midterm 2 - lecture 2 Flashcards
the excision of the soft tissue wall of a periodontal pocket
Old procedure
Used now on localized basis - simple
Excision procedure
Beveled excision - fairly big wound
More predictable and conservative technique now (Flap)
approach from apical to coronal
_ indications
~remove gingival enlargement
~hyperplatic tissue
~suprabony pockets - minimal attachment loss and suprabony periodontal abscesses
Ca over fxn
Minimal aloss with suprabony pockets if doing gingivectomy
contraindictions to _
~tx of pockets that extend beyond MJG
~pockets with sig furcation involvement
~tx of osseous defect
dont do in patients with bone loss
can do it when JE is at level of CEJ with no aloss
reshaping of gingiva
recreating physiological contours
External thinning of gingiva to make it look more normal in contour -
Gingivectomy usulally done in concert with gingiplasty(reshaping of gingiva)mm - immediately AFTER the gingivectomy because left bevel doesn’t look good
general approaches of gingivectomy
_-excise tissue with an external beveled incision
_ vaporize tissue, Removes it fairly quickly, have to be careful
_ vaporize tissue, Photons are aimed at tissue and some molecule (water, peptide bond, pigmented tissue) absorbs the enerygy and vapes the tissue
aser easy to control but slow
surgical gingivectomy - excise soft tissue external bevel - 2nd fastest
electrosurgery - fast
laser gingivectomy - slow - gingivectomy and gingivoplasty can be done with laser
~all techniques little bleeding LA for surgical and Denatures proteins and seals up the vasculature, for vaporizeers, all need anesthesia
surgical gingivectomy steps 1-6
- mark depth of pocket with blood spot under anesthesia
- external bevel- start apical to blood mark and end excsion there
- interprox incisions with a Buck knife, orban knife or 12Bscalpel
- tissue removal and root planning
- gingivoplasty-course diamond, periodontal knife,
- application of the dressing as necessary
the reshaping of the gingiva to create physiological gingival contours - typically this procedure is not utilized at sites that have periodontal pockets
elimination of thick gingiva
healing after gingivectomy is by _ intention
clot formation
clot replace by _ tissue
surface epi over a course of 5-14 days
complete epithelial repair requires _ weeks
complete repair of the connective tissue requires about _ weeks
secondary retention
clot formation
clot replace by granulation tissue
surface epi over a course of 5-14 days
complete epithelial repair requires 4 weeks
complete repair of the connective tissue requires anout 7 weeks
anestheisa technique with gingivectomy
Local anesthsia - with perio surgery 2 ways region nerve block and
Go back and infiltrate into the tissue that we are going to be working on - pocket area - interprox dense CT - low volume but Epi gets in and causes vasoconstriction - reducing intraoperative blood loss
gingivectomy excision - external bevel - in the removal process we leave behind _ source of postop bleedding - may actually cause complication
small “tissue tags” -
want to go back and remove
surgical gingivectomy primary and secondary cutting
primary - scalloped gingivectomy incision - external bevel
secondary - half to release interprox soft tisse and remove exposing roots and debride them
in the gingivectomy the _ bevel is made with Solt or Kirkland knives - can be resharpened and sterilized after each patient
external bevel from apical to coronal
healing after gingivectomy / gingiplasty?
secondary intention
open wound
sometimes have to remove healthy tissue
2 weeks the gingival epi at the margin of the wound migrates completely over the CT and contacts the tooth - so the external looks pretty normla
Month - nornmal keratinizedation- completely healed
6-7 weeks - for the underlying CT to start healing
Periodontal dressing
Post op - stays on for a week
Protects from post op sensitivity
Sometime come back and change then go another week
Literature says even if you cut all of the keratinized tissue off with the gingivectomy
Some of it still comes back because _
the bone resorbs exposing PDL and fibroblast that form CT that induces keratiniized
while doing a gingivectomy with the _technique osteonecrosis can be an adverse effect