tissue passed
- incomplete miscarriage - some tissue passed
- missed abortion - fetal demise, no tissue passed
How long would you expect to manage an inevitable miscarriage?
Typically passed in 2 weeks
Reasonable to manage expectantly for 1 month
How much cervical dilation is needed to miscarry?
2-3 cm
blood with become bright, cramping will increase, then tissue will pass, and all sx should decrease
What is the MC cause of bleeding in pregnancy?
maternal source (but can't always be determined) 20-40% of women bleed in early pregnancy
How does a threatened miscarriage present?
Viable intrauterine pregnancy
Uterine bleeding - often small quantity
Often painless
What are the MC causes of threatened miscarriage?
** placental abruption: disruption of decidual vessels**
subchorionic hematoma (blood clot) marginal sinus rupture
How would you manage a threatened miscarriage?
- bed rest
- pelvic rest
- labs: hCG, ABOrh, CBC
- consider progesterone - oral micronized 100-200mg BID through 1st trimester
- botanicals: viburnum, dioscorea, valerian, hammamelis
- supplements: vit E, vit C, citrus bioflavinoids
What is the most concerning risk in missed abortion?
What is the most concerning risk in bleeding of early pregnancy?
ectopic pregnancy
Ddx: spontaneous abortion placental abruption/hematoma trophoblastic dz vaginitis/cervicitis/trauma/cancer/warts/fibroids/etc cervical ectropion physiologic/implantation bleeding
What are the MC sx of early pregnancy?
- Amenorrhea
- N/V
- Breast enlargement & tenderness
- Urinary frequency
- Fatigue
How likely is a miscarriage if a woman has bleeding btw 7-11 weeks gestation?
low risk - 90-96% of pregnancies with a viable intrauterine fetus and bleeding will not miscarry
What is hCG?
When do we usually test for it?
Human chorionic gonadotropin
secreted by placental cell line into maternal circulation after implantation (which is 5-7 days after fertilization)
test at 9 days after implantation
How often should hCG double?
For how long?
every 2-3 days
for about one month (useful to 7 weeks of pregnancy)
What might a falling hCG indicate?
Plateau or slow rising?
falling - nonviable pregnancy, miscarriage
slow - ectopic
Is hCG useful to determine gestational age or EDD?
What are 2 ways to test hCG?
Serum - qualitative or quantitative; most sensitive, positive around 9 days after implantation/conception
Urine - positive around missed menses; first morning void
Why do we draw serial hCGs?
to determine viability of pregnancy
How is viability of pregnancy diagnosed & when?
TVUS - typically order at 7 weeks
gestational sac - 4.5-5 weeks
yolk sac - 5 weeks
cardiac activity - 5.5-6 weeks - viable
fetal pole (crown to rump length) - 6 weeks
What is the name of the halo seen on US in early pg?
double decidual sign