midterm 2 Flashcards
types of logic circuits
combinational circuits and sequential circuit
what does the output depend on in combinational logic
output depends on current input
what has no memory
combinational logic
what is combinational logic used for
for arthmetic circuits such as adders
the data path of a computer (alu)
what is decoder
a circuit that can preform decoding
what is decoding
a process of converting bit code input to a unique output
example of decoder
memory addresses
you can build any circuit using what
example of mux is
network communication at sender site, source button in tv
what is mux
mux has 3 parts
or gate
enabling circuit
mux definition
a circuit that has n inputs and can select one input based on ceiling log2n selection lines
de-mux definition
a circuit that has one input and n outputs and can select one output based on ceiling log2n selection lines
example of demux
network communication at receiver side
what circuit rememberers past inputs
Sequential circuits