Midterm 2 Flashcards
Phylogeny (Intro)
- The evolutionary history of a group of organisms.
- Based on the idea that organism are related by evolution.
–Phylogeny shows both the evoltuionary history and the relatedness of groups of organisms. - Understnding these relationships is critical to our understand of both evoltion and how biological processes work.
Phylogenic trees
- Reveal evolutionary history and relatedness among groups of organisms by comparing their anatomical physiology (aka morphology), or molecular features.
- Is a model of how a group of organisms descended from a common ancestor.
- It is all a hypothesis because they are the best explanation of existing data.
- Where groups split, which represents the most recent common ancestor of two descendant groups.
- Where evolution occurs.
Tips and taxa
- Tips represent observed taxa which are the endpoints of the process we are trying to model.
Sister taxa
- Two species, or groups of species, are considered to be closest relatives if they share a common ancestor not shared by any other species or groups.
EX. Frogs are more closed released to salamanders than to any other group of organs because frogs and salamanders share a common amphibian ancestor not shared by other groups. - These are called SISTER TAXA
- The entire phylogenetic tree is simply a set of sister group relationships; adding a species to the tree entails finding its sister group in the tree.
Equivalent groups
- The nodes of a tree can be rotated without changing the evolutionary relationship.
Monophyletic group AKA clade
- All members share a single common ancestor that is not shared with any other species or group of species.
- Cladistic focuses specifically on derived similarities.
– Defined by a single common ancestor where all descendants of the ancestor must be in the group.
EX. The amphibians are monophyletic because all of the groups classified as amphibians share a common ancestor not shared by any other taxa.
Constructing phylogenetic trees
- Phylogenetic tress are constructed by comparing characters shared among different groups of organism.
- CHARACTERS are the morphological, physiological, or molecular features that make up organisms.
- The infer the phylogenetic relationships.
1. Phenetic approaches use measures of distance between organism.
2. Cladistic approaches are based on modelling how evolution occurs on the tree.
Morphological vs genetic characteristics
- We usually focus on genetic characteristics because it is easier to measure precisely.
- However, when we don’t have genetic information available, like in fossilized organism, we use the morphological approach.
Phenetic vs. cladistic analysis
- Cladistic analysis makes use of the phylogenetic model of organisms evolving from each other to infer phylogenies.
- Phenetic analysis ignores the phylogenetic model of organisms evolving from each other while inferring phylogenies.
- Phenetics classifies organisms based on morphological and structural features while cladistics classifies organisms based on their ancestry and evolutionary relationships.
— As a result cladistic is better because it is more accurate.
- Classical cladistic analysis is based on synapomorphies…a shared, derived character as evidence that two taxa are related.
- We focus on synapomorphies because they evolved in the relevant context and because they must be things our model (the phylogenies) must explain.
Basal vs derived
- BASAL are the characteristics of the common ancestors, while the DERIVED characters are those not shared by the common ancestor of the group that we are currently thinking about.
- Derived traits and basal characteristics are looked at as the same in phenetic analysis because they are they are looking at traits (the physical).
Basal and derived characteristics can be considered the same in phenetics because this approach primarily focuses on the overall similarity of organisms’ traits without making distinctions between primitive (basal) and advanced (derived) traits in terms of evolutionary history.
Basal characteristics: These are traits that are inherited from a common ancestor of a group of organisms. They are considered to be more ancient or primitive in the context of the group’s evolutionary history. Basal characteristics can help identify the common ancestry of a group of organisms and provide insights into their evolutionary relationships.
Derived characteristics: These are traits that have evolved or changed in a particular lineage or group of organisms since their divergence from a common ancestor. Derived characteristics can help researchers identify the unique features that distinguish one group of organisms from another and can be used to construct phylogenetic trees to represent evolutionary relationships.
The idea is to create clusters or groups of organisms that are most similar to each other, regardless of the evolutionary history of the specific traits being considered. This can lead to the grouping of organisms based on a combination of primitive and derived characteristics, without assigning them specific evolutionary significance.
Inferring the common ancestor & Outgroup
- We want to know what the common ancestor was like, so we can tell which characters are derived (as opposed to basal)
- We can make use of an outgroup which is an organism closely related to, but outside, the group being studied.
– We assume that the root or beginning, of the tree is where the outgroup branches from the group.
– It is basically derived earlier than all the other organisms.
We begin with four species of animals (labeled “A” through “D”) for which we wish to build a phylogenetic tree. We will call this our ingroup, meaning it includes all of the groups for which we are interested in guring out relationships. For comparison, we also include a species that we believe is outside this ingroup – that is, it falls on a branch that splits o closer to the root of the tree – and so is called an outgroup (labeled “OG”).
Convergent evolution, homogies, analogies
- Convergent evolution is a biological phenomenon in which distantly related species independently evolve similar traits, characteristics, or adaptations in response to similar environmental pressures or ecological niches.
- Convergent evolution often results in the development of analogous structures or functions that serve the same purpose but are not derived from a common ancestral trait. This can be seen in various aspects of an organism’s biology, such as morphology (physical appearance), behavior, or physiological adaptations.
- If similarities that are not homologies (i.e, not due to common ancestry), these are called analogies.
Secondary loss
- Organism may lack a characters that its ancestors had.
- The simplest tree, the one with the fewest evolutionary changes or character state transitions, is often considered the best representation of the evolutionary history.
- We take advantage that evolutionary change is typically rare.
Why is genetic analysis more effective than the morphological analysis
- It can be hard to tell which traits are derived from a morphological perspective.
- Gene analysis typically allows us to analyze more traits.
- Down side is that it is more costly…so we can use morpholigcal groups if we have fossil records.
Approximation of Phylogenetic trees
- Phylogenetic trees are tremendously useful and powerful tools for organizing, understanding and analyzing biological data. However, ther are limitations:
- The true history of life is not reflected and/or summerized in a single tree.
- Sex or other forms of gene transfer are not shown.
- Trees constructed by humans are not necessarily even the best apporiximation to the true history of life,
- Our guess often change overtime.
History of life
- Big recent innovations have told us alot about the history of life.
- We have gained access to more detailed genetic information, sophisticated analysis techniques, and electronic computers.
- No nuclei
- Small
- Most of the microorganisms that we see
- no nuclei
- mostly small
- rare, or live in more extreme conditions
Eukarya / eukaryotes
- Large, nucleated cells with mitochondria
- mitochondria came after, and are captured bacteria
Early eukaryotic cells (the ancestors of modern eukaryotic organisms) are believed to have engulfed these aerobic bacteria through a process called endocytosis. Instead of being digested by the host cell, these bacteria formed a symbiotic relationship.