Midterm 2 Flashcards
Ellis Island
Minimal possessions; fear of police; would rather jump into water than return to Russia; complicated changes of immigration laws
Letter Songs: (5)
“Sleep My Child”, “Long Live Columbus”, “Ellis Island”, “My Green Cousin”, “Letter to Mother”
“Sleep My Child” (composer, 1 detail)
Sholom Alechem; wondrous reuniting with father who went to America
“Long Live Columbus” (1 detail)
Optimism and Pessimism
“Ellis Island” (1 detail(2))
Do you know the language? Do you know a trade?
“My Green Cousin” (1 detail)
Greenhorn worn out from factory work
“A Letter to Mother” (1 detail)
Letter FROM mother to son, who forgot mother because he acquired wealth and married. Mother dies.
HIAS (acronym; 2 functions)
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society [ published newspapers, lobbied for fair legislation]
Landsmanshaft (3 details)
Social community; offered burial, pensions, legal protection; crazy rules: behavior, marriage, communism
boarder at wife’s taken in to live
Thoughts that new immigrants would degrade modern American society
Jewish Daily Forward
Only Jewish paper still existing today; made famous by the Bundt
Jacob Gordin
Artist that added realism and melodrama to Goldfaden’s work; tried to make the theatre more sophisticated
Maurice Schwartz
Created Yiddish Art Theatre; focus on classical works such as Shakespeare and Ibsen
Boris Tomashevsky (3 details)
Student of Goldfaden’s who left for U.S first. Considered founder of Yiddish theatre in U.S; constructed works by memory with improv; first success was “The Witch”
Joseph Rumshinsky (career, (3) songs)
Published but did not create “Eli, Eli”; wrote for both vaudeville and serious opera; 3 songs [ Triangle Fire; Motl the Operator]
Sholom Secunda (3 songs)
“Dona Dona”, “To Me, You’re So Handsome”, “My Green Cousin”
Alexander Olshanetsky (career, experience, 3 songs)
Had both a traditional and secular background; Russian choral master; U.S: Yiddish theatre cantorial styles; “Bar Kochba”, “Belz, Belz”, Shmaltz
“Bar Kochba”
written by Olshanetsky; banned in Russia because of insight of uprising [ history of revolt against Romans]
Abraham Ellstein [ beginnings, 4 songs, one production]
Began as accompanist to Yessele Rosenblatl; Titanic song, Molly Picon’s “Mamele, Abi Gezunt, Der Nayer Sher, Yidl Mitn Fidl”
Molly Picon
famous female Yiddish actor; reverse trouser role
The Jazz Singer
Al Jolson; blackface; mix between tradition and popular jazz singer
Yidl Mit’n Fidl
Father and daughter go as a duet performing, daughter [ molly picon] as a boy
Song about a mother who is so busy taking care of children, she forgets what it means to be a woman
Yessele Rosenblatt
greatest cantorial singer
Irving Berlin
wrote many great works including “White Christmas”
movement to reclaim state of Israel, slowest to take hold in immigrant communities because of the idealistic, not here and now. However it did serve as a kind of overall purpose, and backlash to the forced ideas of assimilation. It gave an identity Howe: how they lived