Midterm #2 People/Writings Flashcards
“Thoughts on Government”
John Adams
- Judicial, executive, and legislative should be separate
- Legislature needs two bodies
- Judges should be nominated not elected
“Letter to James Duane”
Alexander Hamilton
- Articles of Confederation completely inadequate for the running of a nation.
- States have too much power with certain things that they will do nothing about such as the army.
- Federal government has much too little power.
“Federalist 78”
Alexander Hamilton
• Judicial holds neither sword nor purse
• Judicial branch shouldn’t be feared
- Can’t remedy problems without case
- Doesn’t have strength or wealth
- Don’t have to please for re-election
“Vices of the Political System of the United States
James Madison
• Issues with Articles of Confederation: - States encroaching on federal authority - Trespass of states on each other's rights - Multiplicity of laws in states - Mutability of laws in states
“Correspondence on a Bill of Rights”
James Madison
• Bill of Rights unnecessary • People already control rights by limited government power • Listing rights may narrow rights • Federalism makes two forms of government hold each other accountable • CAME TO BELIEVE BILL OF RIGHTS WAS NECESSARY
“Federalist 10”
James Madison
• "FACT10NS" • Factions are caused by: - Unequal distribution of property - Religion - Attachment to leaders • In order to remove factions, you would have to take away liberty or give everyone the same beliefs • Small republic = less factions, more likely one will take over • Large republic = More factions, more competition, less efficient, BUT prevents tyranny
“Federalist 51”
James Madison
• "5tructures and 1nstitutions • If men were angels, no need for government • Structures and Institutions help combat bad human nature • Auxiliary Precautions - Separation of Powers - Checks and Balances - Defined Term Lengths
“How the Consitution’s Federalist Framework is being tested by COVID-19”
Jennifer Selin
• Traditional idea of federalism has
national government in charge of policy
and states in charge of other areas.
• Today, executive powers have
expanded, especially in times of crisis
• Founders envisioned greater
accountability for leaders
Brutus Essays
• Anti-Federalist • Wanted Bill of rights • Constitution gives federal government too much power • "necessary and proper" too vague
“Letters from an American Farmer”
• "Silken bands" to hold government together (weaker federal gov) • America is made up of cultivators who work for themselves • Being American is not determined by lineage, but by acceptance of new way of life and government.
“Federalist 2”
John Jay
• Disagreed with Crevecour's vision of government held together with "silken bands" • Stronger national government necessary, one united country
“Kentucky Resolutions”
Thomas Jefferson
• Denounced sedition acts (can’t speak
against government)
• Government can’t stifle the voice of the
“Correspondence on a Bill of Rights” JEFFERSON
Thomas Jefferson
• Bill of Rights is absolutely necessary • Individual states have Bill of Rights, so the national government should too • Madison is neglecting the role of the judiciary • Having some rights written is better than none at all • CONVINCES MADISON
“Letter to a Committee of Danbury Baptists”
Thomas Jefferson
• Religion is between man and God
• Government shouldn’t meddle with
establishment or free exercise of religion
“Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments”
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
• Comparable to Declaration of Independence • Grievances against men: - No right to vote - No power if married - No right to property - Divorce is man's decision