midterm 2 Flashcards
organized crime
refers to the self-perpetuating, structured, and disciplined associations of individuals or groups with the purpose of obtaining monetary or commercial profits, in illegal means, while protecting their activities through corruption
characteristics of organized crimes
- illegal activities are conspiratorial
- they commit or threaten violence
- activities are conducted in a methodical, systematic, or secret fashion
- intricate organization structure insulates their leadership
- attempts to gain influence through corruption and graft
- economic gain is the primary goal
terrorism and organized crime
- some terrorist groups rely on organizations to raise money to support their terrorist activites
- other groups get funding form governments or from public donations and are not considered organized crime groups
roots of organized crimes
- result from the demand by the law abiding citizenry for illegal goods and services such as illicit drugs. alcohol, and prostitution
- legal competitors are excluded bc the goods and services are illegal
tabacco smuggling: illicit market structure
- high taxes on tobacco in CAN and lower prices in the US created opportunity for organized crime
- 30% of cigs sold in CAN were illegal - huge loss in tax revenue
- compamies helped by selling tobacco to smugglers
reasons for ethnic involvement
- some ethnic groups are denied legitimate access to common cultural goals, so they turn to illegitimate means
- groups use their family and local ties in several different countries to expand business
- interpersonal ties makes it difficult for outsiders to infiltrate
- race and lang can make infiltration difficult
italian based mafia
- in north america since the late 19th century
- formal network covering much of north America
- hierarchical and pyramidal structure
- still powerful bbut has lots of competitors
- operates with strict code of conduct
the 10 mafios commandments
- no one can present himself directly to another of our friends, there must be a third person to do it
- never look at the wives of friends
- never be seen with cops
- dont go to pubs or cluns
- always be available fro coas nostra, even if your wifes about to give birth
- appointments must be respected
- wives must be treated with respect
- when asked for information, the answer must always be true
- money cannot be appropraited if it belongs to others or other families
- cant be apart if they have close relatives in the police, have a two timing relative , who behaves badly, and or does not hold moral values
outlaw motorcycle gangs
tightly organized groups that have a national presence in canada and the US
- have been involved in a great deal of violence
outlaw motorcylce gangs in canada
- hells angels
- bbandidos
- outlaws
- rock machine
- satans choice
- para dice riders
- the red devils
- vegabonds
- loners
- lobos
- last chance
activities of hells angels in CAN
- main money machinery is drug trafficking
- prostitution, fraud, extortion
- turf war in montreal
- caused public outcry and passage bill c-95
changes to bill c-95
- added a definition of “criminal organization adn “criminal organization offence” to the code
- provided that a murder committed with the use of explosives is a first degree murder if it is in association with a criminal organization, whether it was planned or not
characteristics of biker gangs
- use force and violence for survive and thrive
- have a hierarchical structure. this allows the leaders to operate with impunity
- show off colors in pubblic
- ## crime committing is left to recruits
triads and other asian groups
- triads have existed in china for centuries
- have spread to many other countries so they have global links
- ## global drug smuggling
impact of organized crimes - russia
- NA gangs have grown out of large russian gangs
- police and other parts of justice system have been weakened
- russian mofia have great power
- criminal gangs have filled the power positions. now having tremendous power and legitimate business
- provides a base for global activities such as arms sale and nuclear weapons
ways of controlling organized crime
- legalization of illicit goods and services
- police investigation for corruption
- national criminal laws and procedures
- international cooperation
Sociological imagination
C. Wright Mills believed the sociological imagination is an awareness of the relationship between individuals and social forces that shape our lives
the duality of structure
denotes a structure which is both constraining and enabling to the actions of people.
the breakdown of social cohesion and social control mechanisms in a society
anomie can lead to high rates of crime
- studies of suicide may increase
functions of crime: durkheim
maintaining boundaries: some crime is normal
merton: aspirations and means:
- crime is caused by a gap between culturally prescribed aspirations and socially structured means of achieving those aspirations
- strain = illegitimate means
mertons opportunity structures
- anomie shifts from normlessness to relative deprivation
- the greater the gap between aspirations and expectations, the higher the probability of deviance
- ## emphasis on structure (distribution of opportuinty) and cultural (emphasis on pursuit of wealth)
five ways to adjusting to the disjuncture between societal goals and means
- conformity
- ritualism
- innovation
- retreatism
- rebellion
strain and upper class
- pressure is on to make money with less emphasis on doing it legitimately
- ## reinforced by the fact that corporate crime is not condemned as much
kobrin and opportunity
- sol kobrin pointed out that opportunity varied in different types of communities through: stable slum and transitory slum