Midterm 2 Flashcards
Who claimed to find Noah’s Ark?
Cornuke (rock looks like wood), Wyatt (in Turkey)
When was the Black Sea actually flooded?
5500 BCE
Earlier flood stories come from which cultures?
Sumerian, Akkadian, Epic of Gilgamesh
Who claimed to find the Garden of Eden?
Sanders (in Turkey with NASA Satellite), Zarins (Persian Gulf), Rohl (Iran), Greenberg (Egypt)
Who claimed to find Sodom and Gomorrah?
Wyatt (“brimstone”), Sanders (Under Dead Sea, NASA Satellite, NBC)
Which two places might actually be Sodom and Gomorrah?
Bad edh-Dhra and Numeria (600 years too early)
Who claimed to find the Ark of the Covenant?
Wyatt (Jeremiah’s Grotto, no camera), Crotser (Mt. Nebo, Jordan), Sanders (under Palestinian village), Cornuke (Aksum, Ethiopia, building that only let’s one guy in, brought my a son of Saul)
What time frame did the Ark of the Covenant probably vanish?
970-586 BCE
What is the Tanis hypothesis?
A pharaoh conquering Jerusalem took the Ark of the Covenant back to his capital of Tanis.
Where did Louis and Mary Leaky work?
Olduvai Gorge, Kenya
What did Louis and Mary discover at the Gorge?
Two teeth and jaw of 1.75 mya. Australopithecus boisei (dalmatian story)
When did the Leakys (original) work at Olduvai?
What did Richard Leaky find?`
1.6 mya Turkama Boy
Leaky mother daughter team?
Meave (married to Richard) and Louise
Meave and Louise 1999 discovered what?
3.5 mya skull
Mary Leaky found hominid footprints where?
Laetoli, Tanzania
How old were the Laetoli footprints?
3.5 - 3.8 mya
When were the Laetoli footprints found?
How many individuals were the Laetoli footprints?
Where were other footprints (similar to Laetoli) found?
Koobi Fora, Kenya
How old were the footprints at Koobi Fora?
1.53-1.51 mya
Who found Lucy?
Donald Johanson
When was Lucy found?
Where was Lucy found?
Hadar, Ethiopia
How complete was Lucy?
How old was Lucy?
2.9 mya
What species of hominid is Lucy?
Australopithecus afarensis
What was the recently discovered hominid?
Homo Naledi
Where was Homo Naledi found, when, and by who?
Rising Star Cave, South Africa, 2015, by Berger
What is the possible age of Homo Naledi?
2.8 mya
What was Piltdown Man?
A 40 year long hoax involving a supposed missing link found in England, “discovered” 1908-1915, skull was 600 yr old human jaw was orangutan w/ filed teeth
Who excavated the Mount Carmel Caves in Isreal?
Dorthy Garrod (1892-1968)
What was Mt. Carmel?
Where homo sapiens and Neanderthals interacted
When were the Mt. Carmel caves occupied?
500,000 to 90,000 years
Where Neaderthals lived at Mt. Carmel
Tabun Cave
Age of Tabun Cave
120,000 years old (has one of oldest known skeletons found in Isreal)
Where homo sapiens at Mt. Carmel lived
Skhul Cave
Three painted caves in Europe
Lascaux (France), Altamira (Spain), Chauvet (France)
Discovery of Lascaux Cave
Discovered by 4 teen boys and dog named Robot in 1940
Time period of Lascaux Cave
17000 BCE
Famous Lascaux paintings
Bulls, Chinese Horses
Discovery of Altmira cave
By hunter in 1868 and landowner and daughter in 1876
Time period of Altamira cave
12000 BCE
Famous Altarmia paintings
Polychrome ceiling with bison, horses, and deer
Discovery of Chauvet Cave
Discovered by Chauvet (authorized park ranger) in 1994
Time Period of Chauvet Cave
30000 BCE (oldest of 3)
Famous Chauvet Caves
Horses, rhinos, lions
What was the settlement agriculture movement called?
Neolithic Revolution
Where was the Neolithic revolution started?
The Fertile Crescent
Which settlement site might predated Neolithic Revolution?
Gobelki Tepe
Date of Gobelki Tepe
9600 BCE
When was Gobelki Tepe excavated?
Who excavated Gobelki Tepe?
Klaus Schmit
Where is Gobelki Tepe?
East Turkey/Fertile Crescent
What are the 2 things Gobelki Tepe is called?
“Oldest Temple” and “Oldest known monumental architecture”
Tom Knox/Cox/Sean Thomas proposed Gobelki Tepe to be what?
Garden of Eden
What is Jericho?
Site in Isreal, one of earliest inhabited and fortified places, oasis
Who was the first to excavate Jericho?
Garstang (1876-1956)
Who excavated Jericho and doubted Garstang’s dating?
Kathleen Kenyon (1906-1978)
Which city did Garstang propose was Joshua’s?
City 4 (Kenyon said 1000 years too early)
When did Kenyon excavate Jericho?
When did Garstang excavate Jericho?
When does Jericho date (oldest)
9000 BCE
When was the Tower of Jericho built?
7500 BCE (among earliest fort or storage, suggesting food surplus)