Midterm Flashcards
UI (User Interface Design)
the design space in which an interaction occurs between user and system/product.
UXD (User Experience)
how a designed system affects the user and elicit feelings and attitudes that remain associated with the system.
Project Life Cycle
is not easily described as a straight forward journey–lots of things are happening at once until the outcome is ideal.
a process of repetition. In UXD, the aim of repeating the process is to continuously and successfully improve upon the precious version of design.
a type of emotional human response. In UXD, behavioral responses are the ones that we feel when occupied with using a product or service.
Information Architecture
the principle of specifying how a mass of information should be logically arranged, navigated, and extended.
those features that we perceive as being beautiful, or not. They are often considered as important as other factors in the user’s experience.
a hierarchy is an organizing structure in which people, information, or objects are arranged by rank or importance: the most significant appear at the top, and the least are found at the bottom.
in the field of semantics an index is a particular type of sign that has some kind of resemblance to the thing that it signifies.
in the field of semiotics, a symbol is a particular type of sign that has a completely arbitrary and negotiated relationship with thing it signifies, such as a red-light signifies ‘stop.’
a discipline of design and engineering that studies the relationship between people and their surroundings.
a type of emotional human response. In UXD, visceral responses are the ‘gut’ feelings that we have before we consider the experience on an intellectual level.
a type of emotional human response. In UXD, behavioral responses are the ones that we feel when occupied with using a product or service.
according to psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, flow is the mental state of somebody who is fully immersed in a focused activity.
something familiar referred to in a different context to help make sense of something unfamiliar.