Midterm Flashcards
If Pr(A & B) = Pr(A)*Pr(B) OR Pr(A | B) = Pr(A)
- Determine if variables are correlated
- Avoid biased estimates
- Investigate autocorrelation, which could lead to inefficiency and incorrect standard errors
Conditional Expectation
- Calculating conditional Variance
- Law of iterated expectations
Law of Iterated Expectations
E[E[g(x,y)|x1, x2]|x1] = E[g(x,y)|x1]
- Essential for deriving unbiased estimators
- How information affects predictions
Mean Independence
- E[u|X]=0
- Helps to justify assumptions in instrumental variable regression
Coefficient of Determination (R^2)
The proportion of the variance in the dependent variable that is captured by the model.
- Predictive Power
- Comparing models
Leverage Point
Observation whose explanatory variables have the potential to exert an unusually strong effect on the fitted model.
- Can disproportionately influence the results of a regression model.
- Model stability
- Important to detect to ensure robust and reliable regression analysis
Frisch-Waugh Theorem
Simplifies a MLR model by allowing it to focus on the impact of a single variable, holding others constant.
Beta_1 = (X1’ M2 X1)^-1 X1’ M2 y
- Useful when dealing with panel data sets and individual effects.
- How do individual variables contribute to the regression model?
Positive Definite
If x’Ax >0 for all x != 0
- Ensures OLS estimates have a unique and stable solution
- Guarantees the Var-Cov matrix is invertible
- Ensures MLE reach a unique minimum
Nonnegative Definite
If x’Ax >= 0 for all x != 0
- Var-Cov matrix must be non negative to make meaningful statistical inferences
Square Root Matrix
R is a square root matrix if A = RR’
- Used in Monte Carlo
- Essential for Generalized Least Squares
Level Curves
Sets of points where a function takes the same value.
c in R{x: x’Ax = c}
- Visualizing constraints and trade-offs
Normal Distribution
f(y) = 1 / [2 sqrt(2pi o^2)] exp(- (y - mu)^2/(2o^2))
- Central Limit Theorem
- Standard statistical tests
- Symmetry and known properties make it easy to deal with
Multivariate Normal Distribution
If it can be expressed as a non-stochastic linear transformation of a vector of independent standard normal random variables.
- Modeling relationships between multiple dependent variables (time series)
- Enables factor analysis and multivariate hypothesis testing
Student’s t-Distribution
t(m) = z / sqrt(chi^2(m) / m)
- As sample size increases, it approaches the normal distribution
- Useful for small and large datasets
- Central to testing the significance of individual coefficients in regression analysis
Snedecor’s F-Distribution
If the ratio can be expressed as the ratio of two independent chi^2 random variables each divided by its degrees of freedom.
- Comparing variances across groups
- Testing the significance of a regression model
- Test restrictions on multiple regression coefficients
- Testing if nested models provide a significantly worse fit than a more complex model
Neyman-Pearson Lemma
The critical region should not contain any outcomes that are relatively more likely under the null than under the alternative.
- Likelihood Ratio Tests
- Balances the tradeoff between Type I and Type II errors