Midterm #2 Flashcards
neurodevelopmental disorders
autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
schizophrenia & other psychotic disorders
bipolar & related disorders
mania symptoms
major depressive disorder (MDD)
bipolar I
bipolar II
cyclothymic disorder
anxiety disorders
obsessive-compulsive & related disorders
trauma & stressor-related disorders
dissociative disorders
dissociative identity disorder (DID)
somatic symptoms & related disorders
factitious disorder
feeding and eating disorders
bulimia nervosa
binge eating disorder (BED)
disruptive, impulse-control, & conduct disorders
- onset: childhood
- more boys diagnosed than girls
- destructive, aggressive behaviours against animals, people, objects (not something done once in a while)
personality disorders
cluster A personality disorders
cluster B personality disorders
cluster C personality disorders
borderline personality disorder (BPD)
social psychology
how the presence of others, real or imaginary, if going to influence how we think and behave
the explanations we offer as to why a behaviour took place
behaviour took place because this is who the person is
behaviour took place because of factors external to the person
fundamental attribution error
actor-observer bias
self-serving bias
false consensus bias
3 steps of self-fulfilling prophecies
- must believe something
- must behave in line with the belief
- because behaved in line with the belief, expectation became reality
What are the 3 major perspectives of the biological perspective?
- behavioural genetics
- neurological
- evolutionary
What are the main goals of the neurological perspective?
How physiological factors such as hormones and brain activity determine personality characteristic expression.
what are the main goals of the evolutionary perspective?
Behaviours/traits that are helpful with survival are likely to be passed on via evolutionary processes.
what are the main goals of the behavioural genetics perspective?
Personality is based on how inherited biological factors interact with the environment.
What two traits might have been passed on, according to the evolutionary perspective?
- conscientiousness
- optimism
type A personality
- highly driven
- competitive
- aggressive
- more likely to have a heart attack and suffer from substance abuse
type B personality
- relaxed
- calm
- easy going
concordance rate
It is used to determine the similarity of a personality measure between a set of twins, uses the correlation coefficient.
- have higher amygdala levels
- lower levels of serotonin
- smaller frontal levels
- lower serotonin levels
ascending reticular activating system
- regulates brain arousal
factor analysis
statistical technique that groups together items based on patterns and similarities
father of personality psychology
used factor analysis to come up with 3 main personality factors
Costa and McRae
developed the big 5 model
3 dimensions of personality (according to Eysenck)
extraversion - introversion
neuroticism - emotional stability
psychoticism - impulse control
5 factors of personality (according to Costa and McRae)
10 clinical scales in the MMPI
psychopathic deviate
masculinity - femininity
social introversion
association techniques
Type of projective test that provides participant with ambiguous picture and analyzes their first response, e.g. Rorschach ink blot test
fundamental attribution error
The tendency to attribute the behavior of others to internal/dispositional causes rather than external/environmental causes.
Clinical scale in MMPI that measures bizarre thoughts and behaviors, difficulty with communication and reality-testing
attitudes and opinions about people based on the group they are affiliated with, and assume that all members of said group share identical traits (e.g., soccer players fake injuries).
defining characteristic of bipolar disorder
cycling between extreme moods of mania to depression
abnormal psychology
The scientific study of mental illness/psychological disorders and factors associated with them (treatment, causes, prevention, etc.)
dispositional/internal attributions
The behavior occurred as a result of personality, emotions, intentions and beliefs;
situational/external attributions
The behavior occurred because of external factors outside the person, such as grumpy after a hot day
the 3 psychophysiological measures
- electrophysiological
- biochemical
- cortical
bystander effect
we are more likely to help someone in need when there is little to no one else around
proposed groupthink
Milgram’s experiment
- the experiment with the shocking and increase in voltage and all that
- 65% of participants continued to shock to the highest voltage
positive symptoms
symptoms that are not normally present
factors that are positively correlated with happiness
- agreeableness
- extraversion
- conscientiousness
projective tests are associated with what perspective?
psychoanalytical perspective