Midterm 2 Flashcards
What are the Axioms of Natural Numbers?
For s on N: One to One, Onto, s(x) = s(y), Only one “1” in N, and it is not the successor of any number, If given T, which contains 1 and s(x) is in T, then T = N.
True of False? A = {A} for object A?
False. {A} is the set. A is the object
Given a Subset A, what can we assume about A?
A is a subset of itself. {0} is a subset. Two Sets are identical if they have the same members . All A is in B and All B is in A. Subsets of A is marked as 2^A. B is in 2^A if and only if B is in A.
Define a Subset
For each object x in A. It is true that x is in B. Thus A is a subset of B. A ‘C’ B.
A Symbol - ‘C’ - B
A is contained in B
T/F (a,b) ‘C’ [a,b] ‘C’ R
True. Because the open interval is a subset of the closed interval
A ‘E’ 2^A
True, Because A ‘C’ A
A ‘C’ (is a subset of) 2^A
False, Because each x in A must be in 2^A and an element of a is not a subset of A.
{A} ‘C’ 2^A is True
{O} ‘E’ 2^A
True, {0} is a subset of A.
{0} ‘C’ (is a subset of) 2^A
True, {0} is a subset of A
There are no members in {0}
False, 0 is a memeber
Intersection vs. Union
n vs U and intersections is the elements they share, while Union is elements in either A or B for A U B.
Complement of S, A
All Elements in S that are not in A. S/A or S - A
Demorgan’s Laws
c(A U B) = c(A) n c(B)
c(A n B) = c(A) U c(B)
c = compliment
A is a subset of B iff, A U B = B
True. All A are in B, thus A subset of B
A is a subset of B iff, A n B = A
True, The intersection of A,B being A means the two sets share all A. Thus A is a subset of B.
A is a subset of C(B) (compliment of B), iff A n B = {0}
True, So A and B share no elements between them, thus A must be in the elements that are not in B.
Compliment C(A) is a subset of B iff, A U B = S. We know A is a subset of S and B is a subset of S. S is universe
If x is not in A, then x is in B and since the A U B is the universe it must be in B. Therefore True
A Subset of B iff C(B) Subset C(A)
True, Because if all elements not in B are elements not in A, then the elements in complements of each of these complements is the same. use the C(C(A)) = A fact.
Bijection, Injection, Surjection
Bijection = One-to-One & Onto, Surjection = Onto, Injection = One-to-One.
Define a Metric Space
Metric Space is a Set of numbers and a prescribed quantitative measure of the degree of closeness of pairs of points in this space. A set of numbers with a distance function.
4 Properties of Metric Spaces
- Distance >= 0
- Distance(x,y) = 0 iff x = y
- Distance(x,y) = Distance(y,x)
- Distance(x,y) <= Distance(x,z) + Distance(y,z)
What is Compactness?
If every sequence in S has a subsequence that converges to an element again contained in S. A Set is compact only if it is closed and bounded.
What is the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem?
Every bounded sequence of Real Numbers has a convergent subsequence. If X is a closed Bounded subset of R, then every sequence in X has a subsequence that converges to a point in X.
How is the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem used?
It states every continuous function on a closed bounded interval is bounded.
What is a Cauchy Sequence?
Say you have a sequence of Real Numbers {a}. Then a is a Cauchy sequence if for every e > 0, there is a Natural number N so that when n, m > N we can say |an - am| <= e.
What is a Cover? Open Cover?
A cover C of X is a collection of subsets of X whose Union creates the whole space of X. Thus if Y is a subset of X, then a cover of Y is a collection of subsets whose Union is Y.
Open Cover is a cover when the elements are all open sets.
What Is a Subcover?
A subcover is just a subset of the cover such that this subset still covers the entire space.
Let C be a cover of a topological space X. A subcover of C is a subset of C that still covers X
Can you map R onto [0, 1]?
Yes, The Function: f(x) = 1 / (1 + e ^-x) used in machine learning and neural networks.
What is density in metric spaces?
A Subset D of a topological space X is Dense in A if A is in D. Thus a Set D is dense if and only if there is some point of D in each non-empty set of X.
a subset A of a topological space X is called dense (in X) if every point x in X either belongs to A or is a limit point of A
Every topological space is a dense subset of itself.
Nowhere dense means empty or if the closure of A has an empty interior.
s = Serbs, B = Bosnians. It is nowhere dense if we can make an open gate around any Bosnian and not have nay serbs within it. It is dense if we cannot make any open fences around a Bosnian that has no serbs in it. Serbs contain the Bosnians to isolated points
What is a countable set?
A set S is countable if there exists an injective function f from S to the natural numbers N = {0, 1, 2, 3, …}
the elements of a countable set can always be counted one at a time and, although the counting may never finish, every element of the set is associated with a natural number
Examples of Density?
Q & R
Z & R
Q is dense in R, because its limit points are all real numbers and its closure gives R.
Z is nowhere dense in R because Z has no limit points and hence its closure is itself. Z does not contain any open intervals. Z is all isolated points, there is no need for limit points.
Explain Nowhere Dense Set?
Set whose closure is an empty set. Any subset of nowhere dense is nowhere dense. Union of finitely many nowhere dense sets is nowhere dense. Union of countably infinite nowhere dense sets might not be nowhere dense. Complement of closed nowhere dense set is the open dense set.
A nowhere dense set is always dense in itself.
{Z} is nowhere dense in R
Put another (equivalent) way, a set A is nowhere dense iff for every non-empty open set U there is a non-empty open set V such that V⊆U and A ∩ V=∅.
What is an interior?
An interior of S is all the points of S that do not belong on the boundary of S. The interior is the compliment of the closure of the compliment of S.
Another way to write it is:
for s in E is interior to E if for some r > 0 we have { d(s, s0) < r} in E.
What is connected?
When it impossible to write x as the union of two disjoint open sets. When a plane has an infinite line through it then it is disconnected.
Why are the rationals dense in R?
Between any two real numbers there is a rational. The integers are not dense in R because we can find 2 reals with no integers between them.