Midterm Flashcards
What was the largest empire in the world?
Refers to Economically successful regions of Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan
The five dragons
It is the most prominent land route for the merchants back then was through the, named by von Richthofen.
Silk road
What is one of the oldest jobs in human history?
The process by which countries engage in the buying and selling of goods and services.
International trade
When two or more persons join together to carry out a specific business venture and share the profits on an agreed basis
Joint venture
What was Dunkin’ Donuts’ original name when it started on Boston?
Open Kettle
The Portuguese sailor found a route from Spain to the East.
Vasco Da Gama
What major global conflict influenced the formation of the WTO?
World War II
Described by the type and number of competitors, locations and activities.
It is the study of an international system composed of territorial states which acknowledge no superior authority over matters which they consider of vital interest.
International relations
It means getting work done in a different country.
To belong to the world; not limited to one part of any sphere.
It was established to control and manage the goods cycle in the international trade system.
Who were the key leaders involved in post-war planning?
Churchill and Roosevelt
An action that is easier than developing new products (in the country)
Developing new markets
It is a rule which is not legally binding, but which in practice will normally be adhered to by those who subscribe to them.
Soft law
Who coined the term ‘metrosexual’?
Mark Simpson
It is where the preference to export but limits the import is not just as far as to earn precious metals, but it’s also for building up the industries and strengthening the economy.
Mercantilism idea
It is where your own organization charges a fee and/or royalty for the use of its technology, brand and/or expertise.
Where did the Preparatory Committee meet in 1946?
Refers to what we intuitively feel to be “we”.
When did the GATT 1947 enter into provisional force?
1 January 1948
Defined as exchange of goods and services between different national markets involving buyers and sellers.
international marketing
They are extremely endogamous (marrying within the group) compared with other nationals.
Toronto jews
which regulated the trade of Britain with the world.
The navigation acts
The French term for “Third World,” highlighting its historical context and usage.
Le Tiers Monde
It is a wide range of rules that are ‘international’ and relate to ‘trade’ or ‘economics’ having ‘legal’ or ‘regulatory’ nature.
international trade rules
The exchange of goods, services, and capital across international borders, involving interactions between countries.
International trade
It is a new channel for some organizations and the sole channel for a large number of innovative new organizations.
A corporation that operates in multiple countries, with a parent company based in one country and subsidiaries in others.
Multinational company
Who is the author of ‘Wealth of Nations’?
Adam Smith
What year was Lucky Chemical Industrial Co. established?
What was the first electronics company in Korea?
GeumSung or LG Electronics
Are the dominant source of international trade and business law.
When was the WTO officially established?
1 January 1995
Are individuals or organizations that are contracted to your business, and market on your behalf in a particular country.
What was the aim of the Proposals for Expansion of World Trade and Employment?
Code of conduct
It is an ancient land, and one of its oldest civilizations, India had a long history of a struggling economy ever since the end of the British rule 70 years ago.
What was the main goal of the International Conference on Trade and Employment?
ITO Charter
It is a foreign policy doctrine which holds that jurisdiction in international investment disputes lies with the country in which the investment is located.
Calvo doctrine
It is made to the New York GATT 1947 draft at the Geneva meeting
Substantive changes
Refers to contracting work out to an external organization.
What area do most Americans live in?
It is commonly referred to as the referendum decision by the people of the UK to withdraw its membership from the European Union (EU). In mid-2016, at least 50% of the UK participating electorate voted to leave the EU
What languages do Toronto Jews often encourage their children to learn?
Yiddish or Hebrew
What region has one-third of the American population?
term that describes a whole series of different relationships between companies that market internationally, and sometimes the relationships are between competitors.
strategic alliances
Who distinguished between high and low context cultures?
Edward Hall
Who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492?
Christopher Columbus