Midterm 2 Flashcards
Advantages of matrices over exponentila/logistic growth models
Sensitivety analysis
Elasticity analysis
Can model a greater diversity of life historie
Age structure exists
Explicity based on assumptions of variation in lxand bx(fx) among age classes
Finite rate of increase
Main goal of leslie matrix?
Calculate finite rate of increase
What is a vector and a scalar?
Vector: matrix with only one row of column
Scalar: is a single number
Primary subDiagonal?
Top row of leslie matrix?
Top row: fecundity of each age class
Primary subdiagonal: age specific survivorship
Fx in regards to a matrix?
Per capita output of new young by age class. Called fertility (px*bx)
How do you convert a life table to a leslie matrix?
Explain post and pre breed differences.
Need to calculate px and fx
Post breed:
Pre breed:
Output of a leslie Matrix?
- Population size at each successive time step
- Age class structure
- Calculation of lambda=Nt+1/Nt
- Continued calculation of lambda using the matrix, b/c assumes unchanging lxand fx, generates eventually the Lambda in Nt+1=lambdaNt Known as asymptotic growth rate
- Once AGR is attaine lambda does not change, pop attains SAD.
What is a Lefkovich Matrix?
Identical to Leslie matrix except:
- idividuals can stay within an existing stage or transition forward or backward
- lambda is still calculated but SSD is attained insteas
- boasts small data sets.
What do the various rows in a Lefkovich matrix mean?
What are Px and Gx in relation to a Lefkovich matrix?
Px= probability that in individual will survive and remain in the same stage or size class in the next time unit.
Gx= probability that an individual will survive and move up to the next stage or asize class in the next time unit.
Quick way to calculate mortality in Lefkovich matrix?
mortality= 1-(probability of advancing+probability of remaining)
What are sensitivity and elasticity analyses?
Sensitivity determines how very small changes in each variable, while holding all others constant, affect lambda
Elasticity scale sensitivity to units. Proportional sensitivities scaled so that they are dimensionless and directly comparable.
Describe methods for calculating sensitivity an elasticity analyses.
<span>Determine right eigenvector (w)= run matrix till SAD, then calculate proportion of each age class…this is (w)</span>
<span>Next determine left eigenvector (v) this is reproductive value measurement. </span>Transpose original matrix and complete normal matrix analysis. Represent each age class as a proportion. Standardize by dividing each element by p’o.
Sensitivty (viwi)/ (
See image 1
What are some properties that same species regularly exhibit
- variation in Neq among sites
- stable numbers at anyone site when viewed on the short-term
- long term change not uncommon
Describe the difference between regulation and limitation.
Limitations are typicall phycial factors. Otherwise known as a cap
Regulation is typically biotic factors.
what are the two principles of basic model of population regulation?
No population stops growing unless percapita B or D rates decline with density
Differences in density can arise from variation in D-D or per capita B and D. (emigration and immigration is important)
What is a sink?
a population that persists over long periods of time despite contradicting birth and death rates (BIDE models). due in part to immigration from other populations.
What is ideal-free?
Ideal free is a distribution pattern that individuals distriubte themselves across a resource gradient that is proportionate to the amount of resource per area. Greater resource= more animals. This is a way to minimize resource competition for resources and to maximize fitness.
What does Ideal-despotic distribution mean?
distribution occurs when hab selection is controlled by territorial behavior
elements need to determine reproductive rate?
of bouts
Annual frequency
%breed-cost of reproduction
Age specific effects
Estimate “apparent mortality”?
Apparent mortality= Pdeath +Pemigration+Psighting
What does Zigive in a statistical mark-recapture model??
Zi=number marked before time i, not caught in i, but are caught at a later time.
Calculated by summing rows i+1
What does φ signify?
φ is apparent survival
Prop. survive = (# marked from time period 2 alive before current sample [3]), divided by (# marked from time period 1 & alive at start of period 2, less # marked in time period 2, plus # released in sample 2 after marking)
How many years of data do you need to perfom a Cormack Jolly-seber model?
- Interested in annual survival, robust design has shorter time intervals built into a large time frame.
How do you estimate survival from age class composition?
Calculate finite annual survival
Assumes: survival rate constant for each age class, all year-classes recruited at same abundance, all classes sampled equally
R=ΣNt T=N1 + 2N2 + 3N3 + ….
What are catch curves?
Often used in fisheries. Blue box is estimation of mortalit, overall measurement of adult survival. Multiple assumptions.
How do calculate S from a catch curve?
what is the Kaplan-Meier estimate of survival?
It is a known fate model: allows for (a) multiple sample intervals, (b) staggered entry, (c) right censoring of data. RT good example
How do you calculate S in a Kaplan-Meier model?
Can also multiply probabilites of times leading up to year wanting to calculate
Can convert long term survival rates to daily survival rate. How do you do this?
Can populations be regulated?
The is inherent variability introduced by a) environmental stochasticity, b) demographic stochasticity, c) internal biotic limitations (time lags) and an uncertainty over appropriate scale of mearsurement. It is essential distinguish between limitation and regulation.
Is regulation a DD response?
How do you establish if and how regulation is occurring?
a) do B and D rates vary with N, and, do patterns differ among age/sex groups?
b) identify causes for variation in B and D rates, what are mortality agents?
c) Does population show negative feedback?