Midterm Flashcards
Concerned with presentation, organization and summarization of data. Organizing and graphing the data to get an idea of what they show
Descriptive statistics
Allow us to generalize from sample of data to a larger group of subjects. Using results of a study to infer how everyone else will be affected
Inferential statistics
Includes various methods of organizing and graphing the data to get an idea of what they show. Pictures, graphs, etc.
Descriptive statistics
Allow us, as researchers, to generalize from our sample of data to a larger group or population. Are used to determine the probability that a conclusion based on analysis of data from a sample is true
*Subject to random error
Inferential statistics
Whatever is being observed or measured. May be dependent or independent
1) the outcome of interest and
2) changes in response to some intervention.
Dependent variable
dependent changes in response to the independent
1) the intervention
2) what is being manipulated by the researcher.
Independent variable
Can have only one of a limited set of values. Have values that can assume only whole numbers.
Ex..number of kids (2, 3, or 4. can’t have 2.13 kids), hair color, gender. There is no inbetween.
Discrete variables/data
May have any value, within a defined range.
Ex…blood pressure, weight, serum levels, time, height.
Continous variables/data
Central or typical value for a probability distribution or in simpler terms, averages.
Central tendency
Is the measure of central tendency for interval and ratio data
Used as a measure of central tendency when the mean would be meaningless, as with ordinal data… the value such that half of the data points are above and half are below it.
The only measure that may be used with nominal data and consists of the most frequently occurring category. Nominal data (ex: male vs. female) is derived from qualitative measures.
refers to how closely the data cluster around the measure of central tendency.
A measure of dispersion
Used with ordinal data, is the difference between the highest and lowest values.
- always a single number
- is easy to calculate but is unstable and it isn’t of much use
measures how far a set of numbers is spread out
*if small, indicates data points are very close to the mean
Is the square root of the variance of a random variable or statistical population.. is expressed in the same units as the original measurement.
*Smaller indicates closer to the mean
Standard deviation
Normal distributions are symmetrical around their…
The mean, median, and mode in a normal distribution are…
The area under the normal curve is equal to….
Normal distributions are more dense in the ________ and less dense in the ______
More dense= CENTER
Less dense= TAILS
(Bell curve)
Normal distribution is defined by these 2 parameters…
Standard deviation
_____% of the area of a normal distribution is within one standard deviation of the mean.
Approx _____% of the area of a normal distribution is within two standard deviations of the mean.
3 different shaped lines can each be normal distributions with different shapes, what makes them have a different shape?
Different standard deviations
- The mean, median and mode all have the same value
- The curve is symmetric around the mean
- The tails of the curve get closer and closer to the X-axis as you move away from the mean but they never quite reach it.
- In mathematics the curve approaches the X-axis asymptotically
Properties of the normal curve
Many statistical tests assume a….
Normal distribution
The mean and the variance are…
You can change one and the other will stay the same
Many natural phenomena are in fact…
Normally distributed
Whatever the actual distribution of data, if we draw a large number of samples of reasonable size, the means of those samples will always be normally distributed. This fact arises from the…
Central limit theorem
states that if we draw equally sized samples from a non-normal distribution, the distribution of the means of these samples will still be normal, as long as the samples are large enough.
How large is large enough? It depends on the shape of the distribution. Generally anything over 30 is enough
Central Limit Theorem
What is the application of Central Limit Theorem…
Allows us to assume normal distribution
relative likelihood that a certain event will or will not occur, relative to some other events.
of an event is an “estimate” that the event will happen based on how often the event occurs after collecting data or running an experiment (in a large number of trials). It is based specifically on direct observations or experiences. All things must be equal. If circumstances change from testing scenario, the outcome probability will change
Empirical probability
Most of medical probabilities are derived through..
Empiric means
________ _______of an event is the number of ways that the event can occur, divided by the total number of outcomes. It is finding the probability of events that come from a sample space of known equally likely outcomes.
-Chance of winning on the roulette wheel
Theoretical probability
Two events, X and Y , are ______ ________ if the occurrence of one precludes the occurrence of the other.
Mutually exclusive
Flipping a coin is an example of this because if the head side appears, the tails side does not.
Mutually exclusive
the probability of X or Y is the probability of X plus the probability of Y
Pr (X or Y) =Pr (X) +Pr (Y)
Additive Law
Two events, X and Y , are _______ dependent if the outcome of Y depends on X , or X depends on Y .
*Ex…life expectancy depends on gender, year born, access to health care, country of birth, etc.