Midterm Flashcards
Confidence Interval
Range of values from data that most likely contains the true population value
“I am 95% confident that the interval [x,y] includes the true value we are estimating in the population”
Margin of Error (MoE)
The greatest likely error (above or below) in the point estimate; 1/2 of the CI
Reliable Measure
Repeatable; repeated measures should find similar results
- If reliable, scores should be the same in week 1 vs week 2 for same participant
Valid Measures
Accurate/true; measuring what is meant to be measured
- If valid, the same person should have similar scores for different measures of performance
Nominal Level
Numbers represent characteristics according to a simple code
- No numeric meaning
- Cannot compare, no average, no ratios
- Ex., omnivore = 1, vegetarian = 2, carnivore = 3
Ordinal Level
Numbers assigned based on rank
- CAN compare
- NO ratios, don’t know the space between
- Ex., 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
Interval Level
Numbers assigned based on the relative quantity of characteristic; has an arbitrary zero (negatives exist)
- CAN compare, find differences
- NO ratios
- Ex., year, latitude, longitude, temperature
Ratio Level
Numbers are assigned based on the absolute magnitude of characteristic; TRUE ZERO (0 = nothing)
- CAN compare, find differences and ratios
- Ex., salary, pulse, rate, reaction time, etc.
Positively Skewed Distribution
Start high on the left, taper towards the right
Negatively Skewed Distribution
Start low on the left, get higher towards the right
Middle point; outliers have no effect
Most frequent
Standard Deviation
The average distance from the mean
- First calculate variance (V)
- Then calculate SD for each x in N
Unbiased N
The distance of a data point from the mean, in units of standard deviations
- Found in any distribution where mean and SD are known
- Provide a standardized score for an individual point; allows for comparison
Vertical lines that mark:
- Z = 0: mean
- Z = -1: 1SD below the mean
- Z = 1: 1 SD above the mean
Find Z-score when data point is known:
Z = X - M (distance from mean) / standard deviation
Find data point when z-score is known:
X = M + Z(S)
The value of X below which the stated % of data points lie
- Median = 50th percentile
- Largest = 100th percentile
Q1 = 25th percentile, Q2 = 50th percentile, Q3 = 75th percentile, Q4 = 100th percentile
Continuous Variable
can take on any of the unlimited numbers in a range (2.47381)
Discrete Variable
Can only take distinct or separated values (no decimals)
Standard Normal Distribution
Has a mean of 0 and a SD of 1, usually displayed on a z-axis; 95% of values lie between 2 SD of the mean
Sampling Distribution of the Sample Means
A distribution created by the means of many samples
Mean Heap
The empirical representation of the sampling distribution of sample means
Standard Error
The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample means
Central Limit Theorem
States that the sum/mean of a number of independent variables has approximately a normal distribution, almost whatever the distributions of those variables