Midterm 2 Flashcards
What is the economic model of CSR
Primary responsibility of management is to maximize profit within the law. “Managerial Capitalism”
What is the stakeholder model of CSR
Business is embedded within a web of social relationships and we have a responsibility to a range of stakeholders
Integrative model of CSR
Social responsibility is integrated directly into the mission and purpose of corporations
What is corporate social responsibility
Ethical responsibilities that a business has to a society in which it operates
Which is the dominant CSR model
Philosopher Norman Bowie argues that beyond obeying the law, corporations have an ethical duty to do what?
Respect human rights
What did Philosopher Norman Bowie call the moral minimum
Respecting human rights
Under Bowie’s view, what ethical consideration overrides other concerns
The obligation to cause no harm
What is a corporate sustainability report
A financial annual report which provides an overview of the firm’s financial performance on environment and social, as well as financial, grounds.
What is reputation management
The practice of attending to the “image” of a firm
What is the least obligatory level of ethical responsibilities according to philosophers?
ethical responsibilities to do good
Why are people ethically expected to fulfill their responsibilities?
Because they are accountable to others if they do not fulfill their responsibilities
True or false: David Vogel cautions firms to avoid investing in corporate social responsibility when consumers are reluctant to support that investment by paying higher prices.
What is the argument in favor of sweatshops
Contribute the to the welfare of the least advantaged.
What are the main themes of the Ethical Trade Initiative Base code
Bans deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure
Wages should be at legal or benchmark standards
All workers should be provided with information about wages
What is the classification for child labor
Too young to work or working in hazardous conditions. Justification, Harm, Age of child
What is the right of due process
Right to be protected against arbitrary use of authority. Or procedures police and courts must follow in exercising authority
What is employment at will
Holds that in absence of other legal obligation that specifies conditions all employees are employed at will
What is the common law agency test
A test of independent contractor status by judging the ability to control the manner in which the work in performed
What is the IRS 20-factor analysis
An analysis the IRS looks at to determine is someone is an independent contractor or employee
What is the economic realities test
A test where the court considers whether the worker is economically dependent on the business
Which side must show proof they were unjustly or illegally fired
The employee
What is just cause
Requires employers to show cause to justify the dismissal of an employee
What is downsizing
When a firm makes a decision to fire many workers at once to cut costs
What are the negative effects downsizing causes
Decline in customer service, increase in errors, bad attitude, decreased perception in CSR
What is OSHA and when was it founded
The occupational safety and health administration. 1970
When first established OSHA was aimed at achieving what
safest feasible standards
What is a critique of OSHA’s approach to health and safety
Critics argue OSHA should aim to achieve the optimal, rather than highest feasible level of safety. Others argue it does not go far enough and unjustly sacrifices employee health
What is diversity
The presence of differing cultures, languages, ethnicities, races, affinity orientations, etc. in a firm.
What is multiculturalism
refers to the principle of tolerance and inclusion that supports the co-existence of multiple cultures
What is affirmative action
Favoring disadvantaged classes in the hiring process to counter systemic discrimination
What is reverse discrimination
discrimination against those traditionally in power or the majority
When is Executive Order 11246 required
When a federal contractor has 50 or more employees. Requires affirmative action efforts to ensure equal opportunity
Identify the inherent problems in the free-market approach to workplace health and safety.
Assumes the free market is perfectly competitive, and It addresses questions from a purely individual perspective and ignores questions of social justice and public policy.
Which of the following are the challenges raised against the approach that requires the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to use cost–benefit analysis for establishing health and safety standards?
Involves trading off health and safety against profit margin and ignores the intrinsic value of employee lives
What is true of the instrumental value of an employee who dies in a workplace accident?
It is calculated, in part, by the lost wages the employee would have earned if he or she lived.
What are hypernorms
values that are fundamental across culture and theory. Include privacy rights, physical movement, consent, and freedom of speech
What is moral free space
An environment where hypernorms or universal rules do not govern or apply to ethical decisions,
What is property right referring to
An individual’s life and all nonprocreative derivatives of her or his life
What is the fourth amendment
Protection against unreasonable search and seizure, governs only the public-sector
What is the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and the year it was created.
Prohibits the interception or unauthorized access of stored communication. 1986
What is intrusion into seclusion
When someone intentionally intrudes on the private affairs of another when the intrusion would be highly offensive to a reasonable person
City of Ontario v Quon addressed what
employer monitoring
Riley vs California addressed what
protection under the fourth amendment for cell phones and similar devices
Economist Antonio Argandona contends what moral requirements on data
Truthfulness and accuracy, respect for privacy, respect for property and safety rights, accountability
What is email monitoring
The maintenance and either periodic or random review of email communications of employees or others for a variety of business purposes.
What is internet use monitoring
The maintenance and either periodic or random review of the use of the internet by employees or others based on time spent or content accessed for a variety of business purposes.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act states what
Employers cannot used protected health information when making employment decisions without prior consent from the employee
The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 states what
Protects employees by prohibiting discriminatory treatment based on genetic information
What is the Hawthorne effect
Workers are found to be more productive based on the psychological stimulus of being singled out
Under the Affordable Care Act, how does tobacco use impact premiums
Insurance companies are permitted to charge up to 50% premiums for smokers
HIPAA or the health insurance portability and accountability acts requires what for smokers
Firms must offer alternatives to avoid additional charges for smokers
Employers’ decisions regarding medical information are restricted in the United States by the _____.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
While an employee has an obligation to respect the goals and property of the employer, the employer also has an obligation to respect the rights of the employee, including the employee’s right to privacy. This concept is called a(n
reciprocal obligation
According to the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), under which of the following circumstances can employers collect genetic information about employees?
To examine the biological effects of toxic substances in the workplace
To comply with the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Protected health information is what
all medical records or other individually identifiable health information
In telephone calls monitoring is often required by which type of law. And which law allows employers to monitor without notice
State mandates you notify parties on call, Federal lets you without notice
A challenge posed by the new technology that is accessible in workplaces is _____.
the facelessness that arises from its use
According to philosopher George Brenkert, whether one’s privacy is violated or not by a disclosure of personal information depends on _____.
one’s relationship with the person or persons who come to know that information
Many recent court decisions regarding workplace monitoring seem to depend specifically on _____.
whether the employee had notice that the monitoring might occur
What is the caveat emptor approach
A simple model of a contractual exchange between a buyer and sellser
What is implied warranty of merchantability
Holds that in seller a product a business implicitly offers assurance that the product is reasonably suited for its purpose
What is negligence
Unintentional failure to exercise reasonable care not to harm other people
What is strict liability
A legal doctrine that holds an individual or business accountable for damages whether or not it was at fault.
What is marketing
an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.”
What is afluenz
Evidence obtained from empirical studies indicates that greater consumption can lead to unhappiness
What is the dependence effect
The idea that customer demand depended on what producers had to sell
Marketing campaigns that are based on environments or activities where the subject is not aware that she or he is the target of a marketing campaign are referred to as
stealth/undercover marketing
What is the doctrine of respondeat superior
It holds employers responsible for the actions of employees when the employees are acting in the ordinary course of their duties to the employers.