Midterm Flashcards
Provide class notes to help a student with which TWO problems?
Auditory processing
Visual-motor integration
Giving a student material to prepare in advance so they can participate with the class will help a student with what TWO problems?
Reading comprehension
Teach keyboarding and accept dictated answers (on tests and homework) to help a student with _______-_______ __________ problems.
Visual-motor integration
Having a word bank for a test and using multiple choice and matching tests if possible will help a child with __________ problems.
Recording things to be memorized so they can listen will help a student with __________ and a student who is __________ but not __________.
Auditory (but not) visual
A teacher must orally describe what is going on (make sure the student sees what you see) and discuss the picture with the class before beginning the assignment to help a student with __________ __________ problems.
Visual perception
Giving a student time to process, asking questions around the room so they know when it is their turn, having a visual cue that you are going to call on them, and calling them first do they still have an answer will help a student with __________ __________ problems.
Auditory processing
Books on CD, reading things aloud (directions, assignments, etc.), and pairing him with a buddy will help a student with what THREE problems?
- Reading comprehension
- Decoding
- Auditory but not visual
It doesn’t help to promise things or take things away to ensure compliance in a student with __________ __________ problems.
Visual perception
_______-______ __________ problems make handwriting as difficult as it is for you to write looking in a mirror.
Visual-motor integration
A student who must process the question and the answer has __________ __________ problems.
Auditory processing
It doesn’t help a student with __________ __________ problems to say, “Look at it harder.”
Visual perception
A student who can see a picture, but bring the wrong meaning to it has __________ __________ problems.
Visual perception
Difficulty with handwriting is a _______-_______ __________ problem.
Visual-motor integration
The behavior of a student with __________ __________ and/or __________ __________ problems may be perceived as disobedience, but the student does not know what he did wrong.
Auditory processing
Visual perception
If the pace seems impossibly fast, the student has __________ __________ problems.
Auditory processing
A student who can see the picture, but cannot bring meaning to it has __________ __________ problems.
Visual perception
A child who can read the words, but cannot understand them until he hears it is __________ but not __________.
Auditory (but not) visual
__________ means word finding problems.
Giving meaning to text is the definition of __________ __________.
Reading comprehension
Letters that turn upside down and flip left to right cause problems in what area?
Problems in this area may be caused by poor vocabulary, poor background knowledge or poor decoding skills.
Reading comprehension
__________ but not __________ and __________ problems may cause the child to be unable to understand what he is reading.
Auditory (but not) visual (and) decoding
__________ involves translating symbols on the page into words.
Speaking is a cognitive activity for the child who has __________.
“Once I hear it, I am fine, but I must hear it.” This describes a child who is __________ but not __________.
Auditory (but not) visual
The term learning disabilities has been used since the first national organization meeting of parent groups and professionals in _ _ _ _.
What is the approximate percentage of children in the general population identified under the category of learning disabilities?
Learning disabilities are found among A. Younger from poor families B. Youngsters with superior intelligence C. Adolescents in prison D. Youngsters from middle socioeconomic class E. all of these groups
E. all of these groups
The largest number of students with learning disabilities served by schools are ages ___-___.
Gender research shows that…Clinics and schools identify ________ times as many boys than girls with learning disabilities
Where have learning disabilities have been reported?
A new trend in special education is an ____________ in the number of ___________ placements of students with disabilities.
In what year was the first special education law to provide special ed. (Public Law 94-142) passed by Congress?
The definition of learning disabilities include which of the following?
A. Neurological factors
B. Cognitive processing factors
C. Difficulty with academic and processing tasks
D. Discrepancy between ability and achievement
E. All of these
E. All of these
The term mild disabilities is a _______-_________ grouping ____________ students in several categories.
Mild disabilities typically include students with: 1. 2. 3. 4.
- Learning disabilities
- Emotional/behavioral disturbances
- Mental retardation
A definition of learning disabilities that is used in the schools is incorporated into national legislation known as the….
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA)
One of the commons learning and behavioral characteristics of students with related disabilities is
Disorders of attention
The _________ hemisphere of the brain reacts to and controls language-related activities.
Recent brain research has shown what?
Brain imaging studies show that people with dyslexia exhibit significant differences in brain functioning
Which area of the brain is responsible for phonemic production?
Frontal lobe
The organization which is responsible for the creation of professional teaching standards for special education is
Council for Exceptional Children
Response-to-intervention (RTI) is intended for
General education
In order for a student to be eligible for special education, there must be
A disability that adversely affects educational performance
What factors must be considered in an IEP?
A. The strengths of the student
B. Behavioral interventions when behavior impedes learning
C. Accommodations for the student
D. Cultural and linguistic factors
E. All of these
E. All of these
Which of the following is considered a formal assessment measure?
A. Teacher made test
B. Standardized achievement testing
C. Informal reading inventory
B. Standardized achievement testing
The RTI method has many benefits except:
It does not use evidence-based materials for intervention
The IEP meeting must include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. A representative of the local education agency
B. A special ed. teacher
C. A gen. ed. teacher
D. One or both of the parents
E. A pediatric neurologist
E. A pediatric neurologist
The purpose of a screening test is to:
Detect pupils who need a more comprehensive evaluation
The RTI method does not use a ___________ procedure involving IQ and achievement
This is written in _______ terms:
Given a group of math problems at the second grade level, Laurie will be able to complete 5 of the problems without prompts from the teacher.
All of these are considered _____________ __________:
A device that allows a student to dictate to a computer
Keyboarding for a student who has difficulty writing
A computer that reads printed text aloud
A device that allows students to listen to printed text
Assistive technology
Which of the following is an informal test?
A. Standardized achievement test
B. Teacher-made test
C. Norm-referenced test
B. Teacher-made test
The content of an an IEP must contain ______ of the following:
A. Present levels of academic achievement and functional performance
B. Annual goals
C. Education setting for instruction
D. Related services
The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is
A written educational plan for an individual student
What can be used to determine a student’s potential for learning?
An intelligence test
What test can be used to determine a student’s potential for learning?
Brigance Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skill-Revised
Tier one is _________ education and includes _________
The first special education law, PL94-142 (All Handicapped Children’s Act), was passed in…
Uses of an assessment include: A. Screening B. Referral C. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ planning D. Classification
What kind of testing requires prescribed procedures be followed during the administration of the test?
Standardized testing
You can use A. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ history B. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ survey tests C. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ inventories D. Observation In order to gain assessment of students.
A. Case
B. Formal
C. Informal
Technology _________ _____ be used to support and supplement the specialized instruction to utilize as a tool or for the student to complete assignments.
_________ ___________ is tailoring instruction for a unique student.
Clinical teaching
Which method emphasizes the student/teacher relationship and supplying the student with success to build self-esteem?
Psychotherapeutic teaching
Developing an orderly sequence of steps is
Task analysis
What method teaches students how to take control of their own learning?
Learning strategies instruction
When a teacher finds the Zone of Proximal Development he has
Found a difficulty level that is not too easy or too hard
Willie is not learning his times tables in math. His teacher thinks that his problem is poor visual memory and difficulty with visual perception. What approach to instruction is this?
Cognitive processing
Retyping a test and going from two pages to one, what accommodation has been made?
Cutting down the _______ of math problems is one way to accommodate.
Giving a student more ________ on an assignment/test is an accommodation.
Lowering the reading level on something has changed the ___________ of it.
Making minor adjustments in the physiological makeup of the child is something a teacher ______ do.
Promoting active learning is the purpose of all the following methods EXCEPT:
A. Encouraging constructive criticism
B. Using drill and practice learning
C. Integrating the child’s background with the teaching
D. Using the student’s prior knowledge
E. Getting the students involved in the lesson
B. Using drill and practice learning
The theory that people possess different kinds of talents that may not be represented in the school curriculum is called
Multiple intelligences
What term best reflects the philosophy that teachers should seek to reach the unique needs of each individual student?
Differentiated instruction
Providing abundant initial teacher support of student learning is called
What educational setting is mentioned in the legislation of IDEA-2004?
Least restrictive environment
A variety of educational placements are required under IDEA-2004 to match many different needs of students with disabilities. This is known as…
Continuum of alternative services
The term restrictive in the phrase “least restrictive environment” means restrictive in
Being with students who do not have disabilities
The setting where an individual child is taught alone by a teacher is called
One-to-one instruction
An instructional system in which a student with learning disabilities or a related mild disability is taught by a classmate is called:
Peer tutoring
Gradually including a child in regular education as a child is ready is called
A student is taught partnerships between general education teachers and special education teachers
In collaboration who is considered an expert?
Neither teacher
In IDEA-2004, parents have the right to: A. \_\_\_\_\_\_ all records B. Be \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ of changes in placement C. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ a 3-year reevaluation D. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ at no cost
A. See
B. Notified
C. Request
D. Mediation
Parents of a child with learning disabilities or related mild disabilities may: A. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ the child's problem B. Feel \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ C. Be \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ D. Be \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in getting help
A. Deny
B. Guilty
C. Overprotective
D. Aggressive
Most students with learning disabilities and related mild disabilities are served through
General education classrooms
What educational setting provides services to students with disabilities for a portion of the day?
Resource rooms
In general education environments the student spends what percent of the time out of the regular class?
Less than 21%
In reference to the parents, the intent of the IDEA-2004 is to
Increase the role of parents
The psychologist who came up with the developmental stages of children’s cognitive development and who formulated the theory that adult thinking differs from children’s thinking is
Jean Piaget
Being able to direct and plan ones thinking strategies for efficient learning is
Beginning instruction at the appropriate difficulty level refers to
Zone of Proximal Development
Functional behavioral assessment is
Behavioral psych
Highlights the importance of prior knowledge and the need to construct ones own knowledge
Cognitive psych
The explanation that many children fail because they have not yet attained the readiness for learning is related to
Developmental psych
Traces the flow of knowledge and memory in the person’s mind as the individual learns and thinks
Information processing
The Behavioral Unit:
A - _____________
B - _____________
C -______________
The definition of learning disabilities in the IDEA-2004 contains the concept of
Disorders of psych processing
Many students with learning disabilities and related mild disabilities have characteristics of passive and dependent learners. This is referred to as
Learned helplessness
Willow was not paying attention when the teacher first explained the homework. He is having trouble with what phase of the memory system?
Sensory register
In the information-processing model, executive control is also called
For info to be remembered for an extended period of time, it must be placed in
Long-term memory
For some tasks, knowledge must be habitual and subconscious, requiring little effort. This type of knowledge is called
Sensorimotor is what age group?
Birth to 2
The average child is capable of abstract thinking
Over 11
A diagram is a form of
Graphic organizer
Having knowledge and being able to use it and make it their own is called