midterm Flashcards
What do realists argue
economic interactions are just another reason for states to fight one another.
realism - human nature
fixed and flawed
realism - international system
marked by anarchy. survival of the state is the main goal and is always imperiled in a self help system
realism - fundamental actors
states are the fundamental actors. nonstate actors are not important. regime type doesn’t matter
primary focus of realism
military power
realism - globalization
globalization = trade. states will go to war even if it hurts trade relations. trade relations do not change the international system, do not make it more peaceful or less anarchical
Six tenants of political realism according to Morgenthau
- Politics is governed by objective laws that have their roots in human nature.
- Statesmen think and act in terms of interest defined as power.
- The specific forms of interests and power change, but the fact of their being pursued does not change.
- Universal moral principles cannot be applied to the actions of states. There can be no political morality without prudence.
- There are no good states or evil empires; all states pursue their interests through power.
- The political sphere must be analyzed separately from other modes of thought, especially morality and legality.
Wilsonianism - human nature
human nature is adaptable, capable of learning
wilsonianism- international system
The international system is marked by community, as humans are social creatures.
complex interdependence theory
multiple channels connect societies
absence of hierarchy among issues areas
lessened role of military force
interstate channel
normal channels assumed by realists
trans governmental channel
applies when we relax the realist assumption that states act coherently as units
transnational relations channel
applies when we relax the assumption that states are the only unites
sovereign states characteristics
government with control over territory and population
benefits of globalization
- democracy- more countries are free or partly free than ever before
- civil society
- more transparent and accountable government
- more attention to individual liberties and human rights
- technology, prosperity
transnational advocacy networks
groups of people bound together by shared values that travel across countries
Resurrection Politics
take issues thought previously dead on arrival, and raise them up onto the agenda.
Information politics
the ability to quickly and credibly generate politically useful information and move it where it will have the most impact
Symbolic Politics
the ability to call upon symbols, actions, or stories that make sense of a situation for an audience that may be far away.
Leverage Politics
calling upon more powerful actors (or actors with fame or a following in another arena –celebrities) to act on behalf of weaker network members.
Accountability Politics
Holding powerful actors to their previously stated policies or principles.
Transparency politics
the ability to make information more readily accessible
NGOs domestic
1) public advocacy
2) helping design strategies to address issues
3) implementing programs w/ govts
4) monitor and evaluate efforts to achieve goals
NGOs international
1) mobilize around goals
2) share best practices and technical support
3) provide direct health, education, and infrastructure services that address global issues