Midterm Flashcards
Which sections are centered on the temple?
84 88 89 93 95
What is the theme of section 93?
Jesus grew grace by grace
in which section does it refer to jesus growing grace by grace?
section 93
which section is central to the plan of salvation?
Section 93
Section 93 quotes and previously unknown and unrecorded scriptures from:
John the Baptist
what is the context of section 77?
JS is translating the revelation of St. John in the New Testament. JS questioning revelations
what is the content of section 77?
understanding the symbols of numbers
what is the number 1 symbolic of?
what is the number 2 symbolic of?
what is the number 3 symbolic of?
God, Divine involvement
what is the number 3.5 symbolic of?
Work cut short
what is the number 4 symbolic of?
geographic completeness (which means…)
what is the number 6 symbolic of?
perfection not yet obtained
what is the number 7 symbolic of?
spiritual perfection
what is the number 8 symbolic of?
what is the number 12 symbolic of?
what is the number 40 symbolic of?
a period of trial
what what are the numbers 1,000 and 10,000 symbolic of?
power and strength
greatness and vastness
Used to show the fact that something is really great
which sections have to do with the first presidency?
81 and 90
what is the context of section 81?
establishment (organization) of the first presidency
jesse Gausee and fredrick g. wiliams has their names crossed out
What happened to Jesse Gausse
he was called to serve a mission but after two weeks he and his companion split up and he was never heard of seen again
what is the content of section 81?
The first presidency presides over the church
The Prophet choses his counselors
What is the take away message of section 81?
We can all be replaced in the church.
What is the context of section 90?
Continuing in establishing the first presidency
Duties of the first first presidency
What is the content os section 90?
the President of the church is presiding authority
the first presidency receive revelations for the church
What is the take away message of section 90?
don’t take the revelations from the first presidency lighty
what does the first presidency do?
bear keys of the kingdom
oracles (give revelations)
presides over the church (set in order all affairs of the church)
What is the context of section 78?
JS and others were assembled for instructions on the united order
Why did they need code names in section 78?
Because the book of covenants was about to be published and because of persecution in kirtland, they needed to be protected from creditors.
What is the united order?
consecration type organization of church leaders
in kirtland and missouri
United bishop whitneys buissines (bishop’s storehouse)
what is another name for the united order?
United firm or Order of Enoch
what did the United Order do?
It unites businesses that regulated and established the affairs of the storehouse for the poor.
the law of enoch required_____ of what a man had
How did the united order work with the business owners?
Select leaders maintained private ownership of their properties but pooled the resources their properties generated to advance zion
What is the context of section 82?
A week after being tarred and feathers, JS left for Missouri to organize the united firm
What is the context of section 104?
two years after it was formed, members of the united order failed to keep their covenants.
The church in Ohio is in deep debt.
The church in Missouri has been driven out of their lands.
the united firm is unable to pay its bills.
JS dibanded the united firm.
The law of consecration today
the law of sacrifice and the law of consecration have not been done away with and are still in effect.
Has the law of consecration gone away?
what are the 3 core principles of consecration?
as creator, all is God’s
we are stewards, not owners
agents accountable to God
What are the purposes of the law of consecration?
take care of the poor give the father glory Promote equality prepare us for the celestial world cause the church to stand independent be prepare to be made rulers zion to increase and enlarge benefit the church enable us to improve our talents make us accountable stewards Provide for the saints exalt the poor and make low the rich
what is the context of section 84?
it was given as missionaries began to return from the eastern states and give report
what is the content of section 84?
revelation on priesthood power and ordinances
it has nothing to do with priesthood offices, it has to do with ordinances
What is the whole purpose of section 84?
to get us into god’s presence.
Where is the power of Godliness found in the flesh?
in ordinances (section84)
what is an acceptable offering?
a church offering of doing work for the dead in the temple (section 84)
in Section 84 the lord is going rear a temple and build____and ____ as well as what the _____ has to do with it.
build the new jerusalem and why as well as what the priesthood has to do with it.
generation =
The Cloud=
God’s presence
What is priesthood power?
key to the knowledge of God
what is the endowment?
bringing us into the presence of God
What is God’s covenant to us?
that if we do what we promised when we make covenants, that we can be like him and he will give us all that he has.
Who is God speaking to in D&C 84?
he is speaking to the missionaries through JS.
Truth and light equal
What is going on in section 85?
It’s a letter from JS to W.W. Phelps talking about some people who move there but didnt want to live with all things common.
It’s a letter to the apostates.
From section 85 we learn that revelation comes _____.
In many different ways.
excommunication is the result of which actions?
murder adultery/sexual misconduct join groups directly against church misuse of church funds felonies harm the name or members of the church
Should we or should we not “steady the ark”?
we shouldn’t
we need to:
stay in our realm of stewardship
don’t counsel the Lord
Who does “that man” refer to in section 85?
edward partridge
what did edward partridge do selon section 85?
He tries to steady the ark
he then repented
which parable is in section 86?
the parable of the wheat and the tares
the parable of the wheat and the tares
its the lord’s interpretation of our dispensation
it’s about apostasy and restoration and dispensations
the work for our dispenseation
what so the tares represent?
general apostasy
what does the wheat represent?
us coming through with ordinances and the priesthood and passing them on to others
Section 87 is a revelation on
the civl war and war on all nations
how did the saints avoid the war according to section 87?
they avoided the death and misery of the civil war as they followed prophetic counsel on the gathering (utah).
they needed to stand in holy places to avoid death
section 88 is a continuation of section ____
84 because its a continuation of the ideas of the temple and being brought into the presence of God
Section 88 refers to
the branch of peace and the olive tree
the school of the prophets
the revelation in section 88 was given to the school of the prophets and took _____ to dictate
3 days
What is the content of section 88?
we will, in essence judge ourselves.
what is today’s school of o the prophets?
learn by study and faith
teach doctrine and study out the best books
body + spirit =
section 89 is not a health code is a
revelation code
Section 92 mentions that ____ was supposed to be part of the united order
Frederick g. williams
in section 92 Frederick g WIlliams replaced
jesse gausse
in section 93 we learn that JC grew…
line upon line
grace by grace
Why was section 93 given?
we that we might know what we worship and how to worship so that we can become like God.
what do we worship?
how do we worship?
through progression
how do we become like god?
through exaltation
in which section does the lord warn zion and tell them to build a temple?
section 97
in which section does God tell us how to respond to enemies in zion?
in which section does god tell us why zion was chastened and how to redeem it?
in which section do we see the organization of Zion’s camp?
in which section is Zion’s camp disbanded?
in which section do we get the parable of the tower?
what do the olive trees represent in the parable of the tower?
house of Israel
what do the watchers represent in the parable of the tower?
the leaders
what does the tower represent in the parable of the tower?
the temple
what does the hedge represent in the parable of the tower?
what do the watchmen represent in the parable of the tower?
church leaders
who is the one servant mentioned in the parable of the tower?
Joseph Smith
In which section is John Murdock mentioned?
who is john murdock
the man whose wife died in child bith who then have the twins to JS and emma since they couldn’t have kids.
what is the purpose of section 102
it contains the minutes of the first high council meeting which is the basis of meetings today
what is the take away message of section 106?
be prepared and know when the second coming will come. Second coming won’t overtake us if we;re in tune with the signs.
Sidney Rigdon
Baptist minister until he converted
spokesman for JS
central store
Newel K Whitney
second presiding bishop
bishop of kirtland OH, far west, MS and nauvoo IL
owned N.K.Whitney and Co which would become the first bishop’s store house
steward over the french farm
Jesse Gause
called to be in the first presidency left on a mission but companion had to head home early
jesse continued east and was never heard from again
Frederick G. Williams
called to replace jesse gause in the first presidency
Edward Partridge
first bishop
watched children
tried to steady the ark and was rebuked and he repented
tarred and feathered
W.W. Phelps
scribe to Joseph Smith
independence MO
ask bry
Jackson County MO
ask bry
Kitland OH
ask bry
which section has the revelation by John the Baptist?
section 93
What would make a better Zion?
build a temple
keep gathering
petition the government
then form army
why was Zions camp desbanded in section 105?
not prepared so they didn’t fight
why were they kicked out of Zion?
because they weren’t righteous enough
they weren’t living the celestial law
had there been a temple built in MO when the revelation was given in 97?
what was the solution to redeem zion in section 101?
continue to gather and purchase land in Jackson County
implore civil leaders
form zion’s army
in which section do we learn about the results of zions camp?
God didn’t want them to fight.
the quorums of the 12 and 70 were established from the men who sacrificed to be part of zions camp
in section 104, the ____ is disbanded
the united order