Midterm 2 Flashcards
Abortion was not illegal until _____
Comstock law
Made it illegal to send obscene contents in the u.s. Mail including birth control
3 reasons birth control info was regulated
- Sexual activity
- Population size
- The role of women
Most popular form of birth control?
Douching and rhythm
What year did they figure out when the best time for douching and rhythm was?
Major problems for pioneer women?
Most important reasons for prejudice against immigrants?
They were willing to work for less, therefore job competitiveness
Why did so few women join unions?
- Saw jobs as temporary
- Unions did not want women
- Danger factor
Major complaints of the working girls in Boston
- Hours too long
- Health conditions (I.e. Bad air)
- Not enough time to eat
Chinese prostitution
The families sold girls into prostitution when they came to America
Which state passed the property law which gave women the right to vote
Seneca falls
Mt. Holyoke college
Wyoming grants women the right to vote
Mother Harris jones
achieve equality and justice for the country’s industrial laborers.
Lucretia Mott
Known for: initiating Seneca Falls Woman’s Rights Convention with Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Occupation: reformer: antislavery and women’s rights activist; Quaker minister
Lucy stone
Speaker ( she helped found the American Equal Rights Association. She also organized and was elected president of the New Jersey Woman Suffrage Association,)
Elizabeth cady Stanton
Philosopher ( Lecturing across the country, she spoke on topics like maternity, child rearing, divorce law, temperance, and presidential campaigns.)
Susan b. Anthony
Margaret fuller
1st american women philosopher & first real newspaper reporter
Elizabeth Blackwell
1st women doctor/ applied to 29 medical schools
Antoinette brown Blackwell
1st ordained women minister in a Congregational church, became a Unitarian
Dorothea Dix
Got mentally ill people out of jail and into separate mental institutions
Belva Lockwood
1st women admitted to practice law before the Supreme Court/ had to get congress to pass a bill that would allow her to practice before the Supreme Court
Clara Barton
1st female federal government founded the Red Cross & helped the bill that prohibited militants from shooting a wounded militant
Victoria woodhill & Tennessee caflin
1st female stockbrokers
Victoria woodhill
1st female stock broker and founded a newspaper on free love, legalizing prostitution