Midterm Flashcards
Incarcerated individuals who struggle with alcohol addiction or engage in excessive and problematic drinking habits that can lead to negative physical, social and behavioral consequences.
It refers to those who display sexual interest or engage in sexual activities with both males and females. This may also encompass attraction towards people of any gender identity or regardless of their biological sex or gender.
It is also known as an “inmate record or jacket,” is a file that contains an inmate’s personal and criminal record, along with other documents related to their incarceration. These may include, but are not limited to, their commitment order, subpoenas, personal identification, court orders, and other papers that are necessary for their detention.
A minor is an individual who is below eighteen (18) years of age and is suspected, charged, or convicted of committing a violation under the laws of the Philippines.
Child or Children in Conflict with the Law (CICL), also known as “Youth Offender”
Is the personnel in-charge in the overall supervision of all custodial functions.
Chief Custodial Officer
It is a facility or a place of confinement for those inmates who are sentenced with a penalty from (1) one day to three (3) year imprisonment.
City Jail
It refers to the practice of assigning a municipal or city jail as a facility for multiple adjacent municipalities to make the most of the available resources and personnel. The municipality or city designated as the primary facility is referred to as a district, and it accommodates inmates from the clustered municipalities.
Clustering of Jails
It is a written directive from a court or authorized agency that assigns an inmate to a jail for safekeeping during the course of their case.
Commitment Order
This pertains to any object or material that is prohibited by law or jail regulations, and may pose a threat to the security of the facility or the well-being of the inmates.
This pertains to a brief visit of a wife to her husband who is in prison, usually lasting around an hour, where they are granted privacy and are commonly assumed to engage im sexual activity.
Conjugal Visitation
Is an individual who is facing allegations before a court or a competent authority and is held in jail temporarily while undergoing or waiting for investigation, trial, or final judgement.
A correctional facility that detains individuals from a city or a group of nearby municipalities who are either awaiting trial or serving a sentence ranging from one (1) day to three (3) years.
District Jail
This term describes inmate who have a psychological need or physical dependence on a chemical or drug substance and engage in it’s abuse.
Drug Dependents
This pertains to inmates who consume drugs or substances that can modify the functioning of their body and mind.
Drug Users
Are inmates who are likely and have the tendency to escape from the jail facility.
Escape-Prone Inmates
A male inmate who is romantically or sexually attracted to other male inmates is referred to as a homosexual inmate.
This refers to a group of inmates who are deemed highly dangerous or have a high likelihood of escaping or causing disturbances due the severity of the crimes they committed or their tendency to create trouble or initiate riots inside the jail. This group includes those accused of heinous crimes such as murder, terrorism, and kidnap for ransom, as well as those charged with violating R.A. No. 9165, which carries a penalty of life imprisonment to death. In addition, this group includes those with a history of jail escapes, habitual offenders, and individuals with severe emotional or personality disorders that make them a threat to other inmates or jail personnel.
High Risk Inmates in BJMP Jails
This individuals are not necessarily accused of heinous crimes, but they are well-known figures in society or public figures whose cases have garnered public attention.
High Profile Inmates in BJMP Jails
This pertains to inmates who have been in a state of physical or mental weakness for an extended period due to age or illness.
Infirmed Inmates
It is the generic term used to refer to a detainee or prisoner.
This pertains to prisoners who experience some form of disability, whether it be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, development, or a combination of these.
Inmates with Disability
A term that pertains to those inmates who are foreign nationals.
Inmates with Other Nationalities
A device, contrivance, tool or instrument used to hold back, keep in, check or control inmates; e. g., handcuffs.
Instrument of Restraint
This is a facility where individuals from cities and municipalities are detained while awaiting trial or investigation, including fugitives from justice. It may also house individuals who are deemed mentally ill and dangerous to themselves or others, as certified by a medical officer, while awaiting transfer to a mental institution. Additionally, it can be a temporary holding area for individuals who are pending transfer to the National Penitentiary.
A trusty inmate is one who needs less monitoring compared to other inmates. Although they may be given specific duties, they do not have any extra benefits and cannot work alone or have any control over other inmates.
Jail Aide
Any unusual or undesirable actions, occurrences, or situations that take place inside a jail and are caused by any individual. These may include but are not limited to a jail break, disturbance, loud commotion, or attack on jail staff. Such incidents may or may not lead to severe consequences such as injuries, fires, floods, earthquakes, or other related disasters that can affect the safety and security of the detention center.
Jail Incident
Refers to the escape of more than two inmates using force, threats, violence, deceit, or by breaking through security barriers, such as climbing over the fence or digging a tunnel, or by destroying part or all of the facility, with or without the assistance of jail officers or other individuals.
This refers to an individual who holds responsibility for managing and overseeing the daily operations and administrative functions of a jail.
Jail Warden
This refers to items that are considered illegal on their own, without any other contributing factors, such as dangerous drugs, weapons, potential weapons, and explosives.
Illegal Contraband
A female inmate who is romantically or sexually attracted to other female inmates.
This pertains to inmates who have mental disorder and are demonstrating irrational behavior or instability in their mental state.
Mentally ill
A court-issued document with the court’s seal and judge’s signature that instructs the authorities of a jail or prison to admit an inmate for the purpose of serving their sentence.
Mittimus Order
This refers to a location or establishment that confines individuals who have received a sentence of up to six (6) months of imprisonment.
Municipal Jail
This pertains to items that are not necessarily illegal according to Philippine laws but are prohibited by the rules of the jail, such as cellphones, money, or other valuables, jewelry, electronics, excessive clothing or bedding, alcohol, cigarettes, pornographic materials, gambling equipment, and other items that may promote vices and jeopardize the safety, hygiene, and orderly conduct of the facility.
Nuisance Contraband
A person who is alleged to have violated the laws and regulations passed by authorized entities in the Philippines.
This pertains to all individuals in the BJMP uniformed service, but when pertaining to rank, “officer” specifically refers to those who hold the position of jail inspector or higher.
This field of criminology specializes in the management and administration of inmates within correctional facilities.
A female inmates who are carrying a developing embryo, fetus, or unborn offspring in their body.
Pregnant Inmates
An inmate who has been convicted through a final judgement. According to the Mandela Rules, they are now called Person Deprived of Liberty (PDL).
A facility that serves as a place of confinement for inmates who are sentenced to imprisonment ranging from six (6) months to three (3) years.
Provincial Jail
An official who is assigned to lead the BJMP jail administrator’s office and is responsible for overseeing the implementation of jail services in all district, city, and municipal jails within its territorial jurisdiction.
Provincial Jail Administrator
The act of improving an inmate’s behavior or correcting errors and abuses to make them a better citizen after serving their sentence.
The official designated to lead the BJMP Regional Office, responsible for overseeing the implementation of jail services and enforcing laws and regulations and their jurisdiction, which includes provincial jail administrator’s offices, district, city, and municipal jails.
Regional Director
An office that has administrative and operational control over provincial jail administrator’s offices, district, city, and municipal jails.
Regional Office
A program aimed at restoring an inmate’s sense of responsibility and self-respect towards the community to transform them into law-abiding citizens after their sentence.
The temporary custody of an individual for their protection and the protection of the community they come from.
Inmates who are 60 years old or older or those who have retired from work.
Senior Citizens Inmates
Inmates who have committed sex-related crimes, such as rape, molestation, pedophilia, sexual harassment, and pornography production or distribution.
Sex Offenders
Inmates who have a mental disorder characterized by an obsession with or preference for socially prohibited sexual practices, such as pedophilia, sadomasochism, or exhibitionism.
Sexual Deviates
Inmates who have a tendency to commit suicide or self-harm.
Suicidal Inmates
Inmates whose gender identity or expression those not match their biological sex.
The act of delivering inmates sentenced to more than three years in prison from any BJMP-manned jail to a Bureau of Corrections prison or penal farm, or transferring inmates from one BJMP-manned jail to another.
The individual in charge verifies the identity and authorization of the person escorting the inmate/committing officer by reviewing their credentials. Furthermore, before granting access to the facility, the completeness of the necessary documents is also reviewed by the individual in charge.
Reviews the required documents for commitment ( Commitment Order, Booking Sheet, Arrest Report, and information ) to ensure their completeness and authenticity before referring the inmate for a physical examination by the Health Unit.
Records Unit
Verifies the accuracy of the information provided in the medical certificate and conducts a comprehensive physical examination of the inmate to determine their actual physical condition. The Health Unit also asks probing questions to identify any injuries that were not diagnosed before being committed to jail. During the medical examination, the inmate is instructed to undress.
Health Unit
The officer conducts a thorough inspection of the inmate’s belongings to detect any prohibited items. Any contraband discovered will be dealt with in accordance with existing guidelines.
Property Custodian
The officer collects all cash and personal belongings of the inmate, and records them on a receipt form. Both the inmate and the officer must sign the duplicate copy, and the original receipt is handed to the inmate while the duplicate is kept by the Property Custodian.
Property Custodian
The officer secures all the cash and valuable items in a safe vault, and allows authorized individuals to claim them on behalf of the inmate. The officer then directs the inmate to desk officer.
Property Custodian
The officer secures all the cash and valuable items in a safe vault, and allows authorized individuals to claim them on behalf of the inmate. The officer then directs the inmate to desk officer.
Property Custodian
Is responsible for documenting the new inmate’s information in the jail blotter and assigning them to a reception area, if available. The reception area is where the inmate will receive an orientation on the jail’s rules and regulations, undergo risk assessment and classification, evaluation, and undergo further medical evaluation and screening by the Medical Officer.
Desk Officer
Is responsible for providing the newly committed inmates with an orientation an jail rules and regulations, which includes the use of the Inmate’s Orientation Sheet.
Assistant Warden or Officer of the Day
Is tasked with coordinating with relevant agencies to ensure a speedy disposition of the inmate’s case and providing copies of necessary documents. The Warden is responsible for informing all concerned parties of the inmate’s commitment to the jail through a written report. The Warden’s paralegal officer is responsible for ensuring that the courts and prosecutors’ office attend to the case of the inmate by maintaining constant coordination with them, and sharing non-confidential information with concerned agencies is encouraged for this purpose.
Jail Warden
Is tasked with coordinating with relevant agencies to ensure a speedy disposition of the inmate’s case and providing copies of necessary documents. The Warden is responsible for informing all concerned parties of the inmate’s commitment to the jail through a written report. The Warden’s paralegal officer is responsible for ensuring that the courts and prosecutors’ office attend to the case of the inmate by maintaining constant coordination with them, and sharing non-confidential information with concerned agencies is encouraged for this purpose.
Jail Warden
Is tasked with coordinating with relevant agencies to ensure a speedy disposition of the inmate’s case and providing copies of necessary documents. The Warden is responsible for informing all concerned parties of the inmate’s commitment to the jail through a written report. The Warden’s paralegal officer is responsible for ensuring that the courts and prosecutors’ office attend to the case of the inmate by maintaining constant coordination with them, and sharing non-confidential information with concerned agencies is encouraged for this purpose.
Jail Warden
The second highest position in the BJMP is the second officer in command, who holds the title of chief Superintendent.
Deputy Chief for Administration
The third highest position in the BJMP is the third officer in command, with the title of Chief Superintendent.
Deputy Chief for Operations
Conduct a background investigation of inmates, which includes determining their cell assignment, appropriate rehabilitative program, type of supervision, and degree of custody and restrictions.
Classification Board
Composition of the Classification Board
Chairperson- Assistant Warden
Member- Chief, Custodial/Security Office
Member- Medical Officer/Public Health Officer
Member- Jail Chaplain
Member- Inmates Welfare and Development Officer (Section 22, BJMP Manual).
Administrative strategy that entails offering a range of adaptable physical structures to better control and manage the treatment programs for its varied population.
Refers to a technique for analyzing the individual case of a prisoner and coordinating the development and implementation of treatment programs.
Under investigation, waiting for preminilary Hearing.
Lock-up Jail
Waiting for Final Judgement, short sentences 3 years.
Ordinary Jails
Waiting for Final Judgement, short sentences 3 years.
Ordinary Jails
Constructive work program.
Work Houses
Inmates population cater 100 above
Type A
Inmates population cater 90 above.
Tybe B
Inmates population cater 20 below.
Type C
The highest-ranking position in the BJMP, who holds the rank of Director and serves a maximum of four years unless extended by the president during national emergencies or times of war. Must appointed by the President based on the DILG secretary’s recommendation and must hold the rank of at least Senior Superintendent in the BJMP.
Chief of the BJMP or Chief of the Jail Bureau
The position officer in command is the fourth highest rank in the BJMP as specified by R. A 9263.
The chief of the Directorial Staff
Strong sense of dedication to the ideals of the organization and to the public that it serves.
After completing the registration process, the inmate will be placed at the Inmate Classification or Counseling Unit (ICCU) if available in the jail. The ICCU will serve as the temporary housing of the inmate for at least thirty (30) days but no more than sixty (60) days while the classification process is ongoing. During this period, the inmate will be evaluated by various healthcare professionals.
Admission of Inmate
The newly committed inmate will undergo a comprehensive physical examination by the jail medical officer or the designated nurse of the Health Unit. This examination will include documenting bodily marks, scars, tattoos, and lesions based on the medical certificate presented by the committing officer. The medical officer or nurse must ensure that their findings match the medical certificate. If there are any discrepancies, they must be reported to the CHR for further investigation. The results of the examination will be recorded and signed by the physician or nurse who conducted it. Medical concerns will be addressed as necessary.
Medical Examination
The dentist assigned in the jail will conduct a comprehensive dental check-up and document the results. The dentist’s signature will be affixed on the record. Urgent dental concerns will be given prompt attention.
Dental Examination
The responsible jail psychologist will perform a psychological evaluation to determine the psychological condition of the inmate during examination. The outcomes will be noted in the psychologist logbook or the health assessment card/HAS and will include the signature of the psychologist who performed the assessment.
Psychological Examination
The social worker assigned to the jail’s Inmate Classification and Counseling Unit (ICCU) will conduct a comprehensive interview with the newly admitted inmate, taking into account the inmate’s personal history from birth up to the present, including familial, educational, social, vocational, and other factors that may have influenced the inmate’s personality. The results of the interview will be recorded and signed by the social worker who conducted the assessment. In jails without an ICCU, the interview will be conducted by the designated social worker upon the order of the court or as requested by the medical officer, psychiatrist, or jail warden for specific purposes.
Social Case Study
To ensure proper classification and segregation of inmates. A tool will be employed to evaluate the level of violence or risk that an inmate may pose, whether externally or internally. This assessment will aid in the creation of tailored rehabilitation plans for each inmate.
Risk Assessment
The psychiatrist conduct a psychiatric evaluation of the inmate based on the results of the psychological examination, social case study, and risk assessment. This evaluation aims to diagnose any existing psychiatric illness and determine the inmate’s present mental state to provide appropriate treatment. The recorded result shall bear the signature of the evaluating psychiatrist.
Psychiatric Evaluation
The jail will assign a case manager, who may be a psychologist, social worker, or nurse, to every inmate. The case manager will be responsible for consolidating all the assessment results and making decisions on the inmate’s classification and identification of appropriate development programs.
Case Management
During the assessment process, the inmate shall receive an orientation on the essential regulations and guidelines of the jail. They will be introduced to various development programs that can aid in their personal growth. Additionally, newly admitted inmates shall undergo counseling sessions to learn better coping skills that can help them avoid psychological instability during the initial stages of incarceration.
Inmate Orientation and Counseling
The newly committed inmate will be classified according to their risk level, physical, mental, and emotional state using various assessment tools.
Inmate Evaluation and Classification
After the completion of all assessments, the inmate’s case manager will gather and integrate all the findings. The final evaluation will then be used to assign the inmate to the most suitable cell for their personal growth and welfare. Participation in the suggested development programs is highly recommended for the newly admitted inmate.
Proper Cell Assignment and Development Plans
Once the inmate is moved to the designated cell and starts participating in the suggested development programs, the case manager will regularly check, modify, and improve the inmate’s development plan/s depending on his or her progress in behavior.
Shall be organized and maintained for the purpose of hearing disciplinary cases involving any inmate who violates jail rules and regulations.
Disciplinary Board
Composition of Disciplinary Board
Chairperson: Assistant Warden
Member: Chief, Custodial/Security Office
Member: Medical Officer/Public Health Officer
Member: Jail Chaplain
Member: Inmates Welfare and Development Officer
Member: Inmate’s Representative
Those who require increased security based on intense media coverage or public concern as a result of their offense such as but not limited to those who have been involved on a highly controversial or sensationalized crime or those who became prominent for being a politician, government official, multi-million entrepreneur, religious or cause-oriented group leader and movie or television personality.
High Profile Inmate
Those who are considered highly dangerous and who require a greater degree of security, control and supervision because of their deemed capability of escape, of being rescued, and their ability to launch or spearhead cuts of violence inside the jail. This includes those charged with heinous crimes such as murder, kidnapping for ransom, economic sabotage, syndicated or organized crime, etc. Also included are Inmates with military or police trainings or those whose life is in danger or under imminent threat.
High Risk Inmate
A target, either a resource or a person, who may either be an enemy combatant, high ranking official or a civilian in danger of capture or death, typically in possession of critical intelligence data, or authority marked as an objective for a mission and which a commander requires for the successful completion of the same.
High Value Target (HVT)
Any formal of informal ongoing inmates group, gang, organization or association consisting of three or more members falling into one of the following basic categories: street gangs, prison gangs, outlaw gangs, traditional organized crime, aborginal gangs, subversive groups and terrorist organizations.
Security Threat Group
A group of persons that adopt or advocates subversive principles or policies tending to overthrow or undermine an established government.
Subversive Group
A group of persons that commits any of the following: piracy and mutiny in the high seas or in the Philippine waters, rebellion or insurrection, coup d’etat, murder, kidnapping and serious illegal detention, crimes involving of laws on toxic substances and hazardous and nuclear waste control, violations of atomic, energy regulations, anti-piracy and anti-highway robbery, illegal and unlawful possession manufacture, dealing in acquisition or disposition of firearms, ammunitions or explosives.
Terrorist Group
A group of persons that commits any of the following: piracy and mutiny in the high seas or in the Philippine waters, rebellion or insurrection, coup d’etat, murder, kidnapping and serious illegal detention, crimes involving of laws on toxic substances and hazardous and nuclear waste control, violations of atomic, energy regulations, anti-piracy and anti-highway robbery, illegal and unlawful possession manufacture, dealing in acquisition or disposition of firearms, ammunitions or explosives.
Terrorist Group
A person whose political or religious ideologies are considered far outside the mainstream attitudes of the society or who violates common moral standards and who has adopted an increasingly extreme ideals and aspirations resorting to the employment of violence in the furthermore of his/her beliefs.
Violent Extremist Offender (VEO)
Those who represent a moderate risk to the public and staff. These inmates still require greater security, control and supervision as they might escape from and might commit violence inside the jail.
Medium Risk Inmates
Those inmates who have lesser tendencies to commit offenses and generally pose the least risk to public safety. In most cases, they may be first time offenders and are charged with light offenses.
Minimum Risk Inmates