Midterm Flashcards
Explain what work is
What does the cos(theta) term represent in W = F d cos(theta)? Why is it needed when we calculate work?
What are the SI units of work?
Is work scalar or vector?
Can the work done by a force be positive? Can it be negative?
What is the equation for the force of an ideal spring? Is this force constant or variable with position?
Identify each term in the force of an ideal spring equation and give SI units
Can constant acceleration kinematics be used to study motion when spring forces act?
Given a graph of the spring force versus position, how do you find the spring constant k for an ideal spring?
What does the spring constant represent about the spring?
How do you use a force versus position graph to calculate the work done by a variable force?
What does the kinetic energy of a body represent?
What is the equation for calculating KE? Identify each term and its SI unit
Is KE scalar or vector?
What does the gravitational potential energy of a body represent?