Midterm Flashcards
define synoptic gospels
synoptic gospels are the same stories, often with similar sequence and wording, but by different authors and from a slightly different point of view
which gospels are synoptic?
Matthew, Mark and Luke
What is the distinction between the wise and foolish man in Jesus’ parable of the Foundations?
Wise person hears the word and puts it into practice - he has a solid foundation. The foolish man hears the word but doesn’t do anything about it.
What role does Mark present Jesus as having in the first unit of the gospel?
Messiah or teacher
What did Josephus say about Jesus? Is it trustworthy? If so, why?
He said Jesus is the Messiah, and that He did and rose again. This material was interpolated into something Josephus actually did write about Jesus. We have an Arabic reference which is a more accurate version of what Josephus said. It is trustworthy because it is an extra biblical source of the life o Jesus despite the interpolation.
Reasons for confidence in the reliability of the Gospel writings based on their manuscripts.
- There is 1000-1500 years between the time the earliest Roman manuscripts were written and record of the earliest copies.
- There is 50-100 years for NT being written and having copies. 5000 copies from the ancient world, so because of the short time frame and multitude of copies, the NT is deemed reliable
Define: Christ
annointed in Greek
Define: Messiah
annointed in Hebrew
Define: euangellion
Greek term for gospels
not just intellectual assent, but trust and commitment to someone
English version of the Hebrew Yeshua, meaning Jehova saves.
belief that knowledge saves you and that you needed secret information to finally be related to God. Based on Greek idealism.
What did Jesus mean by announcing that the Kingdom of Heaven is near?
Kingdom of God is here and you can enter it
Three ways in which Jesus is different from the Rabbis of his time
-seek disciples /Rabbis did not
-proclaim nearness of God and how to fulfill God’s will
/ Rabbis passed on mishna
-travelled/ Rabbis were stationary
What did Jesus teach about the Sabbath?
That mercy takes precedence over Sabbath restrictions or rules