Midterm Flashcards
Exercise vs Training program
-no plan but still provides many holistic beniftis
Training Program:
-Differes from exercise as it is comprehensive and progressive plan to develop many attributes and attain specific goals
Driving Principles
-Progressive overlaod
-diminishing returns
Applying Training load (stress) to adapt
Training is exploiting the adaptive ability of human body to improve upon one or more factors
* curve graph
Fundemental movment and performance
For programing think of same progression as child development: fundemental level, transitional level, functional level
-Push (squat, press, lunge)
-Pull (row, chin up, drag)
-Lift (hinge, pick up)
-Carry (loaded movement)
performance pyramid
Program design
exercise technique
strength and conditioning
movement fundementals
Muscle actions in resistance training
see flow chart
Traininf needs analyisis
-current status & abilties
-Availability & barriers
-Evaluation of the sport:
movement analysis, physiological analysis, competency in movement and skills
-Assessment of the athelete:
training history, current abilties and fitness, injury status
Training needs analysis ciricle
analysis–needs–> design–objectives–> develop–creation–> delivery–instruction–> evaluate–measure–>
Warm up acronym
M- mobilize
purpose of warmup
-Prepare athelte physically and mentally for the task/event
-physiological responses that potentially increase performance
-temperature related effects
-Non-temperature-realted effects: increased blood flow to muscles, elevation of baseline O2 consumption, postactivation potentiation
Links to benifits of warmups
-muscle contraciton and relaxation
-enhanced nerual function: rate of force development, increased speed and force mucsle contractions, decreased reaction time
-O2 has less affinity for hemoglobin so increased CO2 exchange
-increased msucle pliability
-vasodialation decreases viscisity of tissue, improve joint ROM
-rehearse motor patterns, work on coordination and proprioception
-psychological increases
considerations when designing a warmup
-number of atheltes and space
-time and duration
-prupos- waht are we warming up for?
-weather and sruface
-injuries/fitness level
* needs to be adaptabler
Componenets of a Warmup: PRE warmup
-Inhibit/quiet down overactive msucles (ie anterior chain after sitting all day)
-5-8 sites, 30 sec per side
-foam roll/trigger point
-common areas related to posture- think front of body
Componenets of a Warmup: Raise
Multi-directional movement
-raising central responses
-Increase HR, blood flow, msucle temp and respiration
-3-5 mins
-can use games of low organization (esp if with team)
-individaul: hurdles, ladder, skipping or track based machnanics
-keep it frech (individuality and specific to needs)
Componenets of a Warmup: Activate
Turn things on
-SImilar to movmeents in sport/event
-5mins (5-6 movements- ~2 each joint)
-increasing intensity (iso–>dynamic)
-dynamic vs ground based mobility
-maintain psoutre and ensure technique
Consider taht is beig targeted during the session
Activate: engage muscle in preperation for session
Componenets of a Warmup: Mobilize
dynamic stretch- provides pliability and mobility to muscles around joints
-similar to movements in sport/event
-5 mins (5-6 movements)
-increasing intensity
-dynamic vs groiund based mobility
-maintain psoture and ensure technique
mobilize: move joint through a full ROM while keeping patterns close to movement used during game
Componenets of a Warmup: Potentiate
-High intensity
-short duration (2x 5-15s) and reactionaty
-2-3 drills
-eg cone drills, jumping/bouncing/sprinting, agility patterns, reactionary patterns, ladders
Why do we recover
-normalizations of metabolic functions
-normalization of homeostatic equlibrium
-replenishment of engery resources (nutrition)
-reconstructive functions
Types of recovery:
Active and passive
Active recovery
-includes an appropriate cool-dwon and plexibility (getting body back to rest)
-program combined with adequate nutriton
ie stretching, walking
passive recovery
includes hydrotherapy and massage, both
sleep is most important form of passive recovery
which provides a degree of psychological recovery
Long term considerations of recovery
nutriton, daily life balance, sleep, hydration, social (alcohol and recreational drugs)- tided to inhited recovery
-most importatn recovery tool (8-10hrs/night)
-allows for physical repair and growth
-Improes performance
-decreased reaction time: 10x slover
decreased performance: 10 and 40 yrd sprint times slower
Decreased emptional stability, increased anxiety, confusion and fatigue
habits for better sleep
-30-60 min nap b/w 1-4 pm
-Go to bed and wakeup within a 30 min window
What goes into a program
-needs analysis
-training focus/frequency
-exercise selection
-exercise order
-training load and repetions
-rest periods
Componenets of a needs analysis
-sport background
-time-motion analysis/kinetic analysis
*** evidence based research
sport analysis
-What is the sport (level of competion, team vs individual, position)
-Competion schedule (longer season- less time to train)
-feild of play (size, surface, indoor/outdoor)
-sport cultre/ routines
Athlete analysis
-Body composition (height, weight)
-competiton level
-training age
-injury history (rate, common injury types, mchanism- contact or no contact, type, time)