Midterm 2 Flashcards
Name the 3 cords of the brachial plexus
- medial
- lateral
- posterior
cords are named in reference to relationship with major artery _____
Musculocutaneous nerve runs from the medial cord
lateral cord
musculocutaneuos nerve roots
C5 to C6
What type of sensation does musculocutaneous have and where -
- General sensation (
- medial aspect of forearm
Musculocutaneous receives pain, temperature, pressure , touch
name the muscles that the musculocutaneous innervates
- Coracobrachials
- Brachialis
- Biceps Brachii
Ulnar is from the ____ cord
the ulnar nerve innervates pronator trees only in the arm
no arm innervation
The ulnar nerve passes down the medial aspect of the arm , around the medial epicondyle through the ulnar sulcus
True ulnar sulcus AKA ulnar groov
What does the ulnar nerve innervate
medial flexor digitorum profundus
- intrinsic muscles of the hand and skin
- medial one and half digit
Median formed from contribution of ___ and ___
medial and lateral cord
nerve roots of median nerve
C6 to T1
Median nerve takes care of which type of muscle group
flexor/ pronator group and handles thenar eminence
Axillary nerve roots
C5 to C6
which nerve is restricted to the shoulder region
which muscles does the axillary n innervate
- Glenohumeral joint
- Deltoid
- Teres minor
Axillary travels with the ______ _____ artery and travels around _______ ____ ___
- posterior humeral circumflex
- surgical neck of humerus
Axillary goes through what anatomical space
quadrangular space
Radial nerve roots
C5 to T1
which is know as the largest nerve of the brachial plexus
Long thoracic nerve roots
C5 to C7
where does the long thoracic nerve go to
chest wall
what is the function of the long thoracic nerve
keep scapula pulled up against chest wall
which enervates the serratus anterior
long thoracic nerve
damage to long thoracic nerve can lead to what syndrome
winging of the medial border
Dorsal scapular nerve roots
C5 only
dorsal scapular handles what two muscles
- levator scapulae
- rhomboid
Nerve to subclavius nerve root
C5 to C6
what does the nerve to subclavius supply
sternoclavicular joint
Suprascapular nerve roots
C5 to C6
Suprascapular nerve innervates
- supraspinatus and infraspinatus
Both medial and lateral pectoral nerves come off posterior cord
which nerves handles subscapularis
lower and upper sub scapular nerves
Middle subscapular nerve AKA
thoracodorsal nerve
Thoracodorsal nerve from ___ cord
C5 to C8
which muscles are innervated by thoracodorsal nerve
latissimus dosi
- sbscapularis
Thoracodorsal nerve roots
C5 to C8
Medial brachial cutaneous nerve root
C8 to T1
what does the medial brachial cutaneous nerve innervate
skin, hair, autonomic system and glands on arm
medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve
skin , hair, autonomic system and glands on anti brachial
which nerve is the first to get ripped off during dissection
intercostobrachial nerve
which nerve is cutaneous innervation of skin on chest wall
intercostobrachial nerve
one of the most injured nerve is the musculocutaneous
rarely injured because of protected position
Musculocutaneous nerve is a better supinator than supinator muscle
Elbow flexion and elbow supination weakness shows injury to which nerve
what type of injuries can cause damage to the axillary nerve
- dislocation of the shoulder joint
- with fracture of surgical neck
what are some signs that there is damage to the axillary nerve
- inability to abduct arm at GH joint
- Supraspinatus recruited
Which nerve has no humeral branches
Ulnar nerve
Ulnar supplies innervation to
Muscles in forearm:
Muscles in Hand
- Flexor carpi ulnaris
- 1/2 of flexor digitorum profundus
- hypothenar eminence:
- Palmaris brevis
- abducyor digit minimi
- Opponens digiti minimi
- Flexor digiti minimi
- Dorsal interossei
- Palmar interossei
- Lumbricales 3 and 4
- Flexor pollicis brevis
What type of injury can cause damage to the ulnar nerve
- at elbow- fracture of medial epicondyle
- at wrist - cuts and stab wounds
There is carpal tunnel and thenar weakness and atrophy … pain and tingling… thumb and lateral 2 fingers cannot be flexed …. what nerve damage is this
Flexion of terminal thumb phalanx
- flexor pollicis longus paralyzed
- thenar eminence muscles paralyzed
- thumb laterally rotated and adducted
- flattened palm of hand with all finger in same plane including thumb … what type of deformity is this
Ape and deformity
Erb’s palsy is a lower brachial plexus root injury
upper root injury
what is the cause of Erb’s palsy
injury during birth process - retraction
- causes hyperabduction of upper extremities
- Shoulder is pulled in depression
- neck is pushed in lateral flexion
- stretched C5 to C6 plexus root
most common area is C5 to C6 to tear in Erbs Palsy
- rider hits curb , thrown from cycle and shoulder makes contact with ground, side of head makes contact with ground , impact opens angle between neck and shoulder and stretches C5 to C6 plexus roots
what type of deformity can happen from this accident
Waiter’s tip
describe the deformity of waiter’s tip
- abductor and flexor of upper arm affected
- arm bangs
- adducted shoulder
- Medially rotated arm
- extended elbow
- flexed wrist
Dorsal Scapular exits between ___ and ___ scalene alone the _____ of the scapula
- posterior and medial
- medial border
Name the borders of the Quadrangular space
- teres minor
- trees major
- Long head tricep
- Surgical neck of humerus
Meidal pectoral lies ___ to the lateral pectoral nerve
which nerve is the smallest of brachial plexus nerves
medial cutaneous brachial
______ communicates with the intercostobrachial nerve
medial cutaneous brachial nerve
_____ runs with the ulnar nerve
medial cutaneous antebrachial
list all the posterior branches of the brachial plexus
- Upper subscapular C5 - C6
- Lower sub scapular C5-C6
- Thoracodorsal C6-C8
- Axillary C5 -C6
- Radial C5- T1
Lumbar Plexus roots
Lumbar terminal branches are derived from _____
ventral rami
_____ nerve is the cutaneous innervations over the lateral hip
Subcostal nerve T12
______ nerve is anterior to quadratus lumborum
Iliohypogastric ner L1
List the innervations of iliohypogatric nerve
- Cut. innervations over superolateral buttock
- internal and external oblique abdominal muscles
- intercostals
List ilioinguinal L1 innervations
- cutaneous innervations over medial femoral triangle
- muscles of the abdominal wall and intercostals
- runs toward inguinal canal
______ nerve (L1-L2) Pierces the Psoas Major muscles
-Genitofemoral nerve
name the femoral branch innervation
over lateral femoral triangle
Genital br of Genitofemoral nerve innervation
- over scrotum or labia major
- innervates cremasteric muscle
- travels with spermatic cord or roux ligament
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous nerve root
____ is the largest of the Lumbar Plexus
Femoral L2 - L4
Femoral nerve appears from the medial side of the Psoas Major
lateral side
Femoral nerve passes deep to ________
inguinal ligament
List the femoral nerve innervations
- iliacus and pectineus
- all anterior thigh muscles
name the branch of the femoral nerve and its innervation
- saphenous nerve
- cutaneous innervation over medial leg and foot
- L2-L4
Obturator nerve root
is L2- L3
L2- L4
List the innervations of the anterior div for obturator nerve
- adductor longus
- adductor brevis
- Gracilis
List the Posterior division of obturator nerve innervations
- Obturator externa
- adductor magnus
which nerve is rare and that 10 -30% people have it
accessory obturator L3-L4
Obturator nerve appears from the ___ side of the Psoas Major
Lumbosacral trunk L2-L5
L4- L5
Lumbosacral trunk is part of the sacral plexus
Sacral plexus roots
L4 - S3
Superior Gluteal nerve goes over ___
Superior Gluteal nerve root
L4- S1
name the superior Gluteal nerve innervations
- gluteus medius and minimus
- tensor fascia lata
inferior gluteal nerve goes over the piriformis
it goes underneath
the superior goes over piriformisa
inferior gluteal nerve root
L5- S2
Gulteus max is innervated by which nerve
- inferior glteal
Posterior femoral cutaneuos nerve root and innervation
- over posterior thigh and popliteal fossa
Inferior Cluneal nerve root and innervations
S2- S3
- cutaneous to inferior buttocks
L1 -L3
cuteanous innervation over superior buttocks
what is this nerve
superior cluneal
Medial cluneal nerve root and innervation
S1, S3
cutaneous over medial buttocks
what are considered to be nerves to the lateral rotators
- nerve to quadratus femoris and inf gemellus
- nerve to obturator internus and superior gemellus
- nerve to piriformis
Tibial nerve is ___ division of L4-S1
medial plantar nrve is cutaneous innervation over medial sole and medial ___ toes
Lateral Plantar cutaneous innervation over lateral sole and
lateral 1 and 1/2 toes
Common perineal is ___ division of L4-S1
name the branches of the common perineal nerve
- superficial peroneal
- deep perineal
- recurrent genu
- sural
Deep perineal nerve runs with ___
anterior tibial artery
Recurrent genu nerve innervates what
- knee capsule
- menisci
- collateral lig
Sural nerve is cutaneous innervation of ____ leg and — toe
posterolateral leg
lateral toe
pudenal nerve passes over which ligament
sacrospinous ligament
Pudendal nerve innervates what and what are the nerve roots
- Perineum
what nerves pass through femoral triangle
- femoral
- obturator
- lat femoral cut/
only nerve to appear on the medial side of the psoas major
what comes out of lateral side psoas major and crosses over onto the quadrates lumborum
gammas go to ?
muscle spindle
ansa cervicalis lies deep to cortid sheath
lies superficial
superior root of ansa cervicalis runs wit what nerve
hypoglossal nerve
which nerve innervated by spinal accessory nerve
SCM (C2, C3)
_ Trapezoius — C3, C4
Phrenic nerve nerve roots
innervate what `
c3- c5
Great auricular C2- C3
DRG consists of what type of cell body
Pseudo unipolar
Lumbar Cistern L2- S2