Midterm Flashcards
Main theme of Section 2
Words of Moroni to 17 year old Joseph Smith
- “I will send you Elijah and turn the hearts of the children to their fathers.”, 3P’s
- sealing power
Main theme of Sections 6-9
Personal revelation and translation of Book of Mormon.
- How God speaks through revelation
- John the revelator and seer stones
- Oliver desires and fails to translate
Main theme of Section 13
John the Baptist restores the Aaronic Priesthood (to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery)
- 3 Keys:
Ministering of angels
The gospel of repentance
Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins
Main theme of Section 20
Church Constitution, Articles and Covenants
Main theme of Section 25
Emma Smith is an elect lady, outlines her qualities
Main theme of Section 28 & 43
Avoiding Deception and revelation
- Mrs. Hubble (in Kirtland, Arizona)
- Hiram Page (in Fayette) Known as the village idiot
Main theme of Section 29 & 45
Millenium, signs of the Second Coming, JST of the Bible, last days, end of the world.
What happened in Harmony, Pennsylvania?
Beginning (and most) of the translation of BOM, John the Baptist appears and restores keys of aaronic priesthood. Home of the Hales (Emma’s family).
What happened in Fayette, New York?
Translation of the BOM finished here. The Whitmer family(mutual friend through Oliver Cowdery) brought Joseph and Oliver here. Church was formally organized here, 3 witnesses see the gold plates here.
Who was Oliver Cowdery?
A major scribe of the BOM. 2nd Elder of the Church(co-president later). One of the three witnesses. Left the church and was later re-baptized.
Who was Martin Harris?
the first scribe. Lost the 116 pages. mortgaged his farm for the printing of the BOM. One of the three witnesses. Left the church and was later re-baptized.
Who was David Whitmer?
One of the Three witnesses, left the church and only one who never rejoined.
Context of section 7
Did John the Revelator stay on earth or go to heaven? JS looks into the seer stone and sees the parchment written by John.
What was the context of the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood in section 13?
Reading about baptism in Book of Mormon (3 Nephi 11:29), wanted to know if they had authority to baptize
What is the definition of “urim and thummim”
it is anything that gives perfect light or truth. Any God inspired device… more than just the Nephite interpreters, all of Joseph’s seer stones are urim and thummim, the liahona is urim and thummim
The difference between the Book of Commandments and Doctrine (lectures on faith) and Covenants (Joseph’s revelations):
Book of commandments contained 60 revelations of Joseph Smith… they were about to publish it, but mob destroyed printing press.. two years later, the Doctrine and Covenants was printed (lectures on faith was the doctrines)
Content of the promises and fathers in D&C 2
Abrahamic promises, Fathers are ancient patriarchs. Posterity, priesthood power and promised land (3 p’s) Can become like God. The sealing power is the main thing that makes this possible
Keys of Aaronic priesthood (D&C 13)
Administering of Angels, the gospel of repentance, and keys of baptism.
“Called” vs. “Qualified” in D&C 4
qualified= faith hope charity, love, etc.
The law and practice of common consent (D&C 26)
Personal sustaining- not a vote!
Definition of “the gospel” according to the D&C
Faith in Christ, Repentance, baptism, reception of Gift of HG, enduring to end
The order of the end of the world events (signs of 2nd coming, millennium, end of millennium) D&C 29, 45:
- Signs preceding 2nd coming
- Jesus’ appearance
- Satan bound
- Millennium (thousand just means long period of time)
- Satan loosed for a “little season”
- Satan is conquered and cast to outer darkness
- Earth becomes celestialized
Know the 4 keys to avoid deception (D&C 28, 43)
Front Door Test, Brethren Test, Stewardship Test, and Edification test
Know what a gospel doctrine is
eternal truth of the plan of salvation
Know what a gospel principle is
concentrated truth packaged for application
Main theme of Sections 41, 51, 70
Law of Consecration, all things in common, United firm
Main theme of Section 42
Joseph receives “more perfect” law of the Lord (17 LDS Co
Main theme of Section 46
spiritual gifts; who should be let into sacrament meetings
Main theme of Section 49
The law of the church, Shakers, Marriage man-women make babies!
Main theme of Section 50
“Kirtland Craziness”; how to recognize spiritual manifestations from God, the Lord reasons with the Saints; that which does not edify is not of God
Main theme of Sections 57-58
Lessons from The Land of Zion; Expectations of the people of Zion. What are zion people like?
Main theme of Section 59
“Upon my Holy Day”: Principles of the Sabbath
Main theme of Section 76
“The Vision” of the 3 Degrees of glory
Who was Sidney Rigdon?
main scribe for JST of Bible; 1st councilor in the presidency.
Rigdon thought he was the rightful heir to be President over the church. When he was rejected, he left and created his own sect “Church of Christ” where he had his own first presidency and Quorum of the Twelve. Becomes main scribe for the Bible!
Who was William McClellin?
one of the original 12; Joseph receives revelation from the Lord concerning his “5 questions”; tries to write a revelation; falls away later. Section 66, 67
“Smartest and most humble man in the room” thinks he knows better than JS. Betrays and tries to fight JS.
Who was Newel K. Whitney?
good friend of Joseph, owner of store in Ohio (Newel K. Whitney store becomes the first bishops storehouse), becomes 2nd bishop of the church when Edward Partridge leaves to go be bishop in Missouri.
Who was Edward Partridge?
1st bishop; administered all things common. Bishop in Ohio.
Who was W.W. Phelps?
Convert, great writer and printer of the church of the hymn book, publishes the church’s first newspaper, edits a lot of the Doctrine and Covenants, etc.
What happened in Palmyra?
The first vision
Where JS gets gold plates
Where BOM is printed
What happened in Independence, Missouri?
Location for the city of Zion
What happened in Hiram, Ohio?
Where Joseph does the majority of the translation of the Bible, receives section 76, John Johnson farm located here, Church conferences are normally held at the John Johnson home
What happened in Kirtland, Ohio?
One of the major church centers when the Saints gather into Ohio
First temple here
Why was the Lamanite mission so important?
Baptized a ton of people in Kirtland Ohio, doubled the size of the church in about a month. Leads to the establishment of the church in Missouri.
Fulfill promises in the BOM
Takes saints to Missouri
Why was the church gathered to Ohio?
To escape the enemy, to be made a righteous people without spot, to be endowed with power from on high, to receive the law.
Context of section 46
Wondering who should be let into meetings
Why was the revelation to the Shakers so important?
Fundamental doctrine, sacredness of marriage.
Context of section 50
Kirtland Craziness; Crazy members pretending they are the Lamanites rowing to the promised land
Who is Leman Copley?
Agrees to consecrate his farm, saints gather there and then he kicks them off his property.
What is Zion and its definitions?
Zion- the kingdom of god 2) the city of zion to be built in Jackson County, Missouri 3) the wards and stakes of the church of Jesus Christ 4) a state of being for an individual -Broad: Kingdom of heaven, a city, status of an individual, what is going on inside of someone’s heart.
The endowing promise of the veil being rent
Establishes the book of commandments, revealing that the Lord wants to reveal himself and let people see his face while in the flesh. First time the Lord gives a promise that if we’re sanctified He’ll reveal himself.
What is and is not the JST
JST is interpretation of Bible for us today. It is finding the real intent of the message. it is a revelatory experience.
Transmission - only have ⅓ in the scriptures
Not done by seer stones, nor by comparing Greek and Latin texts, nor by changing verses to read exactly as they read in the BOM
JS Translation is more of an interpretation of what was originally intended or meant, not a better translation of an original manuscript
Context of section 76
John 5:29 inspired the vision and Joseph and Sidney saw the vision of the three degrees of glory; Universal Resurrection
Law and practice of common consent
Opportunity to voice your opinion; not anonymity - sustain
Who does the Lord name a disciple?
Those that know my law and do it
“New” Commandments in the Law in section 42
More perfect law: avoid pride, love spouse, consecrate, remember the poor, don’t speak evil of others, avoid idleness
Foundational principles of the Law of Consecration
God owns everything, we are stewards and will be accountable to God. We covenant to give God of our time, talent, means etc. merely stewards.
Economic practice of “all things common”
Giving to the bishop all you had and being deeded back a portion according to your wants and needs
doctrine of “agency”
Ability to choose and accept that we are authorized to act and represent God - we are considered AGENTS.
Sons of Perdition and their eternal future
They had a perfect knowledge of God, and then denied him and actively sought to destroy God and build up the kingdom of Satan.
They know the father and the son and deny them
No forgiveness in this world nor in the world to come.
Requirements of Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial glories
Celestial – Receive a testimony of Jesus, believe enough to make covenants, by keeping the commandment of baptism they are cleansed of their sins, seeks to follow Spirit, just men made perfect through Jesus.
Terrestrial – received not the testimony of Jesus in the flesh but after received it (people who had the gospel and reject the gospel in the flesh but leave it and then repent in the Spirit world), honorable people who are blinded by the craftiness of men. Receive the presence of the Son but not the Father.
Telestial – don’t receive the gospel of Christ or the testimony of Jesus, deny the Spirit, thrust down to hell, aren’t redeemed until the last resurrection. Glory still surpasses all understanding
Difference between justification and sanctification
Justification: Made right with God. through the grace of Christ: made right even in weakness aligning a paper left or right justify- to be brought back into alignment
Sanctification: To become holy like God, through the grace of Christ: made like Christ in our character
become more holy – doesn’t happen immediately
learning piano – all God wants us to do is keep practicing–keep repenting until you are sanctified
Application of the Law of Consecration today
3 core principles:
Ownership - God owns everything
Stewardship - We have temporary control over things God has given us
Agency/Accountability - We are agents who are accountable to Him. Authorized representatives.
You are living this law if you do what 1. the prophet teaches, and 2. your personal revelation (prayer) tells you to do with your time, money and talents
Applications: United Firm (church’s businesses), All Things Common, Tithes & Offerings, etc.
Application of the United Firm today
Examples like Deseret ranch
church businesses run by church leaders
originally failed in Kirtland
Welfare Square- provides work and allows people to make money to be self sufficient
Principles of keeping Sabbath day holy
7 principles for the 7th Day:
D&C 59:9- Does the activity help keep me “unspotted from the world?”
D&C 59:9- Does this activity help me to attend my Church meetings and partake of the sacrament?
D&C 59:10- Does the activity help me to rest from my regular daily work?
D&C 59:10- Does the activity help me draw closer to God? (“Pay thy devotions”)
D&C 59:12- Does the activity help me to serve God’s children and use my time to build the kingdom?
D&C 59:12- Does the activity help me to repent of my sins and become a better person?
Overall: D&C 59:5-6- Does the activity help me to love and serve God and my fellow man?
Who goes to “heaven”?
Everyone except sons of perdition