MIDTERM Flashcards
name for spanish/mexicans living in Texas
would piss off missionaries by shaping their own spirituality - own reenactment of crucifixion
native american slaves/captives/servants sold to spaniards most commonly in New Mexico
new small rural settlements
name for spanish/mexicans living in california… stopped calling themselves spanish
George Simpson
- Governor of HBC
- knowledgeable about fur trading
- set up Fort Vancouver
fort vancouver
- set up in 1825 near columbia river as newest post of HBC
- george simpson
- rich in fur and arable land
- named after captain george vancouver
fort victoria
John McLoughlin
Chief factor of HBC at fort vancouver
- built fort vancouver
- supervised trade
- kept peace with indians
Fur Desert policy
In the 1820s and 1830s, the Hudson’s Bay Company worked to maintain its holdings
north of the Columbia River in Oregon Territory without violating the joint occupation
agreement Britain had signed with the United States. One Company response to the
Americans’ impending encroachment into the territory, the fur desert policy, directed its
employees to trap out the furbearing animals, principally beaver, from the Snake River
region, making it economically unattractive to the Americans. The Company wanted to
create a buffer zone between American territory and the beaver preserves in New
Caledonia (now British Columbia).
peter skene ogden
Marcus & Narcissa Witman
- moved west to oregan country in a wagon
- drawn in by missionary
- “you can just pack up your stuff and move” - resettle
Ignance Los angeles Mousse
- young indian iroquois woman
- married pierre desmet
father pierre desmet
- Father Pierre-Jean De Smet was a Roman Catholic priest who was active in missionary work among the Native American Indian tribes in the western US. He became known as a “Friend of Sitting Bull.”
- influential in helping Native Americans in the United States as he ministered them through the 1800s and taught them important skills in their survival.
frederick jackson turner
-Frederick Jackson Turner laid the foundation for modern historical study of the American West and presented a “frontier thesis” that continues to influence historical thinking even today.
william Keil
joseph smith
john sutter
sam brannan
deadwood dick - Nat Love
von thunen’s isolated state
stephen douglas
The Kansas-Nebrask Act was an 1854 bill that mandated “popular sovereignty”–allowing settlers of a territory to decide whether slavery would be allowed within a new state’s borders. Proposed by Stephen A. Douglas–Abraham Lincoln’s opponent in the influential Lincoln-Douglas debates–the bill overturned the Missouri Compromise’s use of latitude as the boundary between slave and free territory. The conflicts that arose between pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers in the aftermath of the act’s passage led to the period of violence known as Bleeding Kansas, and helped paved the way for the American Civil War (1861-65).
katherine lee bates
.wrote lyrics to america the beautiful anthem
Porfirio Diaz
Pacific Railway act 1862
was signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln on July 1, 1862. This act provided Federal government support for the building of the first transcontinental railroad, which was completed on May 10, 1869.
golden spike ceremony
.celebration marking the completion of the first transcontinental railroad lines at Promontory Summit, Utah, on May 10, 1869,
john palliser
james hector
lewis & clark
louis riel 1878 + trial
hudsons bay co
ruperts land
spanish north
Juan de Onate
john colter
kit carson
manuel lisa
alexander henry
jose de galvez
junipero serra
bethel, missouri
aurora colony
brigham young
w.a. mackintosh
harold A innis
placer mining
sluice mining
rockers, long toms, channeling
hydraulic mining- dutch flat c1860s
western federation of miners
miller + lux ranch
xit ranch
francisco Bocanegra
Henry Youle Hind