Midterm Flashcards
In acknowledging that there is no simple answer to the reason for the number of broken homes, President Hinckley said that he considered _________to be the root cause of most of it.
Robert Millet identified four things that have hacked away at the roots of our religious heritage. What are they?
Stressing ethics over doctrine
The loss of a moral sense
A denial of personal responsibility
The trivialization of religion
- President Hinckley stated, “I am satisfied that a happy marriage_________________________.”
is not so much a matter of romance as it is an anxious concern for the comfort and well-being of one’s companion
- President Packer said that the study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior.
- President Hinckley stated: “The strength of the nations lies…” in what?
The homes of the people
- Elder Scott taught: In the Lord’s plan, it takes______________________________________.
two-a man and a woman-to form a whole
- According to President Packer living together without marriage—————-.
destroys something inside all who participate.
- According to President Packer, “Even __ _____ ________ can serve good purpose as long as two people struggle to keep it from falling down around them.”
a rickety marriage
- Elder Scott suggested that you can learn to be more effective parents by studying the lives of:
Adam and Eve
- President Packer believes that __________ is/are not typical:
Broken marriages
- To find out if a kitten was male or female, one principal told Elder Packer that one of the youngsters in a class suggested that they could:
Vote on it
- President Packer’s parable of the treasure and keys was intended to teach:
the importance of men and women working together to achieve eternal goals and receive joy without bounds
- President Hinckley said to the brethren that they knew there was no enduring happiness…without:
the companionship of a good woman
- President Hinkley said, “The problem is not new. I suppose it is as old as the human race.” What “problem” is he referring to?
Husbands abandoning their wives and sometimes children
- Elder Oaks stated: “Knowledge of the great plan of happiness also gives Latter-day Saints a distinctive attitude toward_______________.”
the bearing and nurturing of children
- According to Elder Spencer W. Kimball “Right marriage begins with ___________.”
right dating
- President Hinckley stated, “The Lord has made us attractive one to another for a great purpose. But this very attraction becomes as a __________ unless it is kept under control…”
Powder keg
- From For the Strength of Youth we read: “Pornography in all its forms is especially dangerous and _________.
- President Hinckley stated: “I say what has been said before, that missionary work is essentially a _________________.
Priesthood responsibility
- President Packer declared, “Unless you have a serious health problem, every Latter-day Saint young man should answer the call to serve a mission.”
- According to Spencer W. Kimball “Soul mates are ___________________.”
fiction and an illusion
- In discussing the role of prayer in getting married, Elder Bruce R. McConkie suggested that we “use both _________ and prayer.”
- When the Lord reminded Oliver Cowdery of the revelation he had received he said, “Did I not speak _________ to your mind concerning the matter.”
- In speaking to the priesthood brethren President Hinckley stated: “The girl you marry will _______________________.”
take a terrible chance on you
- According to President Hinckley, what is the most important decision of your life?
Choosing the individual whom you will marry
- In the article “Reluctant to Marry,” Victor Brown teaches us about developing relationship skills. He identifies three types or phases. What are they?
Civil, affectionate, intimate
- Brother Brown suggested “It may be ______________that divides prudent preparation for marriage from worldly priorities that improperly delay marriage.”
a fine line
- Victor Brown stated, “We must face the fact that an entire generation has been raised on________________________.”
a diet of unhappy stories about marriage
- I found the article “Reluctant to Marry” helpful because it taught me or reminded me that (give a response of a couple of sentences):
You don’t need to have a sufficient income to get married.
- Brother Brown gives several suggestions concerning intimacy. What did he specifically say, “Makes this more powerful type of relationship manageable?”
Jesus Christ, his gospel, and its ordinances and covenants.
- President Kimball stated: “Love is like _________, and, like the body, it needs constant feeding.”
a flower
- In counseling young married couples President Kimball suggested that they “do well to immediately ______________________________________.”
find their own home, separate and apart from that of the in-laws on either side
- President Kimball gave a simple formula with few ingredients for a happy marriage. What are they?
A proper approach toward marriage
A great unselfishness
Continued courting and expressions of affection
- President Kimball taught that marriage can be _______________________.
more an exultant ecstasy than the human mind can conceive
- The divorce itself does not constitute the entire evil, but the very acceptance of divorce as a cure is also a serious sin of this generation.
- According to Elder Holland, “The solutions to life’s problems are___________________________.”
always gospel solutions
- According to Elder Marvin J. Ashton, “True love is __________.”
a process
- Elder John A. Widtsoe taught that love is the foundation of marriage, but love itself is a product of___________________________.
law and lives by law
- Elder Kimball stated: “If one really loves another, one would rather __________ than to injure him.”
die for that person
- Elder Joe J. Christensen said, “True love is developed by those who are willing to readily admit ____________ and offenses.”
personal mistakes
- President Benson gave six steps to prepare and prevent that will insure that you never fall into transgression. Which of the following is not one of them?
A. Decide now to be chaste
B. If you are married, avoid being alone with members of the opposite sex whenever possible.
C. Remember that through proper repentance you can become clean again.
D. Always pray for the power to resist temptation.
- According to Elder Boyd K. Packer from the article, “Our Moral Environment,” “Regardless of how lofty and moral the “pro-choice” argument sounds, ______________________________”
it is badly flawed
- President Hinckley said, “I plead with you to be careful, to stand safely _____________________”
back from the cliff of sin over which it is so easy to fall
- President Harold B. Lee stated: “Our intellects…must always measure learning by __________________”
the gospel criteria: Is it true? Is it uplifting? Will it benefit mankind?
- President Benson said, “When it comes to the law of chastity, it is better to prepare and prevent than it is to ______ and ______.”
repair & repent
- According to Elder Oaks “We need to learn how to live so that ____________________________________ will not prevent us from achieving the goal that is eternal.”
a weakness that is mortal
- In teaching doctrine Elder Oaks reminded us that, “Our eternal destiny–exaltation in the celestial kingdom–is made possible only through the atonement of Jesus Christ …and is only available to _______________.”
a man and a woman who have entered into and been faithful to the covenants of eternal marriage in a temple of God
- According to President Packer, “The thought that rescued Alma, when he acted upon it, is this: Restoring what you cannot restore, healing the wound you cannot heal, fixing that which you broke and you cannot fix is the very purpose of ______________________.”
the atonement of Christ
- There are several important things we must do to repent. In teaching about the Savior’s role in that process, President Packer taught that in order to “earn forgiveness, one must make _____________.”
- According to President Hinckley, what is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose?
- According to Elder John A. Widtsoe, “The endowment which was given by revelation can best be understood by ______________.”
- Elder Asay said that a few years ago, in a seminar for new temple presidents and matrons, Elder James E. Faust, then of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, told about his being called to serve as a General Authority. He was asked only one question by President Harold B. Lee…. What was the question?
“Do you wear the garments properly?”
- President Boyd K. Packer stated, “Those keys-the keys to seal and bind on earth, and have it bound in heaven-_____________________”
represent the consummate gift from our God
- According to President Packer, “The temple is a ________________.”
great school
- Elder Asay fears that too many Church members take for granted the promise of protection and blessings associated with what?
the temple garment