Midterm Flashcards
What is the total in millions of people with disabilities?
50.6 million
How many million people have a disability at age 18-44?
15.3 million
How many people have a disability who are 45-64?
20.8 million
How many people have a disability who are over 65?
14.5 million
How many people with a disability are male?
23.3 million
How many people with a disability are female?
27.3 million
What percent of the population has a disability?
22.2 percent
What percent of the population has a disability who are 18-45?
13.5 percent
What percent of the population has a disability who are 45-65?
27.4 percent
What percent of the population has a disability who are over 65?
37.8 percent
What percent of the population has a disability and are male?
21 percent
What percent of the population has a disability who are female?
23.4 percent
What is the number of people in millions who do not have a disability?
117.2 million
How many people in millions have no disability at age 18-45?
How many people have no disability at age 45-65?
How many people have no disability over 65?
How many people have no disability and are male?
How many people have no disability and are female?
What percent of people donāt have a disability?
77.8 percent
What percent of people donāt have a disability and are 18-45?
86.5 percent
What percent of people donāt have a disability and are 45-65?
72.6 percent
What percent of people donāt have a disability and are over 65?
62.2 percent
What percent of people donāt have a disability and are male?
79 percent
What percent of people donāt have a disability and are female?
76.6 percent
What is the medical definition of disability?
Lack of ability to function normally, physically or mentally; incapacity
Anything that causes disability
Inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment no less than 3 months
What is the social definition of disability?
A group bound by common social and political experience.
Used to identify us as a constituency, to serve our needs for unity and identity, and to function as a basis for political activism.
A marker of the identify that the individual and group wish to highlight and call attention to
What are the strengths of the social model of disability?
Effective political weapon to mobilize action
Calls attention to oppression and discrimination
Provides psychological support for the disabled
What are the weaknesses of the social model of disability?
Neglects the significance of impairment in the lived experience of the disabled
Assumes disabled oppression in all circumstances
Misguided utopian belief in a world free of environmental obstacles for disabled
Why study disability?
The study of disability must be social
The study of disability must be foundational
The study of disability must be interdisciplinary
The study of disability must be participatory
List the eight aspects that contribute to disability history.
Civil Rights Politics Social Policy Economic Issues Community Religion Education
What is the course perspective of disability
Historic social constructionist perspective
What three aspects are important when study disability?
Study the experience of disability among all populations
Study the social, cultural, political, economic, and religious issues that have influenced the societal understanding and response to disability
Study the current situation and future prospects of the disabled
What occurred in the first 3/4 of the 18th century?
A tenfold rise in British population
250,000-2.5 million
What was the number of Africans in the first 3/4 of the 18th century?
What was the reason for growth in the 18th century?
What was the social strata?
Aristocracy, Elite- Landowners, Southern slave owners
Middle Class- Artisans, Skilled Workers
Poor Whites, Laborers
Black Slaves
How were the colonial Americans in the 18th century?
People of Plenty
Enough food, clothing, wood for fuel
Low amount of disease, little premature death
What was British colonial growth motivated by?
Economic Prosperity
Religious freedom
When was the age of reason?
When did revolution begin?
The age of Enlightenment
Who wrote The Social Contract and when?
Thomas Hobbes, 1651
What was the Social Contract?
The purpose of government is to enforce law and protect the people. Government is accountable to the people.
Who wrote the Two Treaties of Government and when?
John Locke, 1689
What is the Two Treaties of Government?
An individual has a natural right to defend ālife, health, liberty or possessions.
What truths are self-evident in the Declaration of independence?
All men are created equal
That they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights
That among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
How were the mentally ill cared for Post Salem?
Persecution abated
Families cared for the mentally ill with community assistance
Who was James Otis?
Member of the Provincial assembly in Massachusetts
Had patriotic views against British policy
āTaxation without representation is Tyrannyā
Who is Samuel Coolidge?
School teacher often naked
Participant in the Boston Tea Party
Who is Joseph Moody?
Minister who covered his face with a black handkerchief
What was considered the cause of mental Illness in the Mid-18th century?
The spleen
How were the mentally ill treated in the mid-18th century?
Placed in cages in almshouses, jails
In chains, brutally whipped
When did the Diphtheria epidemic occur?
When did the yellow fever epidemic occur?
What was another epidemic that occurred in the 18th century?
Small Pox
What happened in 1763?
A British officer game a small pox contaminated blanket to two Indian chiefs they were at war with
Where was there a great outbreak of small pox?
Ohio Valley that devastated the Indians
Who else did the British try to infect with disease?
Continental troops under George Washington
Who were considered slaves?
Servants imported and brought into the country who were not Christian in the native country.
All negro, mulatto and Indian slaves will be held as real estate
What were slaves denied?
Their own children
Your birthright
Your selfhood
What were the common codes when dealing with slaves?
You could not do business with a slave without prior consent with the owner
Slaves could be raffled as prizes, wagered, gambled offered as security for loans, and transferred as gifts
What was the punishment for a slave to carry a gun?
39 lashes and forfeited the gun
What were slaves considered at legal trials?
Incompetent as witnesses in cases involving whites
What was the punishment for educating a slave?
No less than $500 and up to six month in jail
Who was Johnathon Edwards?
Theologian a part of the great awakening
If you believe in God you will go to heaven
Who is George Whitefield?
Evangelist a part of the great awakening
One of the first to preach to the slaves
What did the Great Awakening create?
A uniquely American Religious expression
Mediated by scripture only
What set the stage for the war of Independence?
The great awakening
Who resisted the message of equality?
Slave owners
Who embraced the message of equality?
Africans who developed their own form of the religion which became the foundation of the black church
What was the Calvinist overtones of the major revivalist period?
Only Godās grace mattered
Social standing, possession or absence of wealth were irrelevant to the promise of forgiven sins
What was the resultant thoughts because of the great awakening?
Immigrants were brought together as Americans
Suspicion of the Church of England Puritanism
Gave energy to the terms liberty, virtue, tyranny
Provided a new model of leadership involving lay people
Fostered education
Who owned over 200 slaves?
Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence
Where did the Revolutionary war begin and what did they refuse?
refused regular petitions by free blacks to end slavery
What two ideas were going hand in hand during the time of the revolution?
Demands of liberty
Acceptance of slavery
When was a petition made saying blacks have the right to freedom and equality?
January 13, 1777
How did framers of the constitution justify their actions?
By determining it was by divine authority
When was the American Revolution?
What was one of the first acts of the new nation after the revolutionary war?
To pass laws restricting immigration into the United States
When was the Naturalization Act passed?
What is the Naturalization Act?
Any alien, being a free white person, could apply for citizenship
indentured servants, free blacks and slaves were not eligible since they were property and not persons
When was the first pension legislation for the American colonies enacted?
August 26, 1776
What did the first pension legislation entail?
Half pay for officers and enlisted men who were incapable of earning a living for the duration of their disability.
What occurred in 1492?
What occurred in 1565?
First permanent colony in North America- St. Augustine, Florida
What occurred in 1607?
Jamestown is founded in Virginia.
Starvation and disease reduce colony from 105 to 32 survivors
Captain John Smith and Pocahontas
What occurred in 1619?
The first session of the first legislative assembly in America.
22 burgesses representing 11 plantations
20 Africans are brought by a Dutch ship to Jamestown for sale as indentured servants
What occurred in 1620?
Nov. 9th- The Mayflower ship lands at Cape Cod, Massachusetts with 101 colonists
Nov 11th- The Mayflower contract is signed establishing a form of local governemnt
What occurred in 1630?
March- John Winthrop leads a Puritan migration of 900 colonists to Massachusetts, where he will serve as the first governor.
September- Boston is officially established.
What occurred in 1636?
June- Roger Williams found Providence and Rhode Island. Williams was banished from Massachusetts for religious and political freedom, including separation of church and state.
What was 1675-1676?
King Philipās War between colonists and Native Americans because of tension over colonistās expansion. Resulted in 600 colonists deaths and 3000 natives death.
What was not known in the colonies?
What was the medical practice for the colonists?
History of self care from herbal medicines
No hospitals
Family members helped family members
Physicians were for the wealthy
Colonial women had an average of 8 children
40% of doctors were women using herbs
What three aspects impacted Colonial disease?
Poor sanitation- No running water
Wells contaminated by waste
Poor hygiene- Baths were considered unhealthy
What were the common disease during the colonial period?
Small Pox
Chilblain- a swelling of the hands and feet due to exposure of extreme colg
Scarlet Fever
Rickets- disease of the bones caused from a deficiency of calcium or vitamin D in their diet or lack of sunlight.
Cholera- caused by feces contaminated food-Diarrhea, vomiting, muscle cramps, severe dehydration
Diphtheria- spread of infected milk and caused extreme difficulty breathing and a high fever
Dropsy- abnormal collection of fluids in parts of the body
Infected wounds- Gangrene
What was the life expectancy of those who reached 20 years in Virginia and Maryland?
Mid to late forties
What was the life expectancy of those who reached 20 years in New England?
Mid Sixties
What was uncommon in the colonial period?
Dementia and old age disability
What was the basis of disability during the colonial period?
The inability to perform labor was the basis of a disability
Who took care of the disabled if the family was unavailable to do so in the colonial period?
The communities
What were the disabled considered during the colonial period?
The deserving Poor
Who were kept out of communities during the colonial period?
Those causing financial burden
Idle persons
What was worn by people who needed caring for?
A āPā for poverty
What state was the first to have almshouses?
New York in 1650
What were the religious ideals of the Puritans?
Taking care of those unable to care for themselves such as Idiots Distracted Persons Lunatics Aged Maimed
What were the mentally ill thought as during the colonial period?
Demons possessed or under punishment of god
Children with disabilities were considered divine displeasure
When was the Salem Witch Trials?
Who were the two physicians on the Mayflower?
Miles Standish
Samuel Fuller
Who was Benjamin Rush?
Father of Psychiatry
Bled patients
Purged them until they vomited
Tranquilizer chair
Suspender chair
Killed more people then yellow fever- 1000 people
Started the practice of listening to patients
In 1625, what percent of labor force were indentured servants?
In 1683, what percent of the total labor force were indentured servants?
From 1654-1661, what percent of indentured servants are skilled?
From 1773-1775, what percent of indentured servants are skilled?
How many slaves were present in 1625?
How many slaves were present in 1648?
How many slaves were present in 1671?
How many slaves were present in 1680?
How many slaves were present in 1700?
How many slaves were present in 1720?
How many slaves were present in 1730?
How many slaves were present in 1740?
How many slaves were present in 1775?
What occurred in 1669 in regards to slavery?
Slave codes: An act about the casual killing slaves: Killing of a slave cannot be considered a felony
What occurred in 1680 in regards to slavery?
Thirty lashes on the bare back if a slave shall lift a hand against any Chrisitan