Midterm 2 Module 3&4 Flashcards
a lack of sufficient oxygen to the brain; may result in neurological damage or death.
Apgar test
a quick assessment of the newborn’s heart rate, respiration, colour, muscle tone, and reflexes that is used to gauge perinatal stress and to determine whether a neonate requires immediate medical assistance.
birthing centre
a hospital birthing room or other independent facility that provides a homelike atmosphere for childbirth but still makes medical technology available.
breech birth
a delivery in which the fetus emerges feet first or buttocks first rather than head first.
cesarean section
surgical delivery of a baby through an incision made in the mother’s abdomen and uterus
emotional bonding
term used to describe the strong affectionate ties that parents may feel toward their infant; some theorists believe that the strongest bonding occurs shortly after birth, during a sensitive period.
paternal analogue of maternal emotional bonding; term used to describe fathers’ fascination with their neonates, including their desire to touch, hold, caress, and talk to the newborn baby.
first stage of labour
the period of the birth process lasting from the first regular uterine contractions until the cervix is fully dilated.
natural and prepared childbirth
each involve a delivery in which physical and psychological preparations for the birth are stressed and medical assistance is minimized.
Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS)
a test that assesses a neonate’s neurological integrity and responsiveness to environmental stimuli.
perinatal environment
the environment surrounding birth.
postpartum depression
strong feelings of sadness, resentment, and despair that may appear shortly after childbirth and can linger for months.
preterm infants
infants born more than three weeks before their normal due date.
respiratory distress syndrome
a serious condition (also called hyaline membrane disease) in which a preterm infant breathes very irregularly and is at risk of dying.
RH factor
a blood protein that, when present in a fetus but not the mother, can cause the mother to produce antibodies. These antibodies may then attack the red blood cells of subsequent fetuses who have the protein in their blood
second stage of labour
the period of the birth process during which the fetus moves through the birth canal and emerges from the mother’s body (also called delivery).
small-for-date (or small-for-gestational-age) babies
infants whose birth weight is far below normal, even when born close to their normal due date.
third stage of labour
expulsion of the placenta (afterbirth)
brain growth spurt
the period between the seventh prenatal month and 2 years of age when more than half of the child’s eventual brain weight is added
cephalocaudal development
a sequence of physical maturation and growth that proceeds from the head (cephalic region) to the tail (or caudal region).
cerebral cortex
the outer layer of the brain’s cerebrum, which is involved involuntary body movements, perception, and higher intellectual functions such as learning, thinking, and speaking.
cerebral lateralization
the specialization of brain functions in the left and the right cerebral hemispheres.
corpus callosum
the bundle of neural fibres that connect the two hemispheres of the brain and transmit information from one hemisphere to the other.
dynamical systems theory
a theory that views motor skills as active reorganizations of previously mastered capabilities undertaken to find more effective ways of exploring the environment or satisfying other objectives.
nerve cells that serve multiple functions including nourishing neurons, encasing them in insulating sheaths of myelin, facilitating transport, and waste removal.
the process by which neurons are enclosed in waxy myelin sheaths that will facilitate the transmission of neural impulses.
nerve cells that receive and transmit neural impulses.
physically active play
moderate to vigorous play activities such as running, jumping, climbing, play fighting, or game playing that raise a child’s metabolic rate far above resting levels.
pincer grasp
a grasp in which the thumb is used in opposition to the fingers, enabling an infant to become more dexterous at lifting and fondling objects.