midterm 2 Flashcards
alkene hydration
- OH is attached to more substituted carbon
- have to use strong acids for this to occur
-rearrangement can occur
1. HNO3 or H2SO4
2. H2O
alkene oxymercuration/reduction
- OH is attached to more substituted carbon (Markovnikov product)
- OH and new H are bonded on opposite faces (anti-addition)
- acetate is OAc
-rearrangement CANNOT occur
1. Hg(OAc)2, H2O
2. NaBH4, H2O, NaOH
alkene hydroboration/oxidation
- syn-addition (added on same face)
-OH on LESS substituted carbon (anti-Markovnikov product)
1. BH3, THF
2. H2O2, NaOH
SN1 and SN2 reaction of alkyl halides
-hydroboration, oxymercuration, etc. can undergo SN1, SN2, E1, or E2 reactions
acidity & basicity of alcohols & thiols– overview
-can’t use hydroxide to make alkoxide because pka of conjugate acids are too similar
acidity & basicity of alcohols & thiols–polar effecs
- electronegativity: the molecule with the MORE electronegative atom is more acidic
- distance of polar groups: the closer the electronegative (i.e. polar) groups are to the alcohol, the more acidic
- number of electronegative atoms: the more electronegative atoms in the molecule, the more acidic
acidity & basicity of alcohols & thiols–sterics and solvation
-in solution: alcohols that are smaller (i.e. less sterics) are MORE acidic bc they have lower pka values
-the reason is because it is harder for solvents to interact with partial negative charges when there is lots of sterics
-increasing steric (i.e. size of the molecule), decrease in solvation (increase in pka so more basic and less acidic)
alcohols are amphoteric
-alcohols can act as an acid or base
-as the pka decreases, the acidity increases
dehydration of alcohols
-when you dehydrate OH, you get water
-looks like an elimination
mechanism overview: CyOH
-SN1 or E1 favored
-disfavors SN2/E2
- mech:
1. OH gets protonated by taking H from H3PO4 to become leaving group
2. bond that was attached to H now goes to O in H3PO4 to become a negative O
3. OH2 leaves as leaving group and the SN1 or E1 which becomes the slow step
4. beta H forms a double bond with the carbocation and the H2PO4 grabs the H
5. final product is the most stable alkene and H3PO4
-cation stability: tertiary (fastest)>secondary>primary (slowest)
subtleties and carbocation rearrangements
-heat is usually mixed in
-for E1, the more substituted carbon is the major product and less substituted is minor (alkenes)
-for SN1, the tertiary carbocation is more stable (rearrange to get the most stable carbocation if possible)
turning alcohol into halides
- in order to do so, we need to change OH into a better leaving group
- OH as it is is a poor leaving group
- OH is a fairly strong base so its a weak acid (hence a bad leaving group)
- when we protonate an OH, we make water which is a much weaker base so therefore it is a better leaving group
for SN2
- we can use PBr3 or Ph3PBr2 or DMF) reagents which convert alcohol into a bromide (must know the mechanism of this) reagents activate alcohol and make it into a better leaving group
- SOCl2 with DMF (polar aprotic solvent) is also a reagent that acts like the ones above but alcohol turns into Cl now
other ways to make good leaving group from an alcohol
- maybe you can’t use H-halogen (strong acid)
- sulfonate ester: ethyl p-toluene sulfonate (or called ethyl tosylate i.e Ots) and ethyl methane sulfonate (or called ethyl mesylate i.e. Oms)
- ethyl alcohol becomes ethyl tosylate (ethyl tosylate acts just like bromide. sorta like a fancy Br. Ots is a great leaving group bc its a very weak base)
preparation of alkyl sulfonates
- usually prepared with sulfonate chlorides
- run reaction with pyridine which acts as solvent and mild base
- tosylates are similar to alkyl bromides
- can use SN2 and use NaCN and DMSO to get OTs as leaving group
- can use E2 with strong base in polar aprotic solvent like DMSO and you get KOTs as leaving group and terbutyl as a byproduct
other reactivity
- related compound is sulfate
- dimethyl sulfate is a good leaving group
- remember, we need a strong base to deprotonate any type of alcohol
- if we had a much poorer leaving group, we wouldn’t be able to give a methyl group as easily
- caution: SO4CH3 is such a good leaving group that the dimethyl leaving group is very toxic that it alkylates DNA/proteins!
- for primary alcohol, we want to make the alcohol into a good leaving group with SN2 via SOcl2, PBr3, or sulfonate ester
*SN2 or E2 - for tertiary alcohol, SN1 occurs via H-halogen (Br or Cl)
*prefers an acid
*SN1 or E1 - for secondary alcohol, either one can occur (SN2 or SN1)
overview of carbon oxidation
-oxidation: loss of electrons (gains O/halogen or loses H)
-reduction: gain of electrons (loss of O/halogen or gain of H)
-use OIL-RIG to remember this (Oxidation Is Loss, Reduction Is Gain)
oxidation of alcohols
-alcohols-> forms to either aldehyde, ketone, or carboxylic acid
-oxidation an only occur if there are ALPHA H’S
alcohol oxidation
-first step is to form chromate ester
- reactions work with ONLY primary and secondary because they have alpha H’s
-reaction DOESN’T WORK WITH TERTIARY bc it doesn’t have any alpha H’s
primary alcohols
-over-oxidation occurs because primary alcohols have multiple alpha H’s
-PCC doesn’t generate water & stops at the aldehyde stage
-PCC is pyridinium chlorochromate
thiol oxidation
1.thiol and concentrated acid->sulfonic acid
properties of ethers and sulfides
- protonated form of alcohol and ether are similar (both fairly weak bases)
- ethers are pretty resilient to picking up a proton unless you are using a really strong acid where the pka value of that strong acid is a lot smaller than that of conjugate acid of the ether
- ethers aren’t super basic but they can form complexes with Lewis acids which can form a stable complex
- alcohols have an intermediate and decomposes further to form a weaker Brønsted acid
-like alcohols, ethers are relatively weak bases