Midterm Flashcards
Upper class; more elitist, aristocratic; centralized authority; fewer elections, longer terms; compact between people and government
Federalist Group
Middle class; more populist, democratic; decentralized authority; more elections with shorter terms; compact between states
Anti- Federalist Group
No. 2 Federalist Paper
A stronger, centralized government needed; existing unity and common interests
No. 10 Federalist Paper
to deal with factions; can only control side effects; tyranny of the majority; wise men we can trust and to take away majority’s power
a group of people that are joined by an interest that isn’t of interest of the nation at large
Boucher’s thesis
when christians are disobedient to human ordinances, they are also disobedient to God
Locke’s second treatise of government
Government’s power does not extend beyond furthering the “common good”
Boyd’s argument
Government is coercive and under Satan’s power
Grudem’s argument
Boyd isn’t taking whole Bible into account; fails to distinguish the task of evangelism and civil government
Federalist No. 51
Emphasizes the value of separation of powers and checks and balances to make abusing government harder
Anti-Federalist No. 2
Emphasizes the lack of Bill of Rights in the Constitution
Anti-Federalist No. 3
Emphasizes the diversity and differences among states as a basis for not choosing to form a strong national government
Anti-Federalist No. 9
Emphasizes the dangers of representative government; too disconnected from the people.
What is a constitutional republic?
A nation governed by the rule of the law represented in a democratically elected bicameral legislature
What does the separation of powers mean?
3 branches with checks and balances
What is the Bill of Rights?
1st 10 Amendments; protects individual rights and liberties
What are the two chambers of the bicameral legislative branch?
House of Representatives and Senate
How are senators elected?
Originally chosen by state legislatures, 17th amendment changed it to popular vote
What are the differences in the House and Senate?
Terms, duties, representation, age requirements, cultures
Federalist 57
House should be most responsive to the people (mouthpiece)
Federalist 63
The Senate has greater stability b/c of the longer terms, greater experience, and lengthier deliberations
Where do bills come from?
Where does a bill go first?
To a standing committee
What is a standing committee?
A committee that discusses a specific topic, most congress work happens here; most bills die here