Midterm 2 Flashcards
How is an observed value defined?
True value + Residual error
what does the mean stand for in the algebraic notation for an observed value?
mean = true value, benchmark.
Is the mean part of the true value of an observation?
What do the integers Si, Oj, Bk stand for, in regards to the value of the observation?
They are all true values based on the number of factors present in the model.
Can the subscripts of the algebraic notation for a true value be replaced by actual numbers?
Yes, the new subscript numbers relate the observed value to the factor levels of the factor they came from.
What is the Standard Deviation of the residual error?
What is the Benchmark value in a decomposition?
Benchmark is the grand average of all the observed values
What is another name for Benchmark?
Grand mean
What is the estimated effect for a factor?
Factor average - grand average (benchmark)
The estimated effect for an individual in the experiment is the individuals average observations - grand mean.
The estimated effect for an individual in the experiment is the individuals average - the group average for that individual.
What is the formula for the residual error?
Observation - (grand mean + efffect 1 + effect 2)
What two types of variability make up an observation?
planned and unplanned
What does the F statistic tell us?
How much bigger the average variability of the factor is than the average variability from the MSerror
How do you find the SS?
Square all the numbers in the table, and ad them up. the total is a measure of hte overall variability in the table.
What do the degrees of freedom represent?
This number counts the number of units of information about residual erro rcontained in the table
How do you find the means squared value?
Divide the Sum of Squares by the degrees of freedom
How do you find the sum of squares?
Square each number in the box and then add them all up! It literally means exactly what it says.
If the residuals are grouped relatively close together, will the sum of squares be large or small?
The sum of squares will be small
If the residuals are spread out will the sum of squares be large or small?
The sum of squares will be large
What does the sums of squares measure?
The overall variability of a set of numbers, provided those numbers add to zero.
What does SS measure average variability?
No, it measures overall variability?