Midterm Flashcards
Screw home in closed chain position
If tibia is fixed:
Femur rotates medially
What is a screw-home mechanism
- non weight bearing: open chain
- knee joint “screws home” to fully extend due to the shape of medial femoral condyle
Screw home in open chain position
If the femur is fixed:
Tibia rotates laterally via the action of the popliteus
Hind foot is made up of
Function of the patella
- increases the mechanical advantage of the quads
- protects the knee joint
Mid foot is made up of
Forefoot is made up of
5 metatarsals
All phalanges
Plantar flexion
Pes cavus
Abnormally high arch
Pes planus
Flat foot
Lumbopelvic rhythm
Flexion of the trunk from standing combines flexion of the lumbar vertebrae and the LS junction with forward rotation of the pelvis and fixed femur
Lumbopelivc rhythm relationship with sacrum
In extreme flexion the lumbar spine continues to flatten in the pelvis rotates around the femoral heads of the sacrum counter nutates
Effects of tight hip flexor muscle/quad muscle on pelvis
Weakness in hip extensors
Glute max/medius
Acl tears
Non contact-rotary forces with planting/cutting/hyperextension
Contact-blow to the knee
Plc tears
Posterior force
Not common
Direct contact with opponent force on tibia
Provides stability from stress laterally which resists valgus force
MM attached to ligament which contributes to tearing
Effects of muscle that involves injure to sciatic nerves
Sensation for postero-lateral lower leg and plantar aspect of foot
Effects of muscle that involves injure to peroneal nerves
Sensation to anterolateral lower leg and dorsal aspect of foot
Effects of muscle that involves injure to femoral nerves
Sensation to anterior and lateral thigh and medial LE and foot
Effects of muscle that involves injure to lumbar nerves
Provides sensation to the medial aspect of the thigh
Valgus/varus effects on the knee
Causes stress laterally/medially
Ligaments in hip, what happens when they’re tight
All attach to acetabulum
Slack in flexion
Taut in hyper extension
Positive trendelenburg sign
Lateral tilt, hip drop on unsupported side
Supported leg is weak, opposite side drops