Midterm Flashcards
Male 14-18
Female 12-16
the oxygen-carrying molecule in the red blood cell, (the concentration of iron containing protein in RBCs, which is a reflection of the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood). More sensitive than Hct because not affected by hemodilution
the % of the volume of blood that is red blood cells
Male 42-53%
Female 36-47%
MCV Mean corpuscular volume
the mean cell volume or average size of the red blood cell (Hct/RBC calculation)
Microcytic 100
immature RBCs (normal 1% of total RBCs) indicates how the body is responding to anemia
Microcytic Anemia Differential
Iron deficiency
chronic disease
lead poisoning
Iron deficiency anemia lab findings
microcytic, low serum ferritin, and low Fe
Increased TIBC and RDW
Anemia of chronic disease lab findings
microcytic, low serum Fe and TIBC, normal or increased ferritin
Normocytic anemia differential diagnosis
sudden massive blood loss
bone marrow failure
Macrocytic anemia differential diagnosis
megaloblastic anemia (B12 or folate deficiency - ETOH, diet, intrinsic factor deficiency can lead to pernicious anemia, malabsorption or medications) liver/thyroid dz pregnancy drugs like cancer meds hematologic dz
Iron deficiency risk factors
pregnancy, menstruation, infancy, decreased intake (vegetarians or poor diet), decreased absorption conditions such as gastrectomy, diarrhea, celiac
GI blood loss
stages of iron deficiency
iron depletion - Fe stores are depleted, low serum ferritin first indicator
iron deficiency no anemia - low serum Fe increased TIBC, low normal MCV/MCH and Hgb
Iron deficiency with anemia - low Hgb, microcytic and hypo chromic RBCs
Iron deficiency anemia treatment
ferrous sulfate 325mg TID is best but hard to tolerate, give lower dose of a ferrous compound for slower rebound
better absorbed on empty stomach but that causes upset, avoid dairy or calcium, citrus increases absorption
anemia of chronic disease
seen with chronic infections, inflammation, malignancy, renal dz, hospitlation, etx.
the mean cell volume or average size of the red blood cell (Hct/RBC calculation)
mild, can be micro or normocytic, low serum FE, normal or low TIBC and retics, normal ferritin
treat underlying dz, help utilize the iron on board, Rx epo
thalassemia Dz
hereditary defect in glob in production (either the alpha or beta chain) most common in African, Asian, mediterreanea and middle eastern
Beta type, major, intermedia and minor or Alpha type
Beta thalassemias
More common variation
majore (cooley’s) a homozygous thalasemia, life threatening
Intermedia - homozygous but not as severe
Minor- most common, heterozygous, mild anemia often misdiagnosed as IDA, sometimes no clinical manifestations, genetic counseling is important, no treatment
Diagnosed by Hgb electrophoresis