Midterm Flashcards
Define social science
The study of human society and social relationships
define sociology
Study of development, structure, and functioning of human society
Sociological imagination
The vivid awareness of the relationship between experience on the wider society. It challenges stereotypes
What are Social contexts and how do they impact people’s life changes
The physical and social setting in which people live or develop.
When did sociology emerge as a organized social science and why
1920’s and because people began to think about how things worked
Structural functional theory
A framework for building theory that sees society of the complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability
Social conflict theory
Individuals and groups have differing social classes. It can affect your life chances
Feminist theory
What is Dubois concept of double consciousness?
The feeling you have more than one social identity
What is the difference tween organic solidarity and mechanical solidarity?
Mechanical solidarity is found in less structurally complex societies while organic solidarity emerged in industrialized societies
Class struggle
The social class has to do with your life
Who is the bourgeoisie and who is the proletariat?
The bourgeoisie exploited the proletariat. The bourgeoise controls the market
What are bourdieu’s different types of capital?
Cultural, social,symbolic, economic
Erving goffman’s “life as a theatre”
All of our interactions are performances in order to gain approval; and we engage in “impression management” with changing social contexts
Charles horton cooley’s concept of the looking glass self
A persons self grows out of societys interpersonal interactions and the perceptions of others